# NIC? means I have not been able to find the registry .br.com whois.centralnic.net .cn.com whois.centralnic.net .de.com whois.centralnic.net .eu.com whois.centralnic.net .gb.com whois.centralnic.net .gb.net whois.centralnic.net .hu.com whois.centralnic.net .no.com whois.centralnic.net .qc.com whois.centralnic.net .ru.com whois.centralnic.net .sa.com whois.centralnic.net .se.com whois.centralnic.net .se.net whois.centralnic.net .uk.com whois.centralnic.net .uk.net whois.centralnic.net .us.com whois.centralnic.net .uy.com whois.centralnic.net .za.com whois.centralnic.net .jpn.com whois.centralnic.net .web.com whois.centralnic.net .com CRSNIC .za.net whois.za.net .net CRSNIC .eu.org whois.eu.org .za.org whois.za.org .org PIR .edu whois.educause.net .gov whois.nic.gov .int whois.iana.org .mil NONE .e164.arpa whois.ripe.net .in-addr.arpa ARPA .arpa whois.iana.org .aero whois.aero .asia whois.nic.asia .biz whois.nic.biz .cat whois.cat .coop whois.nic.coop .info whois.afilias.info .jobs jobswhois.verisign-grs.com .mobi whois.dotmobiregistry.net .museum whois.museum .name whois.nic.name .pro whois.registrypro.pro .tel whois.nic.tel .travel whois.nic.travel .ac whois.nic.ac .ad NONE # www.nic.ad .ae whois.uaenic.ae .af whois.nic.af .ag whois.nic.ag .ai whois.ai .al NONE # http://www.ert.gov.al/ert_alb/domain.html .am whois.nic.am .an NONE # http://www.una.an/an_domreg/ .ao NONE # www.dns.ao .aq NONE # 2day.com .ar WEB http://www.nic.ar/ .as whois.nic.as .at whois.nic.at .au whois.ausregistry.net.au .aw NONE # http://www.setarnet.aw/domreg.html .ax NONE # www.ax .az WEB http://www.nic.az/AzCheck.htm .ba WEB http://www.nic.ba/stream/whois/ .bb WEB http://www.barbadosdomains.net/search_domain.php .bd www.whois.com.bd # http://www.btcl.net.bd/faq_dotbd.php .be whois.dns.be .bf NONE # NIC? http://www.onatel.bf/ .bg whois.register.bg .bh NONE # www.inet.com.bh .bi WEB http://www.nic.bi/Nic_search.asp .bj whois.nic.bj .bm WEB .bn NONE # www.brunet.bn .bo WEB http://www.nic.bo/ .br whois.nic.br .bs WEB http://www.nic.bs/cgi-bin/search.pl .bt WEB http://www.nic.bt/ .bv NONE # http://www.norid.no/domenenavnbaser/bv-sj.html .by WEB http://www.tld.by/indexeng.html .bw NONE # NIC? btc.bw www.info.bw/resource/local/index.shtml .bz AFILIAS .co.ca whois.co.ca .ca whois.cira.ca .cc NICCC .cd whois.nic.cd .cf NONE # was: WEB http://www.nic.cf/whois.php3 .cg WEB http://www.nic.cg/cgi-bin/whois.pl .ch whois.nic.ch .ci www.nic.ci .ck whois.nic.ck .cl whois.nic.cl .cm NONE # http://info.intelcam.cm http://www.camnet.cm/ .edu.cn whois.edu.cn .cn whois.cnnic.net.cn .uk.co whois.uk.co .co WEB https://www.nic.co/ .cr WEB http://www.nic.cr/niccr_publico/showRegistroDominiosScreen.do .cu WEB http://www.nic.cu/consult.html .cv NONE # www.dns.cv? .cx whois.nic.cx .cy WEB http://www.nic.cy/nslookup/online_database.php .cz whois.nic.cz .de whois.denic.de .dj whois.domain.dj .dk whois.dk-hostmaster.dk .dm whois.nic.dm .do WEB http://www.nic.do/whois-h.php3 .dz WEB https://www.nic.dz/ .ec WEB http://www.nic.ec/whois/eng/whois.asp .ee whois.eenet.ee .eg NONE # www.egregistry.eg #.eh .er NONE # http://www.afridns.org/er/tld_er.txt .es WEB https://www.nic.es/ .et NONE # http://www.telecom.net.et/EthioInternet/domainname.html .eu whois.eu .fi whois.ficora.fi .fj whois.usp.ac.fj .fk NONE # http://www.fidc.co.fk/ .fm WEB http://www.dot.fm/whois.html .fo whois.ripe.net # www.nic.fo .fr whois.nic.fr .ga NONE # www.nic.ga .gb NONE .gd whois.adamsnames.tc .ge WEB http://whois.sanet.ge/ .gf whois.nplus.gf .gg whois.gg .gh WEB http://www.nic.gh/customer/search_c.htm .gi AFILIAS .gl NONE # www.nic.gl .gm whois.ripe.net # www.nic.gm .gn NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/gn/ .gp whois.nic.gp .gq NONE # NO NIC http://www.getesa.gq/ .gr WEB https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/Whois?lang=en .gs whois.nic.gs .gt WEB http://www.gt/whois.htm .gu WEB http://gadao.gov.gu/domainsearch.htm .gw NONE # www.nic.gw .gy whois.registry.gy .hk whois.hkdnr.net.hk .hm whois.registry.hm .hn AFILIAS # www.nic.hn .hr WEB http://www.dns.hr/pretrazivanje.html .ht whois.nic.ht .hu whois.nic.hu .id whois.idnic.net.id .ie whois.domainregistry.ie .il whois.isoc.org.il .im whois.nic.im .in whois.registry.in # afilias .io whois.nic.io .iq NONE # http://www.cmc.iq/english/iq/iqregister1.htm .ir whois.nic.ir .is whois.isnet.is .it whois.nic.it .je whois.je .jm NONE # NIC? uwimona.edu.jm http://nic.jm .jo WEB http://www.dns.jo/Whois.aspx .jp whois.jprs.jp .ke whois.kenic.or.ke .kg whois.domain.kg .kh NONE # http://www.mptc.gov.kh/ http://www.nic.net.kh/ .ki WEB http://www.ki/dns/ .km NONE # www.domaine.km .kn NONE # www.dot.kn .kp whois.kcce.kp .kr whois.nic.or.kr .kw WEB http://www.kw/ .ky WEB http://kynseweb.messagesecure.com/kywebadmin/ # http://www.icta.ky/ .kz whois.nic.kz .la whois.nic.la .lb WEB http://www.aub.edu.lb/lbdr/search.html .lc AFILIAS .li whois.nic.li .lk whois.nic.lk .lr NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/lr/ .ls NONE # http://www.co.ls/ .lt whois.domreg.lt .lu whois.dns.lu .lv whois.nic.lv .ly whois.nic.ly .ma whois.iam.net.ma # www.nic.ma .mc whois.ripe.net .md WEB http://www.dns.md/wh1.php # whois.nic.md is restricted .me whois.meregistry.net # afilias .mg NONE # www.nic.mg .mh NONE # www.nic.net.mh .mk NONE # http://dns.marnet.net.mk/ .ml NONE # NIC? www.sotelma.ml .mm whois.nic.mm .mn AFILIAS .mo WEB http://www.monic.net.mo/ .mp NONE # get.mp .mq whois.nic.mq .mr NONE # www.nic.mr .ms whois.adamsnames.tc .mt WEB https://www.nic.org.mt/dotmt/ # whois.nic.org.mt is restricted .mu whois.nic.mu .mv NONE # NIC? www.dhiraagu.com.mv .mw WEB http://www.registrar.mw/ .mx whois.nic.mx .my whois.mynic.net.my .mz NONE # NIC? www.uem.mz .na whois.na-nic.com.na .nc whois.cctld.nc .ne NONE # NIC? http://www.intnet.ne .nf whois.nic.nf .ng whois.register.net.ng .ni WEB http://www.nic.ni/consulta.htm .nl whois.domain-registry.nl .no whois.norid.no .np WEB http://www.mos.com.np/domsearch.html .nr WEB http://www.cenpac.net.nr/dns/whois.html .nu whois.nic.nu .nz whois.srs.net.nz .om WEB http://www.omnic.om/onlineUser/WHOISLookup.jsp .pa WEB http://www.nic.pa/ .pe whois.nic.pe .pf NONE # http://www.opt.pf/home/ .pg NONE # http://www.npi.gov.pg/DNS/DNS-Application-form.htm .ph WEB http://whois.domains.ph/ .pk WEB http://www.pknic.net.pk/ .co.pl whois.co.pl # "unofficial" SLD .pl whois.dns.pl .pm whois.nic.fr .pn WEB http://www.pitcairn.pn/PnRegistry/ .pr whois.nic.pr .ps WEB http://www.nic.ps/whois/whois.html .pt whois.dns.pt .pw whois.nic.pw .py WEB http://www.nic.py/consultas.html .qa NONE # http://www.qatar.net.qa/services/virtual.htm .re whois.nic.fr .ro whois.rotld.ro .rs WEB http://www.nic.rs/en/whois .edu.ru whois.informika.ru .ru whois.ripn.net .rw WEB http://www.nic.rw/cgi-bin/whoisrw.pl .sa saudinic.net.sa .sb whois.nic.net.sb .sc AFILIAS # www.nic.sc .sd NONE # http://sudanic.isoc.sd/ .se whois.nic-se.se .sg whois.nic.net.sg .sh whois.nic.sh .si whois.arnes.si .sj NONE # http://www.norid.no/domenenavnbaser/bv-sj.html .sk whois.sk-nic.sk .sl whois.nic.sl .sm whois.ripe.net .sn whois.nic.sn .so NONE # www.nic.so - no country, no NIC .sr whois.register.sr .st whois.nic.st .su whois.ripn.net .sv WEB http://www.uca.edu.sv/dns/ # http://www.svnet.org.sv/ .sy NONE # NIC? www.ste.gov.sy .sz NONE # http://www.sispa.org.sz/ .tc whois.adamsnames.tc .td WEB http://www.nic.td/ # broken 20081209 .tf whois.nic.tf .tg WEB http://www.nic.tg/ .th whois.thnic.net .tj whois.nic.tj .tk whois.dot.tk .tl whois.nic.tl .tm whois.nic.tm .tn WEB http://whois.ati.tn/ .to whois.tonic.to .tp whois.nic.tp .tr whois.metu.edu.tr .tt WEB http://www.nic.tt/cgi-bin/search.pl .tv whois.nic.tv .tw whois.twnic.net .tz NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/tz/ .ua whois.net.ua .ug www.registry.co.ug # this is a whois server too .ac.uk whois.ja.net .bl.uk NONE .british-library.uk NONE .gov.uk whois.ja.net .icnet.uk NONE .jet.uk NONE .mod.uk NONE .nhs.uk NONE .nls.uk NONE .parliament.uk NONE .police.uk NONE .uk whois.nic.uk .fed.us whois.nic.gov .us whois.nic.us .com.uy WEB https://nic.anteldata.com.uy/dns/ .uy www.rau.edu.uy # this is a whois server too .uz whois.cctld.uz .va whois.ripe.net .vc AFILIAS .ve whois.nic.ve .vg whois.adamsnames.tc .vi WEB http://www.nic.vi/whoisform.htm .vn WEB http://www.vnnic.vn/english/ .vu WEB http://www.vunic.vu/whois.html .wf whois.nic.wf .ws whois.samoanic.ws .ye NONE # http://www.y.net.ye/services/domain_name.htm .yt whois.nic.yt .yu NONE # www.nic.yu .ac.za whois.ac.za .co.za whois.coza.net.za .gov.za whois.gov.za #.net.za whois.net.za .org.za WEB http://www.org.za/ # rwhois.org.za:4321 .za NONE # http://www.internet.org.za/slds.html many more SLD... .zm NONE # http://www.zamnet.zm/ser-isp/dnr.htm .zw NONE # http://www.zispa.co.zw/ -dom whois.networksolutions.com -org whois.networksolutions.com -hst whois.networksolutions.com -arin whois.arin.net -ripe whois.ripe.net -mnt whois.ripe.net -lacnic whois.lacnic.net -afrinic whois.afrinic.net -ap whois.apnic.net -ar whois.aunic.net -cn whois.cnnic.net.cn -cz whois.nic.cz -dk whois.dk-hostmaster.dk -il whois.isoc.org.il -is whois.isnet.is -kg whois.domain.kg -ti whois.telstra.net -tw whois.twnic.net -6bone whois.6bone.net -coop whois.nic.coop -cknic whois.nic.ck -idnic whois.idnic.net.id -itnic whois.nic.it -frnic whois.nic.fr -gandi whois.gandi.net -kenic whois.kenic.or.ke -lrms whois.afilias.info -metu whois.metu.edu.tr -nicat whois.nic.at -nicir whois.nic.ir -norid whois.norid.no -ripn whois.ripn.net -rotld whois.rotld.ro -sgnic whois.nic.net.sg -tel whois.nic.tel -uanic whois.com.ua -uynic www.rau.edu.uy -sixxs whois.sixxs.net