module ItemHelper # # Tag Selector # def add_tag name (selected_tags + [name]).join('-') end def remove_tag name list = (selected_tags - [name]).join('-') return nil if list.empty? list end def render_item_tags item # Tags tags = item.tags.topic.collect{|tag_name| tag_link tag_name} # Visibility viewers = item.minor_viewers owner_role = "user:#{item.owner_name}" viewers ={|role| role != owner_role} if viewers.blank? # visible only to owner tags << tag(:div, t(:owner_visibility), class: :m_owner_visibility) else viewers.each do |role| if role == 'user' # don't show public visibility elsif role == 'member' tags << tag(:div, t(:member_visibility), class: :m_member_visibility) else tags << tag(:div, role, class: :m_custom_visibility) end end end tags end def tag_link tag_name, count = nil # link = if current_item and current_item.is_a?(Selector) # url_for(action_name, _tags: tag_name) # else # items_path(_tags: tag_name) # end link = items_path(_tags: tag_name) if count link_to(tag_name, link, title: t(:tags_count, count: count)) else link_to(tag_name, link) end end def render_item_details item, opt = {} skip = Array(opt[:skip]) item.must_be.a Models::Item details = [] details << item.created_at.time_ago_in_words unless skip.include? :created_at details << t(:created_by, owner: link_to(item.owner_name, user_path(item.owner_name))) unless skip.include? :owner details << t(:comments_count, count: item.comments_count) if item.comments_count > 0 and !skip.include?(:comments) details end def form_title_for item # return if embedded? or !item.new_record? return unless item.new_record? model_name = item.class.alias.underscore t "create_#{model_name}" end def common_fields_for_item form, opt = {}, &extra_fields object = form.model #instance_variable_get '@object' skip = Array(opt[:skip]) html = "" html << form.text_field(:topics_as_string, label: t(:tags)) unless skip.include? :tags more = "" unless skip.include? :slug slug_opt = object.new_record? ? {label: t(:slug)} : {label: t(:slug), description: t(:slug_description)} # more << form.text_field(:slug, (object.new_record? ? '' : object.slug), slug_opt) more << form.text_field(:slug, slug_opt) end more << capture(&extra_fields) if extra_fields html << b.more(id: "form_for_#{}", name: t(:show_more), 'content' => more) # if extra_fields # html << capture{b.more(id: "form_for_#{}", name: t(:show_more), &extra_fields)} # else if extra_fields concat html else html end end def item_layout_selector current = (@model.layout || :default).to_sym layouts = rad.face.availiable_layouts[] || [] layouts << current unless layouts.include? current html_options = {class: 'm_autosubmit_on_change', 'data-action' => layout_path(@model, format: :js), 'data-remote' => true} "#{t(:layout)}: #{select_tag(:layout, current, layouts.collect{|l| [l, l]}, html_options)}" end end