module Minjs # # 12 # module Statement # # check next literal is ';' or '}' or LT # def semicolon(lex, context) lex.eval_lit{ a = lex.fwd_lit(:nolt => true) if a == ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON a elsif a == ECMA262::PUNC_RCURLYBRAC lex.rewind_pos a elsif a == ECMA262::LIT_LINE_FEED a elsif a.nil? ECMA262::LIT_LINE_FEED elsif a else nil end } end #12 def statement(lex, context) [:block, :var_statement, :if_statement, :iteration_statement, :continue_statement, :break_statement, :return_statement, :with_statement, :labelled_statement, :switch_statement, :throw_statement, :try_statement, :debugger_statement, :exp_statement, # # function declaration in statement(block) is not permitted by ECMA262. # however, almost all implementation permit it. # :func_declaration, :empty_statement, ].each do |f| t = lex.eval_lit { __send__(f, lex, context) } return t if t end nil end # #12.1 # block def block(lex, context) pos0 = lex.pos return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LCURLYBRAC) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RCURLYBRAC) return[])) end lex.eval_lit { if s = statement_list(lex, context) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RCURLYBRAC) else raise'no "}" end of block', lex) end } end def statement_list(lex, context) lex.eval_lit { t = [] while !lex.eof? if s = statement(lex, context) t.push(s) else break end end } end # #12.2 # variable_statement # def var_statement(lex, context) raise 'internal error' if context.nil? return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_VAR) lex.eval_lit { if vl = var_decl_list(lex, context, {}) and semicolon(lex, context) #10.5 vl.each do |v| dn = v[0] context.var_env.record.create_mutable_binding(dn, nil) context.var_env.record.set_mutable_binding(dn, :undefined, nil) context.lex_env.record.create_mutable_binding(dn, nil) context.lex_env.record.set_mutable_binding(dn, :undefined, nil) end, vl) else raise"var_statement", lex) end } end def var_decl_list(lex, context, options) lex.eval_lit { a = var_decl(lex, context, options) next nil if !a if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_COMMA) and b = var_decl_list(lex, context, options) next [a] + b else next [a] end } end def var_decl(lex, context, options) lex.eval_lit { a = identifier(lex, context) if !a raise"bad identifier"); else b = initialiser(lex, context, options) [a, b] end } end def initialiser(lex, context, options) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LET) and a = assignment_exp(lex, context, options) return a end nil end # #12.3 # def empty_statement(lex, context) lex.eval_lit{ a = lex.fwd_lit if a == ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON else nil end }# || lex.eval_lit { # a = lex.fwd_lit(:nolt => true) # if a == ECMA262::LIT_LINE_FEED # # elsif # # else # nil # end # } end # #12.4 # def exp_statement(lex, context) return false if lex.next_lit == ECMA262::PUNC_LCURLYBRAC return false if lex.next_lit == ECMA262::ID_FUNCTION lex.eval_lit{ if a=exp(lex, context, {}) and semicolon(lex, context) else if a raise"no semicolon at end of expression statement", lex) else nil end end } end # #12.5 # def if_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_IF) lex.eval_lit { unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and cond=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context) raise"bad statement", lex) end if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_ELSE) and e=statement(lex, context), s, e) else, s, nil) end } end # # 12.6 # def iteration_statement(lex, context) for_statement(lex, context) or while_statement(lex, context) or do_while_statement(lex, context) end def while_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_WHILE) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context), s) else raise"while_statement", lex) end end def do_while_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_DO) if s=statement(lex, context) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_WHILE) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and semicolon(lex, context), s) else raise"do_while_statement", lex) end end def for_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_FOR) lex.eval_lit{ # for(var i in a) next nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_VAR) and v=var_decl(lex, context, :no_in => true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_IN) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context) #10.5 context.var_env.record.create_mutable_binding(v[0], nil) context.var_env.record.set_mutable_binding(v[0], :undefined, nil) context.lex_env.record.create_mutable_binding(v[0], nil) context.lex_env.record.set_mutable_binding(v[0], :undefined, nil), v, e, s) else nil end } or lex.eval_lit { # for(var i ; cond ; exp) next nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_VAR) and vl=var_decl_list(lex, context, :no_in =>true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON) and (e=exp(lex, context, {})||true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON) and (e2=exp(lex, context, {})||true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context) e = nil if e == true e2 = nil if e2 == true #10.5 vl.each do |v| dn = v[0] context.var_env.record.create_mutable_binding(dn, nil) context.var_env.record.set_mutable_binding(dn, :undefined, nil) context.lex_env.record.create_mutable_binding(dn, nil) context.lex_env.record.set_mutable_binding(dn, :undefined, nil) end, vl, e, e2, s) else nil end } or lex.eval_lit{ # for(i in exp) next nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) if v=left_hand_side_exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_IN) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context), e, s) else nil end } or lex.eval_lit{ # for(i ; cond; exp) next nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) if (v=exp(lex, context, :no_in => true) || true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON) and (e=exp(lex, context, {}) || true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_SEMICOLON) and (e2=exp(lex, context, {})||true) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context) v = nil if v == true e = nil if e == true e2 = nil if e2 == true, e, e2, s) else nil end } end # # 12.7 # def continue_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_CONTINUE) lex.eval_lit { if semicolon(lex, context) elsif e=identifier(lex, context) and semicolon(lex, context) else if e raise"no semicolon at end of continue statement", lex) else raise"bad continue statement", lex) end end } end # # 12.8 # def break_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_BREAK) lex.eval_lit { if semicolon(lex, context) elsif e=identifier(lex, context) and semicolon(lex, context) else if e raise"no semicolon at end of break statement", lex) else raise"bad break statement", lex) end end } end # # 12.9 # def return_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_RETURN) lex.eval_lit { if semicolon(lex, context) elsif e=exp(lex, context, {}) and semicolon(lex, context) else nil end } end # # 12.10 # def with_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_WITH) lex.eval_lit { if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and s=statement(lex, context), s) else raise"switch_statement", lex) end } end # # 12.11 # def switch_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_SWITCH) lex.eval_lit { if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and c = case_block(lex, context), c) else raise"switch_statement", lex) end } end def case_block(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LCURLYBRAC) _case_block = [] while true t = lex.eval_lit{ break unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_CASE) and e=exp(lex, context, {}) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_COLON) sl = statement_list(lex, context) [e, sl] } || lex.eval_lit{ break unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_DEFAULT) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_COLON) sl = statement_list(lex, context) [nil, sl] } break if t.nil? _case_block.push(t) end return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RCURLYBRAC) _case_block end # # 12.12 # def labelled_statement(lex, context) lex.eval_lit { if i=identifier(lex, context) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_COLON) and s=statement(lex, context), s) else nil end } end # # 12.13 # def throw_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_THROW) lex.eval_lit{ if semicolon(lex, context) raise"no line terminator here", lex) elsif e=exp(lex, context, {}) and semi = semicolon(lex, context) else if e raise"no semicolon at end of throw statement", lex) else raise"bad throw statement", lex) end end } end # # 12.14 # def try_statement(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_TRY) lex.eval_lit { catch_context = # # catch context must be executable lexical environment # catch_env = context.var_env.new_declarative_env() catch_context.lex_env = catch_env catch_context.var_env = context.var_env t = block(lex, context) break nil unless t lex.eval_lit{ c = try_catch(lex, catch_context) break nil unless c f = try_finally(lex, context), t, c, f) } || lex.eval_lit{ f = try_finally(lex, context) break nil unless f, t, nil, f) } } end def try_catch(lex, catch_context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_CATCH) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_LPARENTHESIS) and i=identifier(lex, catch_context) and lex.match_lit(ECMA262::PUNC_RPARENTHESIS) and b=block(lex, catch_context) catch_context.lex_env.record.create_mutable_binding(i, nil) catch_context.lex_env.record.set_mutable_binding(i, :undefined, nil, {:_parameter_list => true}) catch_context.var_env.record.create_mutable_binding(i, nil) catch_context.var_env.record.set_mutable_binding(i, :undefined, nil, {:_parameter_list => true}) catch_context.var_env.record.binding.each do|k, v| end [i, b] else nil end end def try_finally(lex, context) return nil unless lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_FINALLY) block(lex, context) end # # 12.15 # def debugger_statement(lex, context) if lex.match_lit(ECMA262::ID_DEBUGGER) and semicolon(lex, context) t = end end end end