# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop # This class handles obsolete configuration. # @api private class ConfigObsoletion DEFAULT_RULES_FILE = File.join(ConfigLoader::RUBOCOP_HOME, 'config', 'obsoletion.yml') COP_RULE_CLASSES = { 'renamed' => RenamedCop, 'removed' => RemovedCop, 'split' => SplitCop, 'extracted' => ExtractedCop }.freeze PARAMETER_RULE_CLASSES = { 'changed_parameters' => ChangedParameter, 'changed_enforced_styles' => ChangedEnforcedStyles }.freeze attr_reader :rules, :warnings class << self attr_accessor :files def legacy_cop_names # Used by DepartmentName#qualified_legacy_cop_name new(Config.new).rules.select(&:cop_rule?).map(&:old_name) end end # Can be extended by extension libraries to add their own obsoletions self.files = [DEFAULT_RULES_FILE] def initialize(config) @config = config @rules = load_rules @warnings = [] end def reject_obsolete! messages = obsoletions.flatten.compact return if messages.empty? raise ValidationError, messages.join("\n") end private # Default rules for obsoletions are in config/obsoletion.yml # Additional rules files can be added with `RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion.files << filename` def load_rules # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize rules = self.class.files.each_with_object({}) do |filename, hash| hash.merge!(YAML.safe_load(File.read(filename))) do |_key, first, second| case first when Hash first.merge(second) when Array first.concat(second) end end end cop_rules = rules.slice(*COP_RULE_CLASSES.keys) parameter_rules = rules.slice(*PARAMETER_RULE_CLASSES.keys) load_cop_rules(cop_rules).concat(load_parameter_rules(parameter_rules)) end # Cop rules are keyed by the name of the original cop def load_cop_rules(rules) rules.flat_map do |rule_type, data| data.map do |cop_name, configuration| next unless configuration # allow configurations to be disabled with `CopName: ~` COP_RULE_CLASSES[rule_type].new(@config, cop_name, configuration) end.compact end end # Parameter rules may apply to multiple cops and multiple parameters # and are given as an array. Each combination is turned into a separate # rule object. def load_parameter_rules(rules) rules.flat_map do |rule_type, data| data.flat_map do |configuration| cops = Array(configuration['cops']) parameters = Array(configuration['parameters']) cops.product(parameters).map do |cop, parameter| PARAMETER_RULE_CLASSES[rule_type].new(@config, cop, parameter, configuration) end end end end def obsoletions rules.map do |rule| next unless rule.violated? if rule.warning? @warnings.push(rule.message) next end rule.message end end end end