module Neoid module ModelAdditions module ClassMethods attr_reader :neoid_config def neoid_config @neoid_config ||= end def neoidable(options = {}) # defaults neoid_config.auto_index = true neoid_config.enable_model_index = true # but the Neoid.enable_per_model_indexes is false by default. all models will be true only if the primary option is turned on. yield(neoid_config) if block_given? options.each do |key, value| raise "Neoid #{} model options: No such option #{key}" unless neoid_config.respond_to?("#{key}=") neoid_config.send("#{key}=", value) end end def neo_model_index_name raise "Per Model index is not enabled. Nodes/Relationships are auto indexed with node_auto_index/relationship_auto_index" unless Neoid.config.enable_per_model_indexes || neoid_config.enable_model_index @index_name ||= "#{}_index" end end module InstanceMethods def to_neo if self.class.neoid_config.stored_fields hash = self.class.neoid_config.stored_fields.inject({}) do |all, (field, block)| all[field] = if block instance_eval(&block) else self.send(field) rescue (raise "No field #{field} for #{}") end all end hash.reject { |k, v| v.nil? } else {} end end def neo_save_after_model_save return unless self.class.neoid_config.auto_index neo_save true end def neo_save @_neo_destroyed = false @_neo_representation = _neo_save end alias neo_create neo_save alias neo_update neo_save def neo_destroy return if @_neo_destroyed @_neo_destroyed = true neo_representation = neo_find_by_id return unless neo_representation begin neo_representation.del rescue Neography::NodeNotFoundException => e "Neoid#neo_destroy entity not found #{} #{}" end # Not working yet because Neography can't delete a node and all of its realtionships in a batch, and deleting a node with relationships results an error # if Neoid::Batch.current_batch # Neoid::Batch.current_batch << [self.class.delete_command, neo_representation.neo_id] # else # begin # neo_representation.del # rescue Neography::NodeNotFoundException => e # "Neoid#neo_destroy entity not found #{} #{}" # end # end _reset_neo_representation true end def neo_unique_id "#{}:#{}" end protected def neo_properties_to_hash(*attribute_list) attribute_list.flatten.inject({}) { |all, property| all[property] = self.send(property) all } end private def _neo_representation @_neo_representation ||= neo_find_by_id || neo_save end def _reset_neo_representation @_neo_representation = nil end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods receiver.after_save :neo_save_after_model_save receiver.after_destroy :neo_destroy end end end