Feature: Outline modeling Outline models represent a Scenario Outline portion of a feature. They expose several attributes of the outline that they represent, as well as containing models for the steps, tags, and examples that are present in that outline. Background: Given the following gherkin: """ Scenario Outline: example outline Some background description. Some more. Even more. Given a <setup> step When an action step Then a <verification> step Examples: example 1 | setup | verification | | x | y | Examples: example 2 | setup | verification | | a | b | """ And an outline model based on that gherkin """ @model = CukeModeler::Outline.new(<source_text>) """ Scenario: Modeling an outline's keyword When the outline's keyword is requested """ @model.keyword """ Then the model returns "Scenario Outline" Scenario: Modeling an outline's name When the outline's name is requested """ @model.name """ Then the model returns "example outline" Scenario: Modeling an outline's description When the outline's description is requested """ @model.description """ Then the model returns """ Some background description. Some more. Even more. """ Scenario: Modeling an outline's steps When the outline's steps are requested """ @model.steps """ Then the model returns models for the following steps: | a <setup> step | | an action step | | a <verification> step | Scenario: Modeling an outline's examples When the outline's examples are requested """ @model.examples """ Then the model returns models for the following examples: | example 1 | | example 2 | Scenario: Modeling an outline's tags Given the following gherkin: """ @feature_tag Feature: @outline_tag_1 @outline_tag_2 Scenario Outline: Given a <setup> step When an action step Then a <verification> step Examples: | setup | verification | | x | y | """ And a feature model based on that gherkin """ @model = CukeModeler::Feature.new(<source_text>) """ And the outline model of that feature model """ @model = @model.outlines.first """ When the outline's tags are requested """ @model.tags """ Then the model returns models for the following tags: | @outline_tag_1 | | @outline_tag_2 | When the outline's inherited tags are requested """ @model.applied_tags """ Then the model returns models for the following tags: | @feature_tag | When all of the outline's tags are requested """ @model.all_tags """ Then the model returns models for the following tags: | @feature_tag | | @outline_tag_1 | | @outline_tag_2 | Scenario: Modeling a outline's source line Given the following gherkin: """ Feature: Scenario Outline: * a step Examples: | param | | value | """ And a feature model based on that gherkin """ @model = CukeModeler::Feature.new(<source_text>) """ And the outline model of that feature model """ @model = @model.outlines.first """ When the outline's source line is requested """ @model.source_line """ Then the model returns "3"