# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" Tests for Layer2 of Amazon DynamoDB """ import unittest import time import uuid from decimal import Decimal from boto.dynamodb.exceptions import DynamoDBKeyNotFoundError from boto.dynamodb.exceptions import DynamoDBConditionalCheckFailedError from boto.dynamodb.layer2 import Layer2 from boto.dynamodb.types import get_dynamodb_type, Binary from boto.dynamodb.condition import BEGINS_WITH, CONTAINS, GT class DynamoDBLayer2Test (unittest.TestCase): dynamodb = True def setUp(self): self.dynamodb = Layer2() self.hash_key_name = 'forum_name' self.hash_key_proto_value = '' self.range_key_name = 'subject' self.range_key_proto_value = '' self.table_name = 'sample_data_%s' % int(time.time()) def create_sample_table(self): schema = self.dynamodb.create_schema( self.hash_key_name, self.hash_key_proto_value, self.range_key_name, self.range_key_proto_value) table = self.create_table(self.table_name, schema, 5, 5) table.refresh(wait_for_active=True) return table def create_table(self, table_name, schema, read_units, write_units): result = self.dynamodb.create_table(table_name, schema, read_units, write_units) self.addCleanup(self.dynamodb.delete_table, result) return result def test_layer2_basic(self): print '--- running Amazon DynamoDB Layer2 tests ---' c = self.dynamodb # First create a schema for the table schema = c.create_schema(self.hash_key_name, self.hash_key_proto_value, self.range_key_name, self.range_key_proto_value) # Create another schema without a range key schema2 = c.create_schema('post_id', '') # Now create a table index = int(time.time()) table_name = 'test-%d' % index read_units = 5 write_units = 5 table = self.create_table(table_name, schema, read_units, write_units) assert table.name == table_name assert table.schema.hash_key_name == self.hash_key_name assert table.schema.hash_key_type == get_dynamodb_type(self.hash_key_proto_value) assert table.schema.range_key_name == self.range_key_name assert table.schema.range_key_type == get_dynamodb_type(self.range_key_proto_value) assert table.read_units == read_units assert table.write_units == write_units assert table.item_count == 0 assert table.size_bytes == 0 # Create the second table table2_name = 'test-%d' % (index + 1) table2 = self.create_table(table2_name, schema2, read_units, write_units) # Wait for table to become active table.refresh(wait_for_active=True) table2.refresh(wait_for_active=True) # List tables and make sure new one is there table_names = c.list_tables() assert table_name in table_names assert table2_name in table_names # Update the tables ProvisionedThroughput new_read_units = 10 new_write_units = 5 table.update_throughput(new_read_units, new_write_units) # Wait for table to be updated table.refresh(wait_for_active=True) assert table.read_units == new_read_units assert table.write_units == new_write_units # Put an item item1_key = 'Amazon DynamoDB' item1_range = 'DynamoDB Thread 1' item1_attrs = { 'Message': 'DynamoDB thread 1 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'Public': True, 'Tags': set(['index', 'primarykey', 'table']), 'LastPostDateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM'} # Test a few corner cases with new_item # Try supplying a hash_key as an arg and as an item in attrs item1_attrs[self.hash_key_name] = 'foo' foobar_item = table.new_item(item1_key, item1_range, item1_attrs) assert foobar_item.hash_key == item1_key # Try supplying a range_key as an arg and as an item in attrs item1_attrs[self.range_key_name] = 'bar' foobar_item = table.new_item(item1_key, item1_range, item1_attrs) assert foobar_item.range_key == item1_range # Try supplying hash and range key in attrs dict foobar_item = table.new_item(attrs=item1_attrs) assert foobar_item.hash_key == 'foo' assert foobar_item.range_key == 'bar' del item1_attrs[self.hash_key_name] del item1_attrs[self.range_key_name] item1 = table.new_item(item1_key, item1_range, item1_attrs) # make sure the put() succeeds try: item1.put() except c.layer1.ResponseError, e: raise Exception("Item put failed: %s" % e) # Try to get an item that does not exist. self.assertRaises(DynamoDBKeyNotFoundError, table.get_item, 'bogus_key', item1_range) # Now do a consistent read and check results item1_copy = table.get_item(item1_key, item1_range, consistent_read=True) assert item1_copy.hash_key == item1.hash_key assert item1_copy.range_key == item1.range_key for attr_name in item1_copy: val = item1_copy[attr_name] if isinstance(val, (int, long, float, basestring)): assert val == item1[attr_name] # Try retrieving only select attributes attributes = ['Message', 'Views'] item1_small = table.get_item(item1_key, item1_range, attributes_to_get=attributes, consistent_read=True) for attr_name in item1_small: # The item will include the attributes we asked for as # well as the hashkey and rangekey, so filter those out. if attr_name not in (item1_small.hash_key_name, item1_small.range_key_name): assert attr_name in attributes self.assertTrue(table.has_item(item1_key, range_key=item1_range, consistent_read=True)) # Try to delete the item with the wrong Expected value expected = {'Views': 1} self.assertRaises(DynamoDBConditionalCheckFailedError, item1.delete, expected_value=expected) # Try to delete a value while expecting a non-existant attribute expected = {'FooBar': True} try: item1.delete(expected_value=expected) except c.layer1.ResponseError, e: pass # Now update the existing object item1.add_attribute('Replies', 2) removed_attr = 'Public' item1.delete_attribute(removed_attr) removed_tag = item1_attrs['Tags'].copy().pop() item1.delete_attribute('Tags', set([removed_tag])) replies_by_set = set(['Adam', 'Arnie']) item1.put_attribute('RepliesBy', replies_by_set) retvals = item1.save(return_values='ALL_OLD') # Need more tests here for variations on return_values assert 'Attributes' in retvals # Check for correct updates item1_updated = table.get_item(item1_key, item1_range, consistent_read=True) assert item1_updated['Replies'] == item1_attrs['Replies'] + 2 self.assertFalse(removed_attr in item1_updated) self.assertTrue(removed_tag not in item1_updated['Tags']) self.assertTrue('RepliesBy' in item1_updated) self.assertTrue(item1_updated['RepliesBy'] == replies_by_set) # Put a few more items into the table item2_key = 'Amazon DynamoDB' item2_range = 'DynamoDB Thread 2' item2_attrs = { 'Message': 'DynamoDB thread 2 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'Tags': set(["index", "primarykey", "table"]), 'LastPost2DateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM'} item2 = table.new_item(item2_key, item2_range, item2_attrs) item2.put() item3_key = 'Amazon S3' item3_range = 'S3 Thread 1' item3_attrs = { 'Message': 'S3 Thread 1 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'Tags': set(['largeobject', 'multipart upload']), 'LastPostDateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM' } item3 = table.new_item(item3_key, item3_range, item3_attrs) item3.put() # Put an item into the second table table2_item1_key = uuid.uuid4().hex table2_item1_attrs = { 'DateTimePosted': '25/1/2011 12:34:56 PM', 'Text': 'I think boto rocks and so does DynamoDB' } table2_item1 = table2.new_item(table2_item1_key, attrs=table2_item1_attrs) table2_item1.put() # Try a few queries items = table.query('Amazon DynamoDB', range_key_condition=BEGINS_WITH('DynamoDB')) n = 0 for item in items: n += 1 assert n == 2 assert items.consumed_units > 0 items = table.query('Amazon DynamoDB', range_key_condition=BEGINS_WITH('DynamoDB'), request_limit=1, max_results=1) n = 0 for item in items: n += 1 assert n == 1 assert items.consumed_units > 0 # Try a few scans items = table.scan() n = 0 for item in items: n += 1 assert n == 3 assert items.consumed_units > 0 items = table.scan(scan_filter={'Replies': GT(0)}) n = 0 for item in items: n += 1 assert n == 1 assert items.consumed_units > 0 # Test some integer and float attributes integer_value = 42 float_value = 345.678 item3['IntAttr'] = integer_value item3['FloatAttr'] = float_value # Test booleans item3['TrueBoolean'] = True item3['FalseBoolean'] = False # Test some set values integer_set = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) float_set = set([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]) mixed_set = set([1, 2, 3.3, 4, 5.555]) str_set = set(['foo', 'bar', 'fie', 'baz']) item3['IntSetAttr'] = integer_set item3['FloatSetAttr'] = float_set item3['MixedSetAttr'] = mixed_set item3['StrSetAttr'] = str_set item3.put() # Now do a consistent read item4 = table.get_item(item3_key, item3_range, consistent_read=True) assert item4['IntAttr'] == integer_value assert item4['FloatAttr'] == float_value assert bool(item4['TrueBoolean']) is True assert bool(item4['FalseBoolean']) is False # The values will not necessarily be in the same order as when # we wrote them to the DB. for i in item4['IntSetAttr']: assert i in integer_set for i in item4['FloatSetAttr']: assert i in float_set for i in item4['MixedSetAttr']: assert i in mixed_set for i in item4['StrSetAttr']: assert i in str_set # Try a batch get batch_list = c.new_batch_list() batch_list.add_batch(table, [(item2_key, item2_range), (item3_key, item3_range)]) response = batch_list.submit() assert len(response['Responses'][table.name]['Items']) == 2 # Try an empty batch get batch_list = c.new_batch_list() batch_list.add_batch(table, []) response = batch_list.submit() assert response == {} # Try a few batch write operations item4_key = 'Amazon S3' item4_range = 'S3 Thread 2' item4_attrs = { 'Message': 'S3 Thread 2 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'Tags': set(['largeobject', 'multipart upload']), 'LastPostDateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM' } item5_key = 'Amazon S3' item5_range = 'S3 Thread 3' item5_attrs = { 'Message': 'S3 Thread 3 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'Tags': set(['largeobject', 'multipart upload']), 'LastPostDateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM' } item4 = table.new_item(item4_key, item4_range, item4_attrs) item5 = table.new_item(item5_key, item5_range, item5_attrs) batch_list = c.new_batch_write_list() batch_list.add_batch(table, puts=[item4, item5]) response = batch_list.submit() # should really check for unprocessed items # Do some generator gymnastics results = table.scan(scan_filter={'Tags': CONTAINS('table')}) assert results.scanned_count == 5 results = table.scan(request_limit=2, max_results=5) assert results.count == 2 for item in results: if results.count == 2: assert results.remaining == 4 results.remaining -= 2 results.next_response() else: assert results.count == 4 assert results.remaining in (0, 1) assert results.count == 4 results = table.scan(request_limit=6, max_results=4) assert len(list(results)) == 4 assert results.count == 4 batch_list = c.new_batch_write_list() batch_list.add_batch(table, deletes=[(item4_key, item4_range), (item5_key, item5_range)]) response = batch_list.submit() # Try queries results = table.query('Amazon DynamoDB', range_key_condition=BEGINS_WITH('DynamoDB')) n = 0 for item in results: n += 1 assert n == 2 # Try to delete the item with the right Expected value expected = {'Views': 0} item1.delete(expected_value=expected) self.assertFalse(table.has_item(item1_key, range_key=item1_range, consistent_read=True)) # Now delete the remaining items ret_vals = item2.delete(return_values='ALL_OLD') # some additional checks here would be useful assert ret_vals['Attributes'][self.hash_key_name] == item2_key assert ret_vals['Attributes'][self.range_key_name] == item2_range item3.delete() table2_item1.delete() print '--- tests completed ---' def test_binary_attrs(self): c = self.dynamodb schema = c.create_schema(self.hash_key_name, self.hash_key_proto_value, self.range_key_name, self.range_key_proto_value) index = int(time.time()) table_name = 'test-%d' % index read_units = 5 write_units = 5 table = self.create_table(table_name, schema, read_units, write_units) table.refresh(wait_for_active=True) item1_key = 'Amazon S3' item1_range = 'S3 Thread 1' item1_attrs = { 'Message': 'S3 Thread 1 message text', 'LastPostedBy': 'User A', 'Views': 0, 'Replies': 0, 'Answered': 0, 'BinaryData': Binary('\x01\x02\x03\x04'), 'BinarySequence': set([Binary('\x01\x02'), Binary('\x03\x04')]), 'Tags': set(['largeobject', 'multipart upload']), 'LastPostDateTime': '12/9/2011 11:36:03 PM' } item1 = table.new_item(item1_key, item1_range, item1_attrs) item1.put() retrieved = table.get_item(item1_key, item1_range, consistent_read=True) self.assertEqual(retrieved['Message'], 'S3 Thread 1 message text') self.assertEqual(retrieved['Views'], 0) self.assertEqual(retrieved['Tags'], set(['largeobject', 'multipart upload'])) self.assertEqual(retrieved['BinaryData'], Binary('\x01\x02\x03\x04')) # Also comparable directly to bytes: self.assertEqual(retrieved['BinaryData'], bytes('\x01\x02\x03\x04')) self.assertEqual(retrieved['BinarySequence'], set([Binary('\x01\x02'), Binary('\x03\x04')])) def test_put_decimal_attrs(self): self.dynamodb.use_decimals() table = self.create_sample_table() item = table.new_item('foo', 'bar') item['decimalvalue'] = Decimal('1.12345678912345') item.put() retrieved = table.get_item('foo', 'bar') self.assertEqual(retrieved['decimalvalue'], Decimal('1.12345678912345')) def test_lossy_float_conversion(self): table = self.create_sample_table() item = table.new_item('foo', 'bar') item['floatvalue'] = 1.12345678912345 item.put() retrieved = table.get_item('foo', 'bar')['floatvalue'] # Notice how this is not equal to the original value. self.assertNotEqual(1.12345678912345, retrieved) # Instead, it's truncated: self.assertEqual(1.12345678912, retrieved) def test_large_integers(self): # It's not just floating point numbers, large integers # can trigger rouding issues. self.dynamodb.use_decimals() table = self.create_sample_table() item = table.new_item('foo', 'bar') item['decimalvalue'] = Decimal('129271300103398600') item.put() retrieved = table.get_item('foo', 'bar') self.assertEqual(retrieved['decimalvalue'], Decimal('129271300103398600')) # Also comparable directly to an int. self.assertEqual(retrieved['decimalvalue'], 129271300103398600)