# frozen_string_literal: true module MemoryProfiler class Results UNIT_PREFIXES = { 0 => 'B', 3 => 'kB', 6 => 'MB', 9 => 'GB', 12 => 'TB', 15 => 'PB', 18 => 'EB', 21 => 'ZB', 24 => 'YB' }.freeze TYPES = ["allocated", "retained"].freeze METRICS = ["memory", "objects"].freeze NAMES = ["gem", "file", "location", "class"].freeze def self.register_type(name, stat_attribute) @@lookups ||= [] @@lookups << [name, stat_attribute] TYPES.each do |type| METRICS.each do |metric| class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{type}_#{metric}_by_#{name} # def allocated_memory_by_file @#{type}_#{metric}_by ||= {} # @allocated_memory_by ||= {} # @#{type}_#{metric}_by['#{name}'] ||= begin # @allocated_memory_by['file'] ||= begin _, stat_attribute = @@lookups.find { |(n, _stat_attribute)| n == '#{name}' } # _, stat_attribute = @@lookups.find { |(n, _stat_attribute)| n == 'file' } @#{type}.top_n_#{metric}(@top, stat_attribute) # @allocated.top_n_memory(@top, stat_attribute) end # end end # end RUBY end end end register_type 'gem', :gem register_type 'file', :file register_type 'location', :location register_type 'class', :class_name attr_writer :strings_retained, :strings_allocated attr_accessor :total_retained, :total_allocated attr_accessor :total_retained_memsize, :total_allocated_memsize def initialize @allocated = StatHash.new @retained = StatHash.new @top = 50 end def register_results(allocated, retained, top) @allocated = allocated @retained = retained @top = top self.total_allocated = allocated.size self.total_allocated_memsize = total_memsize(allocated) self.total_retained = retained.size self.total_retained_memsize = total_memsize(retained) self end def strings_allocated @strings_allocated ||= string_report(@allocated, @top) end def strings_retained @strings_retained ||= string_report(@retained, @top) end def scale_bytes(bytes) return "0 B" if bytes.zero? scale = Math.log10(bytes).div(3) * 3 scale = 24 if scale > 24 "%.2f #{UNIT_PREFIXES[scale]}" % (bytes / 10.0**scale) end def string_report(data, top) grouped_strings = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } data.each_value do |stat| if stat.string_value grouped_strings[stat.string_value.object_id] << stat end end grouped_strings = grouped_strings.values if grouped_strings.size > top grouped_strings.sort_by!(&:size) grouped_strings = grouped_strings.drop(grouped_strings.size - top) end grouped_strings .sort! { |a, b| a.size == b.size ? a[0].string_value <=> b[0].string_value : b.size <=> a.size } .map! do |list| # Return array of [string, [[location, count], [location, count], ...] [ list[0].string_value, list.group_by { |stat| stat.location } .map { |location, stat_list| [location, stat_list.size] } .sort_by!(&:last) .reverse! ] end end # Output the results of the report # @param [Hash] options the options for output # @option opts [String] :to_file a path to your log file # @option opts [Boolean] :color_output a flag for whether to colorize output # @option opts [Integer] :retained_strings how many retained strings to print # @option opts [Integer] :allocated_strings how many allocated strings to print # @option opts [Boolean] :detailed_report should report include detailed information # @option opts [Boolean] :scale_bytes calculates unit prefixes for the numbers of bytes # @option opts [Boolean] :normalize_paths print location paths relative to gem's source directory. def pretty_print(io = $stdout, **options) # Handle the special case that Ruby PrettyPrint expects `pretty_print` # to be a customized pretty printing function for a class return io.pp_object(self) if defined?(PP) && io.is_a?(PP) io = File.open(options[:to_file], "w") if options[:to_file] color_output = options.fetch(:color_output) { io.respond_to?(:isatty) && io.isatty } @colorize = color_output ? Polychrome.new : Monochrome.new if options[:scale_bytes] total_allocated_output = scale_bytes(total_allocated_memsize) total_retained_output = scale_bytes(total_retained_memsize) else total_allocated_output = "#{total_allocated_memsize} bytes" total_retained_output = "#{total_retained_memsize} bytes" end io.puts "Total allocated: #{total_allocated_output} (#{total_allocated} objects)" io.puts "Total retained: #{total_retained_output} (#{total_retained} objects)" unless options[:detailed_report] == false TYPES.each do |type| METRICS.each do |metric| NAMES.each do |name| dump_data(io, type, metric, name, options) end end end io.puts print_string_reports(io, options) end io.close if io.is_a? File end def print_string_reports(io, options) TYPES.each do |type| dump_opts = { normalize_paths: options[:normalize_paths], limit: options["#{type}_strings".to_sym] } dump_strings(io, type, dump_opts) end end def normalize_path(path) @normalize_path ||= {} @normalize_path[path] ||= begin if %r!(/gems/.*)*/gems/(?<gemname>[^/]+)(?<rest>.*)! =~ path "#{gemname}#{rest}" elsif %r!ruby/\d\.[^/]+/(?<stdlib>[^/.]+)(?<rest>.*)! =~ path "ruby/lib/#{stdlib}#{rest}" elsif %r!(?<app>[^/]+/(bin|app|lib))(?<rest>.*)! =~ path "#{app}#{rest}" else path end end end private def total_memsize(stat_hash) sum = 0 stat_hash.each_value do |stat| sum += stat.memsize end sum end def print_title(io, title) io.puts io.puts title io.puts @colorize.line("-----------------------------------") end def print_output(io, topic, detail) io.puts "#{@colorize.path(topic.to_s.rjust(10))} #{detail}" end def dump_data(io, type, metric, name, options) print_title io, "#{type} #{metric} by #{name}" data = self.send "#{type}_#{metric}_by_#{name}" scale_data = metric == "memory" && options[:scale_bytes] normalize_paths = options[:normalize_paths] if data && !data.empty? data.each do |item| count = scale_data ? scale_bytes(item[:count]) : item[:count] value = normalize_paths ? normalize_path(item[:data]) : item[:data] print_output io, count, value end else io.puts "NO DATA" end nil end def dump_strings(io, type, options) strings = self.send("strings_#{type}") || [] return if strings.empty? options = {} unless options.is_a?(Hash) if (limit = options[:limit]) return if limit == 0 strings = strings[0...limit] end normalize_paths = options[:normalize_paths] print_title(io, "#{type.capitalize} String Report") strings.each do |string, stats| print_output io, (stats.reduce(0) { |a, b| a + b[1] }), @colorize.string(string.inspect) stats.sort_by { |x, y| [-y, x] }.each do |location, count| location = normalize_path(location) if normalize_paths print_output io, count, location end io.puts end nil end end end