3.0 radiance_measure 1e3cfef8-b051-4e60-8bb0-ed2d29d4f45f f36ece44-1289-4ab1-b302-c6195358a744 20230602T160042Z 381B7733 RadianceMeasure Radiance Daylighting Measure This measure uses Radiance instead of EnergyPlus for daylighting calculations with OpenStudio. The OpenStudio model is converted to Radiance format. All spaces containing daylighting objects (illuminance map, daylighting control point, and optionally glare sensors) will have annual illuminance calculated using Radiance, and the OS model's lighting schedules can be overwritten with those based on daylight responsive lighting controls. apply_schedules Apply schedules Update lighting load schedules for Radiance-daylighting control response Boolean true false true true true false false use_cores Cores Number of CPU cores to use for Radiance jobs. Default is to use all but one core, NOTE: this option is ignored on Windows. Choice true false Default Default Default Min Min Max Max rad_settings Radiance Settings The measure gets the Radiance simulation parameters from the "Model" by default. "High" will force high-quality simulation paramaters, and "Testing" uses very crude parameters for a fast simulation but produces very inaccurate results. Choice true false Model Model Model Testing Testing High High debug_mode Debug Mode Generate additional log messages, images for each window group, and save all window group output. Boolean false false false true true false false cleanup_data Cleanup Data Delete Radiance input and (most) output data, post-simulation (lighting schedules are passed to OpenStudio model (and daylight metrics are passed to OpenStudio-server, if applicable) Boolean false false false true true false false Electric Lighting.Electric Lighting Controls Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Software Tool Analysis Spreadsheet string USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw epw test BDF687C1 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme C5ADB835 out.txt txt test 4255EB94 measure_test_model.osm osm test 909929E9 LICENSE.md md license BFFB1AA6 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script CF08A064 radiance_measure_test.rb rb test B908287F