o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry	:@compressedF:@created_atf1327292622.6541491�ݔ:@value"�{"content_type"application/javascript"
mtime"2012-01-23T15:23:26+11:00"digest"%e6ead66c83fcba442077044eab9c67d9"	path"f/Users/tom/Development/Percolate/edifice-forms/app/assets/javascripts/edifice-forms/rails_form.js"digest"%60976f00a5785cbfdceaf3ad3a0c4f43"required_paths["f/Users/tom/Development/Percolate/edifice-forms/app/assets/javascripts/edifice-forms/rails_form.js"
pathname"f/Users/tom/Development/Percolate/edifice-forms/app/assets/javascripts/edifice-forms/rails_form.js"logical_path" edifice-forms/rails_form.js"lengthi"source"/**
 * A small jQuery plugin to add 'rails-aware' form functionality.
 * Basically, this understands the 'standard' rails way of structuring forms
 * and makes some functions available to manipulate that.

(function($) {
$.fn.rails_form = function(method) {
  if (methods[method]) {
    return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
  } else {
    $.error('Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on rails_form');

// in these 'this' is the $form
var methods = {
  fields: function() {
    return this.find('input:not([type=hidden]):not([type=submit]), textarea, select');
  field: function(name_or_field) {
    if (name_or_field instanceof $) {
      return name_or_field;
    } else {
      return this.rails_form('fields').filter('[name*=' + $.escape(name_or_field) + ']');
  error_fields: function() {
    var $form = this;
    return this.rails_form('fields').filter(function() {
      return $form.rails_form('has_error', $(this));
  submits: function() {
    return this.find('input[type=submit], button[type=submit]');
  label_for: function(name_or_field) {
    var $field = this.rails_form('field', name_or_field);
    return this.find('label[for=' + $field.attr('id') + ']');
  error_on: function(name_or_field) {
    return this.rails_form('label_for', name_or_field).parents('.field_with_errors').next('.formError');
  has_error: function(name_or_field) {
    var $field = this.rails_form('field', name_or_field);
    return $field.parent('.field_with_errors').length > 0;
  clear_errors: function() {
    var $form = this;
    this.rails_form('fields').each(function() {
      $form.rails_form('clear_error', $(this));
    // clear base errors too
  clear_error: function(name_or_field) {
    var $field = this.rails_form('field', name_or_field);
    var id = $field.attr('id');
    if (this.rails_form('has_error', $field)) { $field.unwrap() }
    this.find('.field_with_errors label[for=' + id + ']')
    // remove from a .errors ul
    this.find('.errors [data-for=' + id + ']').remove();
    return this;
  // display standard errors as returned by JSON
  set_errors: function(errors) {
    for (var name in errors) {
      for (var i in errors[name]) {
        this.rails_form('add_error', name, errors[name][i]);
    return this;
  add_error: function(name_or_field, error) {
    var $field = this.rails_form('field', name_or_field);
    $field.filter('.field_with_errors > *').unwrap();
    $field.wrap('<div class="field_with_errors">');
    // if there is a field, and it has a label, show the error after it
    if ($field.length) {
      var id = $field.attr('id');
      var $label = this.rails_form('label_for', $field);
      var $error = $label.parent().next('.formError');
      if ($error.length) {
        $error.text(function(i, text) {
          return text + ', ' + error;
      } else {
        $label.after('<div class="formError">' + error + '</div>')
          .wrap('<div class="field_with_errors">');
    // if there is an .errors list, show the error there
    var $errors = this.find('ul.errors');
    if ($errors.length) {
      // turns bindle[0][name] -> name etc
      var name = $field.attr('name').replace(/^.*\[(.*)\]$/, '$1');
      var message = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1).replace('_', ' ') + 
        ' ' + error;
      var $li = $('<li>' + message + '</li>');
      if ($field.length) {
        $li.attr('data-for', $field.attr('id'));
    return this;
