module Alma class Bib extend Forwardable def self.find(ids, args) get_bibs(ids, args) end def self.get_bibs(ids, args={}) response = HTTParty.get( self.bibs_base_path, query: {mms_id: ids_from_array(ids)}, headers: headers ) if response.code == 200 else raise StandardError, get_body_from(response) end end def self.get_availability(ids, args={}) args.merge!({expand: 'p_avail,e_avail,d_avail'}) bibs = get_bibs(ids, args) end attr_accessor :id, :response # The User object can respond directly to Hash like access of attributes def_delegators :response, :[], :[]=, :has_key?, :keys, :to_json, :each def initialize(response_body) @response = response_body @id = @response['mms_id'].to_s end # The raw MARCXML record, converted to a Hash def record @record ||= XmlSimple.xml_in(response['anies'].first) end private def self.bibs_base_path "#{self.region}/almaws/v1/bibs" end def bibs_base_path self.class.bibs_base_path end def self.headers { "Authorization": "apikey #{self.apikey}", "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" } end def headers self.class.headers end def self.apikey Alma.configuration.apikey end def self.region Alma.configuration.region end def self.get_body_from(response) JSON.parse(response.body) end def self.ids_from_array(ids)',') end end end