package PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright; =pod =head1 NAME PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright - Demonstration PPI::Transform class =head1 SYNOPSIS my $transform = PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright->new( name => 'Adam Kennedy' ); $transform->file(''); =head1 DESCRIPTION B provides a demonstration of a typical L class. This class implements a document transform that will take the name of an author and update the copyright statement to refer to the current year, if it does not already do so. =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use Params::Util qw{_STRING}; use PPI::Transform (); our $VERSION = '1.279'; ##################################################################### # Constructor and Accessors =pod =head2 new my $transform = PPI::Transform::UpdateCopyright->new( name => 'Adam Kennedy' ); The C constructor creates a new transform object for a specific author. It takes a single C parameter that should be the name (or longer string) for the author. Specifying the name is required to allow the changing of a subset of copyright statements that refer to you from a larger set in a file. =cut sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_); # Must provide a name unless ( defined _STRING($self->name) ) { PPI::Exception->throw("Did not provide a valid name param"); } return $self; } =pod =head2 name The C accessor returns the author name that the transform will be searching for copyright statements of. =cut sub name { $_[0]->{name}; } ##################################################################### # Transform sub document { my $self = shift; my $document = _INSTANCE(shift, 'PPI::Document') or return undef; # Find things to transform my $name = quotemeta $self->name; my $regexp = qr/\bcopyright\b.*$name/m; my $elements = $document->find( sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Pod') or return ''; $_[1]->content =~ $regexp or return ''; return 1; } ); return undef unless defined $elements; return 0 unless $elements; # Try to transform any elements my $changes = 0; my $change = sub { my $copyright = shift; my $thisyear = (localtime time)[5] + 1900; my @year = $copyright =~ m/(\d{4})/g; if ( @year == 1 ) { # Handle the single year format if ( $year[0] == $thisyear ) { # No change return $copyright; } else { # Convert from single year to multiple year $changes++; $copyright =~ s/(\d{4})/$1 - $thisyear/; return $copyright; } } if ( @year == 2 ) { # Handle the range format if ( $year[1] == $thisyear ) { # No change return $copyright; } else { # Change the second year to the current one $changes++; $copyright =~ s/$year[1]/$thisyear/; return $copyright; } } # huh? die "Invalid or unknown copyright line '$copyright'"; }; # Attempt to transform each element my $pattern = qr/\b(copyright.*\d)({4}(?:\s*-\s*\d{4})?)(.*$name)/mi; foreach my $element ( @$elements ) { $element =~ s/$pattern/$1 . $change->($2) . $2/eg; } return $changes; } 1; =pod =head1 TO DO - May need to overload some methods to forcefully prevent Document objects becoming children of another Node. =head1 SUPPORT See the L in the main module. =head1 AUTHOR Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut