require "dry/cli" require "tty-prompt" require "tty-table" require "itch_client" require "bigdecimal" require "pastel" module ItchRewards class CLI module AuthOptions def self.included(base) base.class_eval do option :username, desc: "Itch username", aliases: ["u"] option :password, desc: "Itch password", aliases: ["p"] option :cookie_path, desc: "Path to cookies file for future logins", default: ".itch-cookies.yml" option :cookies, desc: "Enable cookie storage", type: :boolean, default: true option :interactive, type: :boolean, desc: "Enable interactive prompts", default: true end end end module Helper def cli @cli ||= begin end end def color @pastel ||= end def authenticated_client(options) @authenticated_client ||= begin interactive = options[:interactive] username = options[:username] || -> { interactive ? cli.ask(" username:", required: true) : (cli.error("Username required but not provided"); exit 1) } password = options[:password] || -> { interactive ? cli.mask(" password:", required: true) : (cli.error("Password required but not provided"); exit 1) } totp = -> { interactive ? cli.mask("Enter your 2FA code", required: true) : (cli.error("Cannot enter totp code in non-interactive mode"); exit 1) } cookie_path = options[:cookies] ? options[:cookie_path] : nil client = username, password: password, cookie_path: cookie_path) client.totp = totp client.login && client rescue Itch::AuthError => e cli.error(e.message) nil end end def authenticated_client!(options) authenticated_client(options) || exit(1) end def objects_to_table(objects) objects = Array(objects) return nil if objects.none? if objects.first.is_a? Hash headers = objects.first.keys.sort data = {|v| v.values_at(*headers) } headers = else fields = objects.first.instance_variables.sort data = do |object| {|k| object.instance_variable_get(k) } end headers = {|f| f.to_s[1..].upcase } end, data) end def render_table(table) return "No data" unless table table.render(:unicode, multiline: true, padding: [0,1], resize: false, border: { style: :green }) end def show_rewards(game) cli.say "Rewards for #{} (id: #{})" table = objects_to_table(game.rewards.list) cli.say render_table(table) end end module Commands extend Dry::CLI::Registry class Version < Dry::CLI::Command include Helper desc "Print version" def call(*) cli.say "ItchRewards #{ItchRewards::VERSION} (ItchClient #{Itch::VERSION})" end end class Setup < Dry::CLI::Command include Helper include AuthOptions @options = @options.reject {|opt| [:cookies, :interactive].include? } def write_config(path, options) require 'erb' client = authenticated_client!(options) games = template =, 'templates/reward_config.yml.erb')) File.write(path,, trim_mode: '-').result(binding)) end desc "Save cookies for and create reward config example file" def call(**options) options[:cookies] ||= cli.ask("Where would you like to store your login cookies? ", default: ".itch-cookies.yml") options[:interactive] = true if authenticated_client(options) cli.say "Saved cookies to #{options[:cookie_path]}" else cli.say "Login failed, cookies not saved" end config_path = "itch-reward-config.yml" if !File.exist? config_path result = cli.yes?("Config file #{config_path} does not exist, would you like to create it?") if result write_config(config_path, options) cli.say "Config file written to #{config_path}" end else cli.warn "Config file #{config_path} already exists, skipping..." end end end module Games class List < Dry::CLI::Command include AuthOptions include Helper desc "List all games" def call(**options) client = authenticated_client!(options) table = objects_to_table( cli.say "Games" cli.say render_table(table) end end end module Rewards class List < Dry::CLI::Command include AuthOptions include Helper desc "List all rewards for a game" option :id, type: :string, desc: "Game ID" option :name, type: :string, desc: "Game name" example [ "--id 123456 # List rewards for game with ID 123456", "--name MyGame # List rewards for game with name MyGame" ] def call(**options) if options[:id].nil? && options[:name].nil? cli.error "Game ID or game name argument is required" exit 1 end client = authenticated_client!(options) game = options[:id] ?[:id]) : options[:name]) show_rewards(game) end end class Update < Dry::CLI::Command include AuthOptions include Helper desc "Update a reward" example [ "123456 78910 --quantity 5 # Set the reward count to 5 for reward ID 78910 in game ID 123456", "123456 78910 --price 5.00 --archived # Set reward price to 5.00 and archive it" ] argument :game_id, required: true, desc: "Game with the reward to edit" argument :reward_id, type: :integer, required: true, desc: "Reward ID to update" option :quantity, desc: "Reward quantity (total, including redeemed)" option :title, type: :string, desc: "Reward title" option :archived, type: :boolean, desc: "Reward archived status" option :description, type: :string, desc: "Reward description" option :price, type: :string, desc: "Reward price without currency (ex: 15.99)" def call(game_id:, reward_id:, **options) client = authenticated_client!(options) game = rewards = game.rewards reward_id = reward_id.to_i reward_list = rewards.list reward = reward_list.find {|reward| == reward_id } unless reward cli.error "Could not find reward with id: #{reward_id} for game #{} (#{})" exit 1 end unless options[:archived].nil? reward.archived = options[:archived] end %i(amount description price title).each do |field| if options[field] reward.public_send("#{field}=", options[field]) end end reward_list show_rewards(game) end end class Automate < Dry::CLI::Command include Helper include AuthOptions def load_config(path) YAML.load_file(path) rescue YAML::ParseError => e cli.error("Config file (#{path}) is not valid yaml") exit 1 end desc "Update reward quantity and description from configuration file" option :config, required: true, desc: "Path to config file", default: "itch-reward-config.yml" option :save, type: :boolean, desc: "Saves changes when enabled. Otherwise, dry-run and show result", default: false def call(**options) client = authenticated_client!(options) if !File.exist? options[:config] cli.error("Config file #{options[:config]} does not exist") exit 1 end config = load_config(options[:config]) unless config["games"].is_a? Hash cli.error("No games configured for rewards updates in config file") exit 1 end unless options[:save] cli.warn "Dry run, results will not be saved" end purchases_by_game = client.purchases.history.each.group_by {|row| row['object_name'] }.to_h config["games"].each do |name, data| name = name.chomp next unless data["reward_by_tip"] > 0 || data["reward_by_purchase"] > 0 || data["minimum_available"] > 0 game =["id"]) rewards = game.rewards.list reward = rewards.find {|r| == data["reward_id"]} unless reward cli.warn "Could not find reward #{data["reward_id"]} for game #{name}, skipping..." next end tip_modifier = data["reward_by_tip"].to_f purchase_modifier = data["reward_by_purchase"].to_f minimum = data["minimum_available"].to_i template = data["reward_description_template"] new_description = reward.description new_amount = Array(purchases_by_game[name]).inject(data["reward_offset"]) do |sum, purchase| price = purchase["product_price"].to_i tip = (purchase["tip"].to_f * 100).to_i next sum unless price > 0 sum += (tip.fdiv(price)) * tip_modifier sum += purchase_modifier sum end new_amount = [new_amount, reward.claimed + minimum].max if minimum > 0 if template && !template.empty? new_description = template.gsub(/{ *(quantity|remaining_percent|remaining_percent_integer) *}/, "{\\1}") .gsub(/{ *(quantity|remaining_percent|remaining_percent_integer) *}/, "{quantity}" => new_amount.floor, "{remaining_percent}" => ((new_amount % 1) * 100).floor(1), "{remaining_percent_integer}" => ((new_amount % 1) * 100).floor ) end if new_amount.to_i != reward.amount cli.say "Changing #{name} reward #{} quantity from #{} to #{color.yellow.bold(new_amount.to_i)}" end if new_description != reward.description cli.say "Changing #{name} reward #{} description to:\n#{color.yellow.bold(new_description)}" end if options[:save] reward.description = new_description reward.amount = new_amount.to_i rewards end end end end end register "version", Version, aliases: ["v", "-v", "--version"] register "setup", Setup register "list", Rewards::List register "list-games", Games::List register "update", Rewards::Update register "recalculate", Rewards::Automate end end class App < Dry::CLI def usage_prefix err.puts "Usage: #{} COMMAND [options]\n\n" end def usage_suffix err.puts "\nGlobal options:\n -h # Show help for command" end def usage(result) usage_prefix err.puts usage_suffix exit(1) end end end