#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # myshuf() { perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e 'print shuffle(<>);' "$@"; } normalize_text() { tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e 's/^/__label__/g' | \ sed -e "s/'/ ' /g" -e 's/"//g' -e 's/\./ \. /g' -e 's/
/ /g' \ -e 's/,/ , /g' -e 's/(/ ( /g' -e 's/)/ ) /g' -e 's/\!/ \! /g' \ -e 's/\?/ \? /g' -e 's/\;/ /g' -e 's/\:/ /g' | tr -s " " | myshuf } RESULTDIR=result DATADIR=data mkdir -p "${RESULTDIR}" mkdir -p "${DATADIR}" if [ ! -f "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.train" ] then wget -c "https://github.com/le-scientifique/torchDatasets/raw/master/dbpedia_csv.tar.gz" -O "${DATADIR}/dbpedia_csv.tar.gz" tar -xzvf "${DATADIR}/dbpedia_csv.tar.gz" -C "${DATADIR}" cat "${DATADIR}/dbpedia_csv/train.csv" | normalize_text > "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.train" cat "${DATADIR}/dbpedia_csv/test.csv" | normalize_text > "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.test" fi make ./fasttext supervised -input "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.train" -output "${RESULTDIR}/dbpedia" -dim 10 -lr 0.1 -wordNgrams 2 -minCount 1 -bucket 10000000 -epoch 5 -thread 4 ./fasttext test "${RESULTDIR}/dbpedia.bin" "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.test" ./fasttext predict "${RESULTDIR}/dbpedia.bin" "${DATADIR}/dbpedia.test" > "${RESULTDIR}/dbpedia.test.predict"