Feature: Outline modeling

  Outline models represent a Scenario Outline portion of a feature. They expose several attributes of the outline
  that they represent, as well as containing models for the steps, tags, and examples that are present in that outline.

    Given the following gherkin:
      Scenario Outline: example outline

          Some background description.

        Some more.
            Even more.

          Given a <setup> step
          When an action step
          Then a <verification> step

        Examples: example 1
          | setup | verification |
          | x     | y            |
        Examples: example 2
          | setup | verification |
          | a     | b            |
    And an outline model based on that gherkin
        @model = CukeModeler::Outline.new(<source_text>)

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's keyword
    When the outline's keyword is requested
    Then the model returns "Scenario Outline"

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's name
    When the outline's name is requested
    Then the model returns "example outline"

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's description
    When the outline's description is requested
    Then the model returns
        Some background description.

      Some more.
          Even more.

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's steps
    When the outline's steps are requested
    Then the model returns models for the following steps:
      | a <setup> step        |
      | an action step        |
      | a <verification> step |

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's examples
    When the outline's examples are requested
    Then the model returns models for the following examples:
      | example 1 |
      | example 2 |

  Scenario: Modeling an outline's tags
    Given the following gherkin:

        Scenario Outline:
          Given a <setup> step
          When an action step
          Then a <verification> step

          | setup | verification |
          | x     | y            |
    And a feature model based on that gherkin
        @model = CukeModeler::Feature.new(<source_text>)
    And the outline model of that feature model
        @model = @model.outlines.first
    When the outline's tags are requested
    Then the model returns models for the following tags:
      | @outline_tag_1 |
      | @outline_tag_2 |
    When the outline's inherited tags are requested
    Then the model returns models for the following tags:
      | @feature_tag |
    When all of the outline's tags are requested
    Then the model returns models for the following tags:
      | @feature_tag   |
      | @outline_tag_1 |
      | @outline_tag_2 |

  Scenario: Modeling a outline's source line
    Given the following gherkin:

        Scenario Outline:
          * a step
          | param |
          | value |
    And a feature model based on that gherkin
        @model = CukeModeler::Feature.new(<source_text>)
    And the outline model of that feature model
        @model = @model.outlines.first
    When the outline's source line is requested
    Then the model returns "3"