describe('modules.Fontdeck', function () { var Fontdeck = webfont.modules.Fontdeck, Font = webfont.Font; var configuration = { id: '2282' }; var apiResponse = { "domain" : "localhost", "cssurl" : "", "project" : 2282, "cssbase" : "", "fonts" : [ { "font_family" : "'Fertigo Pro Regular', Fertigo, Constantia, Palatino, serif", "font_size_adjust" : 0.508, "name" : "Fertigo Pro Regular", "style" : "normal", "weight" : "normal", "font_urls" : { "eot" : "", "ttf" : "", "woff" : "", "svg" : "" }, "id" : 104 }, { "font_family" : "'Bodoni Display Bold Italic', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif", "font_size_adjust" : 0.45, "name" : "Bodoni Display Bold Italic", "style" : "italic", "weight" : "bold", "font_urls" : { "eot" : "", "ttf" : "", "woff" : "", "svg" : "" }, "id" : 2256 } ] }; var fakeDomHelper = null, global = null; beforeEach(function () { global = { location: {} }; fakeDomHelper = { loadScript: jasmine.createSpy('loadScript'), getLoadWindow: jasmine.createSpy('getLoadWindow').andReturn(global), getProtocol: jasmine.createSpy('getProtocol').andReturn('https:'), getHostName: function () { return 'test-host-name'; } }; }); describe('support and load life cycle', function () { var fontdeck = null, support = null; beforeEach(function () { fontdeck = new Fontdeck(fakeDomHelper, configuration); support = jasmine.createSpy('support'); fontdeck.supportUserAgent('user agent', support); }); it('should create the script correctly', function () { expect(fakeDomHelper.loadScript).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(fakeDomHelper.loadScript.calls[0].args[0]).toEqual(''); }); it('should have created a global', function () { expect(global.__webfontfontdeckmodule__).not.toBeNull(); expect(global.__webfontfontdeckmodule__['2282']).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should load correctly after calling the callback', function () { global.__webfontfontdeckmodule__['2282'](true, apiResponse); expect(fontdeck.fonts_).toEqual([new Font(apiResponse.fonts[0].name), new Font(apiResponse.fonts[1].name, 'i7')]); expect(support).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('no project id', function () { var fontdeck = null, support = null; beforeEach(function () { fontdeck = new Fontdeck(fakeDomHelper, { id: null }); support = jasmine.createSpy('support'); fontdeck.supportUserAgent('user agent', support); }); it('should not have loaded any fonts', function () { expect(fontdeck.fonts_).toEqual([]); expect(support).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });