'use strict'; import H from '../../parts/Globals.js'; import '../../parts/Utilities.js'; var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint, Tunnel = Annotation.types.tunnel; var createPathDGenerator = function (retracementIndex, isBackground) { return function () { var annotation = this.annotation, leftTop = this.anchor( annotation.startRetracements[retracementIndex] ).absolutePosition, rightTop = this.anchor( annotation.endRetracements[retracementIndex] ).absolutePosition, d = [ 'M', Math.round(leftTop.x), Math.round(leftTop.y), 'L', Math.round(rightTop.x), Math.round(rightTop.y) ], rightBottom, leftBottom; if (isBackground) { rightBottom = this.anchor( annotation.endRetracements[retracementIndex - 1] ).absolutePosition; leftBottom = this.anchor( annotation.startRetracements[retracementIndex - 1] ).absolutePosition; d.push( 'L', Math.round(rightBottom.x), Math.round(rightBottom.y), 'L', Math.round(leftBottom.x), Math.round(leftBottom.y) ); } return d; }; }; /** * @class * @extends Annotation.Tunnel * @memberOf Annotation **/ function Fibonacci() { this.startRetracements = []; this.endRetracements = []; Tunnel.apply(this, arguments); } Fibonacci.levels = [0, 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, 0.786, 1]; H.extendAnnotation(Fibonacci, Tunnel, /** @lends Annotation.Fibonacci# */ { linkPoints: function () { Tunnel.prototype.linkPoints.call(this); this.linkRetracementsPoints(); }, linkRetracementsPoints: function () { var points = this.points, startDiff = points[0].y - points[3].y, endDiff = points[1].y - points[2].y, startX = points[0].x, endX = points[1].x; Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (level, i) { var startRetracement = points[0].y - startDiff * level, endRetracement = points[1].y - endDiff * level; this.linkRetracementPoint( i, startX, startRetracement, this.startRetracements ); this.linkRetracementPoint( i, endX, endRetracement, this.endRetracements ); }, this); }, linkRetracementPoint: function ( pointIndex, x, y, retracements ) { var point = retracements[pointIndex], typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions; if (!point) { retracements[pointIndex] = new MockPoint( this.chart, this, { x: x, y: y, xAxis: typeOptions.xAxis, yAxis: typeOptions.yAxis } ); } else { point.options.x = x; point.options.y = y; point.refresh(); } }, addShapes: function () { Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (level, i) { this.initShape({ type: 'path', d: createPathDGenerator(i) }, false); if (i > 0) { this.initShape({ type: 'path', fill: this.options.typeOptions.backgroundColors[i - 1], strokeWidth: 0, d: createPathDGenerator(i, true) }); } }, this); }, addLabels: function () { Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (level, i) { var options = this.options.typeOptions, label = this.initLabel( H.merge(options.labels[i], { point: function (target) { var point = MockPoint.pointToOptions( target.annotation.startRetracements[i] ); return point; }, text: level.toString() }) ); options.labels[i] = label.options; }, this); } }, /** * A fibonacci annotation. * * @extends annotations.crookedLine * @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/fibonacci/ * Fibonacci * * @product highstock * @optionparent annotations.fibonacci */ { typeOptions: { /** * The height of the fibonacci in terms of yAxis. */ height: 2, /** * An array of background colors: * Default to: *
  'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
  'rgba(139, 191, 216, 0.4)',
  'rgba(150, 216, 192, 0.4)',
  'rgba(156, 229, 161, 0.4)',
  'rgba(162, 241, 130, 0.4)',
  'rgba(169, 255, 101, 0.4)'
*/ backgroundColors: [ 'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)', 'rgba(139, 191, 216, 0.4)', 'rgba(150, 216, 192, 0.4)', 'rgba(156, 229, 161, 0.4)', 'rgba(162, 241, 130, 0.4)', 'rgba(169, 255, 101, 0.4)' ], /** * The color of line. */ lineColor: 'grey', /** * An array of colors for the lines. */ lineColors: [], /** * An array with options for the labels. * * @type {Array} * @extends annotations.crookedLine.labelOptions * @apioption annotations.fibonacci.typeOptions.labels */ labels: [] }, labelOptions: { allowOverlap: true, align: 'right', backgroundColor: 'none', borderWidth: 0, crop: false, overflow: 'none', shape: 'rect', style: { color: 'grey' }, verticalAlign: 'middle', y: 0 } }); Annotation.types.fibonacci = Fibonacci; export default Fibonacci;