gem 'paperclip', ">=" require 'paperclip' require 'digest/md5' class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :attachings, :dependent => :destroy has_attached_file :data, :styles => { :tiny => "64x64>", :small => "176x112>", :medium => "630x630>", :large => "1024x1024>" } def url(*args) data.url(*args) end def name data_file_name end def content_type data_content_type end def browser_safe? %w(jpg gif png).include?(url.split('.').last.sub(/\?.+/, "").downcase) end alias_method :web_safe?, :browser_safe? # This method will replace one of the existing thumbnails with an file provided. def replace_style(style, file) style = style.downcase.to_sym if data.styles.keys.include?(style) if File.exist?(RAILS_ROOT + '/public' + end end end # This method assumes you have images that corespond to the filetypes. # For example "image/png" becomes "image-png.png" def icon "#{data_content_type.gsub(/[\/\.]/,'-')}.png" end def detach(attached) a = attachings.find(:first, :conditions => ["attachable_id = ? AND attachable_type = ?", attached, attached.class.to_s]) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless a a.destroy end def path File.join RAILS_ROOT, 'public', self.url_without_random end def file_md5sum IO.popen("md5sum #{path} | awk '{print $1}'"){|f| f.gets.strip} end def url_without_random format=:original self.url(format) =~ /^(.*)\?\d*$/ ? $1 : self.url(format) end end