module CouchRest module Model module Associations # Basic support for relationships between CouchRest::Model::Base def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Define an association that this object belongs to. # # An attribute will be created matching the name of the attribute # with '_id' on the end, or the foreign key (:foreign_key) provided. # # Searching for the assocated object is performed using a string # (:proxy) to be evaulated in the context of the owner. Typically # this will be set to the class name (:class_name), or determined # automatically if the owner belongs to a proxy object. # # If the association owner is proxied by another model, than an attempt will # be made to automatically determine the correct place to request # the documents. Typically, this is a method with the pluralized name of the # association inside owner's owner, or proxy. # # For example, imagine a company acts as a proxy for invoices and clients. # If an invoice belongs to a client, the invoice will need to access the # list of clients via the proxy. So a request to search for the associated # client from an invoice would look like: # # # # If the name of the collection proxy is not the pluralized assocation name, # it can be set with the :proxy_name option. # def belongs_to(attrib, *options) opts = merge_belongs_to_association_options(attrib, options.first) property(opts[:foreign_key], String, opts) create_association_property_setter(attrib, opts) create_belongs_to_getter(attrib, opts) create_belongs_to_setter(attrib, opts) end # Provide access to a collection of objects where the associated # property contains a list of the collection item ids. # # The following: # # collection_of :groups # # creates a pseudo property called "groups" which allows access # to a CollectionOfProxy object. Adding, replacing or removing entries in this # proxy will cause the matching property array, in this case "group_ids", to # be kept in sync. # # Any manual changes made to the collection ids property (group_ids), unless replaced, will require # a reload of the CollectionOfProxy for the two sets of data to be in sync: # # group_ids = ['123'] # groups == [Group.get('123')] # group_ids << '321' # groups == [Group.get('123')] # groups(true) == [Group.get('123'), Group.get('321')] # # Of course, saving the parent record will store the collection ids as they are # found. # # The CollectionOfProxy supports the following array functions, anything else will cause # a mismatch between the collection objects and collection ids: # # groups << obj # groups.push obj # groups.unshift obj # groups[0] = obj # groups.pop == obj # groups.shift == obj # # Addtional options match those of the the belongs_to method. # # NOTE: This method is *not* recommended for large collections or collections that change # frequently! Use with prudence. # def collection_of(attrib, *options) opts = merge_belongs_to_association_options(attrib, options.first) opts[:foreign_key] = opts[:foreign_key].pluralize opts[:readonly] = true property(opts[:foreign_key], [String], opts) create_association_property_setter(attrib, opts) create_collection_of_getter(attrib, opts) create_collection_of_setter(attrib, opts) end private def merge_belongs_to_association_options(attrib, options = nil) opts = { :foreign_key => attrib.to_s.singularize + '_id', :class_name => attrib.to_s.singularize.camelcase, :proxy_name => attrib.to_s.pluralize, :allow_blank => false } opts.merge!(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) # Generate a string for the proxy method call # Assumes that the proxy_owner_method from "proxyable" is available. if opts[:proxy].to_s.empty? opts[:proxy] = if proxy_owner_method "self.#{proxy_owner_method}.#{opts[:proxy_name]}" else opts[:class_name] end end opts end ### Generic support methods def create_association_property_setter(attrib, options) # ensure CollectionOfProxy is nil, ready to be reloaded on request class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{options[:foreign_key]}=(value) @#{attrib} = nil write_attribute("#{options[:foreign_key]}", value) end EOS end ### belongs_to support methods def create_belongs_to_getter(attrib, options) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attrib} @#{attrib} ||= #{options[:foreign_key]}.nil? ? nil : #{options[:proxy]}.get(self.#{options[:foreign_key]}) end EOS end def create_belongs_to_setter(attrib, options) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attrib}=(value) self.#{options[:foreign_key]} = value.nil? ? nil : @#{attrib} = value end EOS end ### collection_of support methods def create_collection_of_getter(attrib, options) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attrib}(reload = false) return @#{attrib} unless @#{attrib}.nil? or reload ary = self.#{options[:foreign_key]}.collect{|i| #{options[:proxy]}.get(i)} @#{attrib} =, find_property('#{options[:foreign_key]}'), self) end EOS end def create_collection_of_setter(attrib, options) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attrib}=(value) @#{attrib} =, find_property('#{options[:foreign_key]}'), self) end EOS end end end # Special proxy for a collection of items so that adding and removing # to the list automatically updates the associated property. class CollectionOfProxy < CastedArray def initialize(array, property, parent) (array ||= []).compact! super(array, property, parent) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s] = [] # replace the original array! array.compact.each do |obj| check_obj(obj) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s] << end end def << obj check_obj(obj) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s] << super(obj) end def push(obj) check_obj(obj) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s].push super(obj) end def unshift(obj) check_obj(obj) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s].unshift super(obj) end def []= index, obj check_obj(obj) casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s][index] = super(index, obj) end def pop casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s].pop super end def shift casted_by[casted_by_property.to_s].shift super end protected def check_obj(obj) raise "Object cannot be added to #{casted_by.class.to_s}##{casted_by_property.to_s} collection unless saved" if end # Override CastedArray instantiation_and_cast method for a simpler # version that will not try to cast the model. def instantiate_and_cast(obj, change = true) couchrest_parent_will_change! if change && use_dirty? obj.casted_by = casted_by if obj.respond_to?(:casted_by) obj.casted_by_property = casted_by_property if obj.respond_to?(:casted_by_property) obj end end end end