# frozen_string_literal: true module IsoDoc::Function module Utils def date_range(date) self.class.date_range(date) end def ns(xpath) self.class.ns(xpath) end def insert_tab(out, n) tab = %w(Hans Hant).include?(@script) ? " " : "  " [1..n].each { out << tab } end # add namespaces for Word fragments NOKOHEAD = <<~HERE HERE # block for processing XML document fragments as XHTML, # to allow for HTMLentities def noko(&block) doc = ::Nokogiri::XML.parse(NOKOHEAD) fragment = doc.fragment('') ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with fragment, &block fragment.to_xml(encoding: 'US-ASCII').lines.map do |l| l.gsub(/\s*\n/, '') end end def attr_code(attributes) attributes = attributes.reject { |_, val| val.nil? }.map attributes.map do |k, v| [k, v.is_a?(String) ? HTMLEntities.new.decode(v) : v] end.to_h end DOCTYPE_HDR = '' def to_xhtml(xml) xml.gsub!(/<\?xml[^>]*>/, '') / e File.open("#{@filename}.#{@format}.err", 'w:UTF-8') { |f| f.write xml } abort "Malformed Output XML for #{@format}: #{e} (see #{@filename}.#{@format}.err)" end end def to_xhtml_fragment(xml) doc = ::Nokogiri::XML.parse(NOKOHEAD) fragment = doc.fragment(xml) fragment end def from_xhtml(xml) xml.to_xml.sub(%r{ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"}, '') end CLAUSE_ANCESTOR = ".//ancestor::*[local-name() = 'annex' or "\ "local-name() = 'acknowledgements' or local-name() = 'term' or "\ "local-name() = 'appendix' or local-name() = 'foreword' or "\ "local-name() = 'introduction' or local-name() = 'terms' or "\ "local-name() = 'clause' or local-name() = 'references']/@id" def get_clause_id(node) clause = node.xpath(CLAUSE_ANCESTOR) clause&.last&.text || nil end NOTE_CONTAINER_ANCESTOR = ".//ancestor::*[local-name() = 'annex' or "\ "local-name() = 'foreword' or local-name() = 'appendix' or "\ "local-name() = 'introduction' or local-name() = 'terms' or "\ "local-name() = 'acknowledgements' or local-name() = 'term' or "\ "local-name() = 'clause' or local-name() = 'references' or "\ "local-name() = 'figure' or local-name() = 'formula' or "\ "local-name() = 'table' or local-name() = 'example']/@id" def get_note_container_id(node) container = node.xpath(NOTE_CONTAINER_ANCESTOR) container&.last&.text || nil end def sentence_join(array) return '' if array.nil? || array.empty? if array.length == 1 then array[0] else @i18n.l10n("#{array[0..-2].join(', ')} "\ "#{@i18n.and} #{array.last}", @lang, @script) end end # avoid `; avoid {{ (Liquid Templates); avoid [[ (Javascript) def extract_delims(text) @openmathdelim = '(#(' @closemathdelim = ')#)' while text.include?(@openmathdelim) || text.include?(@closemathdelim) @openmathdelim += '(' @closemathdelim += ')' end [@openmathdelim, @closemathdelim] end def header_strip(h) h = h.to_s.gsub(%r{}, ' ').gsub(/<\/?h[123456][^>]*>/, '') .gsub(/<\/?b[^>]*>/, '') h1 = to_xhtml_fragment(h.dup) h1.traverse do |x| x.replace(' ') if x.name == 'span' && /mso-tab-count/.match(x['style']) x.remove if x.name == 'span' && x['class'] == 'MsoCommentReference' x.remove if x.name == 'a' && x['class'] == 'FootnoteRef' x.remove if x.name == 'span' && /mso-bookmark/.match(x['style']) x.replace(x.children) if x.name == 'a' end from_xhtml(h1) end def liquid(doc) self.class.liquid(doc) end def liquid(doc) # unescape HTML escapes in doc doc = doc.split(%r<(\{%|%\})>).each_slice(4).map do |a| a[2] = a[2].gsub(/\</, '<').gsub(/\>/, '>') if a.size > 2 a.join('') end.join('') Liquid::Template.parse(doc) end def empty2nil(v) return nil if !v.nil? && v.is_a?(String) && v.empty? v end def populate_template(docxml, _format = nil) meta = @meta .get .merge(@labels || {}) .merge(@meta.labels || {}) .merge(fonts_options || {}) template = liquid(docxml) template.render(meta.map { |k, v| [k.to_s, empty2nil(v)] }.to_h) .gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>').gsub('&', '&') end def save_dataimage(uri, _relative_dir = true) %r{^data:(image|application)/(?[^;]+);base64,(?.+)$} =~ uri imgtype.sub!(/\+[a-z0-9]+$/, '') # svg+xml imgtype = 'png' unless /^[a-z0-9]+$/.match imgtype Tempfile.open(['image', ".#{imgtype}"]) do |f| f.binmode f.write(Base64.strict_decode64(imgdata)) @tempfile_cache << f # persist to the end f.path end end def image_localfile(i) if /^data:/.match? i['src'] save_dataimage(i['src'], false) elsif %r{^([A-Z]:)?/}.match? i['src'] i['src'] else File.join(@localdir, i['src']) end end def labelled_ancestor(node) !node.ancestors('example, requirement, recommendation, permission, '\ 'note, table, figure, sourcecode').empty? end end end