guard :bundler do watch("Gemfile") watch("Gemfile.lock") watch(%w{.+.gemspec\z}) end guard :rspec, cli:".rspec").split.push("--fail-fast").join(" "), keep_failed: false do # Run all specs if configuration is modified watch(".rspec") { "spec" } watch("Guardfile") { "spec" } watch("Gemfile.lock") { "spec" } watch("spec/spec_helper.rb") { "spec" } # Run all specs if supporting files are modified watch(%r{\Aspec/(?:fixtures|lib|support|shared)/.+\.rb\z}) { "spec" } # Run unit specs if associated lib code is modified watch(%r{\Alib/(.+)\.rb\z}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" } watch("lib/#{File.basename(File.expand_path('../', __FILE__))}.rb") { "spec" } # Run a spec if it is modified watch(%r{\Aspec/.+_spec\.rb$\z}) end # TODO enable once we're ready to handle all the violations :) # guard :rubocop, cli: %w[--config config/rubocop.yml] do # watch(%r{.+\.(?:rb|rake)\z}) # watch(%r{\Aconfig/rubocop\.yml\z}) { |m| File.dirname(m[0]) } # watch(%r{(?:.+/)?\.rubocop\.yml\z}) { |m| File.dirname(m[0]) } # end