Feature: Flushing output In order to test processes that output a lot of data As a developer using Aruba I want to make sure that large amounts of output aren't buffered Scenario: A little output When I run `ruby -e 'puts :a.to_s * 256'` Then the output should contain "a" And the output should be 256 bytes long And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Tons of output When I run `ruby -e 'puts :a.to_s * 65536'` Then the output should contain "a" And the output should be 65536 bytes long And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Tons of interactive output When I run `ruby -e 'len = gets.chomp; puts :a.to_s * len.to_i'` interactively And I type "65536" Then the output should contain "a" And the output should be 65536 bytes long # And the exit status should be 0