module Parliament module Grom module Decorator # Decorator namespace for Grom::Node instances with type: module ContactPoint # Alias contactPointHasPostalAddress with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] an array of the postal addresses for the Grom::Node or an empty array. def postal_addresses respond_to?(:contactPointHasPostalAddress) ? contactPointHasPostalAddress : [] end # Alias email with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the email of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def email instance_variable_get('@email'.to_sym).nil? ? '' : instance_variable_get('@email'.to_sym) end # Alias phoneNumber with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the phone number of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def phone_number respond_to?(:phoneNumber) ? phoneNumber : '' end # Alias faxNumber with fallback. # # @return [String, String] the fax number of the Grom::Node or an empty string. def fax_number respond_to?(:faxNumber) ? faxNumber : '' end # Alias contactPointHasPerson with fallback. # # @return [Array, Array] the person connected to the Grom::Node or an empty array. def person respond_to?(:contactPointHasPerson) ? contactPointHasPerson : [] end # Alias contactPointHasIncumbency with fallback. # # @return [Grom::Node, nil] the incumbency of the Grom::Node or nil. def incumbency respond_to?(:contactPointHasIncumbency) ? contactPointHasIncumbency.first : nil end end end end end