require_relative './persistence_base' require_relative './area' require_relative './data' require 'set' require 'morphine' class PersistedValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) is_valid = true is_valid = false if value.nil? begin is_valid = false unless value.persisted? rescue NoMethodError is_valid = false end record.errors.add(attribute, 'must be persisted') unless is_valid is_valid end end module CommonRepositoryModel class MembershipRegistry def initialize @has_members = @is_member_of = end attr_reader :has_members, :is_member_of end class Collection < PersistenceBase def self.membership_registry @membership_registry ||= end def membership_registry self.class.membership_registry end def self.has_members(method_name, options = {}) membership_registry.has_members << method_name has_many(method_name, options) end # Creates the :break_relation_with_ method which is useful for # managing both the ActiveFedora association and relationship. # # NOTE: I believe this is actually masking an ActiveFedora bug, at some # point, I would imagine that the :break_relation_with method would be # deprecated and ultimately be an alias for # object..delete(obj1,obj2) def self.is_member_of(method_name, options = {}) membership_registry.is_member_of << method_name define_method "break_relation_with_#{method_name}" do |*args| send(method_name).delete(*args) args.each do |obj| remove_relationship(options[:property], obj) remove_relationship(:is_member_of, obj) end end has_and_belongs_to_many(method_name, options) end before_save :register_parent_and_collections def register_parent_and_collections self.__area = CommonRepositoryModel::Area.find( if area collected_has_members = membership_registry.has_members. collect do |association_name| public_send(association_name) end.flatten self.child_collections = collected_has_members collected_is_member_of = membership_registry.is_member_of. collect do |association_name| public_send(association_name) end.flatten self.parent_collections = collected_is_member_of true end protected :register_parent_and_collections def is_root? parent_collections.size == 0 end def parent_areas parent_collections.collect(&:__area).uniq end def area=(an_area) if is_root? self.__area = an_area else self.__area = parent_areas.first end end def area if is_root? __area else parent_areas.first end end def area_name end include Morphine register :named_area_finder do CommonRepositoryModel::Area.method(:find_by_name!) end belongs_to( :__area, class_name:'CommonRepositoryModel::Area', property: :is_member_of_area ) validates :area, presence: true, persisted: true has_many( :child_collections, class_name: 'CommonRepositoryModel::Collection', property: :is_member_of ) has_and_belongs_to_many( :parent_collections, class_name: 'CommonRepositoryModel::Collection', property: :is_member_of ) has_many( :data, class_name: 'CommonRepositoryModel::Data', property: :is_part_of ) def find_or_build_data_for_given_slot_names(slot_names) slot_names.collect { |name| data.detect { |d| d.slot_name == name } || name) } end end end