module SQL module Postgresql def supports_schema_transactions? true end def table(table_name), table_name) end def recreate_database execute "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS test CASCADE" execute "CREATE SCHEMA test" execute "SET search_path TO test" end def supports_serial? true end def property_schema_statement(schema) if supports_serial? && schema[:serial] statement = "#{schema[:quote_column_name]} serial PRIMARY KEY" else statement = super if schema.has_key?(:sequence_name) statement << " DEFAULT nextval('#{schema[:sequence_name]}') NOT NULL" end statement end statement end class Table < SQL::Table def initialize(adapter, table_name) @adapter, @name = adapter, table_name @columns = [] adapter.query_table(table_name).each do |col_struct| @columns << end query_column_constraints end def query_column_constraints @adapter.query( "SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name='#{@name}' AND table_schema=current_schema()" ).each do |table_constraint| @adapter.query( "SELECT * FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE constraint_name='#{table_constraint.constraint_name}' AND table_schema=current_schema()" ).each do |constrained_column| @columns.each do |column| if == constrained_column.column_name case table_constraint.constraint_type when "UNIQUE" then column.unique = true when "PRIMARY KEY" then column.primary_key = true end end end end end end end class Column < SQL::Column def initialize(col_struct) @name, @type, @default_value = col_struct.column_name, col_struct.data_type, col_struct.column_default @not_null = col_struct.is_nullable != "YES" end end end end