module Blazer module Adapters class SodaAdapter < BaseAdapter def run_statement(statement, comment) columns = [] rows = [] error = nil # remove comments manually statement = statement.gsub(/--.+/, "") # only supports single line /* */ comments # regex not perfect, but should be good enough statement = statement.gsub(/\/\*.+\*\//, "") # remove trailing semicolon statement = statement.sub(/;\s*\z/, "") # remove whitespace statement = statement.squish uri = URI(settings["url"]) uri.query = URI.encode_www_form("$query" => statement) req = req["X-App-Token"] = settings["app_token"] if settings["app_token"] options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", open_timeout: 3, read_timeout: 30 } begin # use Net::HTTP instead of soda-ruby for types and better error messages res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, options) do |http| http.request(req) end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) body = JSON.parse(res.body) columns = JSON.parse(res["x-soda2-fields"]) column_types =["x-soda2-types"])).to_h columns.reject! { |f| f.start_with?(":@") } # rows can be missing some keys in JSON, so need to map by column rows = { |r| { |c| r[c] } } columns.each_with_index do |column, i| # nothing to do for boolean case column_types[column] when "number" # check if likely an integer column if rows.all? { |r| r[i].to_i == r[i].to_f } rows.each do |row| row[i] = row[i].to_i end else rows.each do |row| row[i] = row[i].to_f end end when "floating_timestamp" # check if likely a date column if rows.all? { |r| r[i].end_with?("T00:00:00.000") } rows.each do |row| row[i] = Date.parse(row[i]) end else utc = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Etc/UTC"] rows.each do |row| row[i] = utc.parse(row[i]) end end end end else error = JSON.parse(res.body)["message"] rescue "Bad response: #{res.code}" end rescue => e error = e.message end [columns, rows, error] end def preview_statement "SELECT * LIMIT 10" end def tables ["all"] end end end end