# frozen_string_literal: true module HTTPX GRPCError = Class.new(Error) do attr_reader :status, :details, :metadata def initialize(status, details, metadata) @status = status @details = details @metadata = metadata super("GRPC error, code=#{status}, details=#{details}, metadata=#{metadata}") end end module Plugins # # This plugin adds DSL to build GRPC interfaces. # # https://gitlab.com/os85/httpx/wikis/GRPC # module GRPC unless String.method_defined?(:underscore) module StringExtensions refine String do def underscore s = dup # Avoid mutating the argument, as it might be frozen. s.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') s.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') s.tr!("-", "_") s.downcase! s end end end using StringExtensions end DEADLINE = 60 MARSHAL_METHOD = :encode UNMARSHAL_METHOD = :decode HEADERS = { "content-type" => "application/grpc", "te" => "trailers", "accept" => "application/grpc", # metadata fits here # ex "foo-bin" => base64("bar") }.freeze class << self def load_dependencies(*) require "stringio" require "httpx/plugins/grpc/grpc_encoding" require "httpx/plugins/grpc/message" require "httpx/plugins/grpc/call" end def configure(klass) klass.plugin(:persistent) klass.plugin(:stream) end def extra_options(options) options.merge( fallback_protocol: "h2", grpc_rpcs: {}.freeze, grpc_compression: false, grpc_deadline: DEADLINE ) end end module OptionsMethods def option_grpc_service(value) String(value) end def option_grpc_compression(value) case value when true, false value else value.to_s end end def option_grpc_rpcs(value) Hash[value] end def option_grpc_deadline(value) raise TypeError, ":grpc_deadline must be positive" unless value.positive? value end def option_call_credentials(value) raise TypeError, ":call_credentials must respond to #call" unless value.respond_to?(:call) value end end module ResponseMethods attr_reader :trailing_metadata def merge_headers(trailers) @trailing_metadata = Hash[trailers] super end end module RequestBodyMethods def initialize(headers, _) super if (compression = headers["grpc-encoding"]) deflater_body = self.class.initialize_deflater_body(@body, compression) @body = Transcoder::GRPCEncoding.encode(deflater_body || @body, compressed: !deflater_body.nil?) else @body = Transcoder::GRPCEncoding.encode(@body, compressed: false) end end end module InstanceMethods def with_channel_credentials(ca_path, key = nil, cert = nil, **ssl_opts) ssl_params = { **ssl_opts, ca_file: ca_path, } if key key = File.read(key) if File.file?(key) ssl_params[:key] = OpenSSL::PKey.read(key) end if cert cert = File.read(cert) if File.file?(cert) ssl_params[:cert] = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(cert) end with(ssl: ssl_params) end def rpc(rpc_name, input, output, **opts) rpc_name = rpc_name.to_s raise Error, "rpc #{rpc_name} already defined" if @options.grpc_rpcs.key?(rpc_name) rpc_opts = { deadline: @options.grpc_deadline, }.merge(opts) local_rpc_name = rpc_name.underscore session_class = Class.new(self.class) do # define rpc method with ruby style name class_eval(<<-OUT, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{local_rpc_name}(input, **opts) # def grpc_action(input, **opts) rpc_execute("#{local_rpc_name}", input, **opts) # rpc_execute("grpc_action", input, **opts) end # end OUT # define rpc method with original name unless local_rpc_name == rpc_name class_eval(<<-OUT, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{rpc_name}(input, **opts) # def grpcAction(input, **opts) rpc_execute("#{local_rpc_name}", input, **opts) # rpc_execute("grpc_action", input, **opts) end # end OUT end end session_class.new(@options.merge( grpc_rpcs: @options.grpc_rpcs.merge( local_rpc_name => [rpc_name, input, output, rpc_opts] ).freeze )) end def build_stub(origin, service: nil, compression: false) scheme = @options.ssl.empty? ? "http" : "https" origin = URI.parse("#{scheme}://#{origin}") session = self if service && service.respond_to?(:rpc_descs) # it's a grpc generic service service.rpc_descs.each do |rpc_name, rpc_desc| rpc_opts = { marshal_method: rpc_desc.marshal_method, unmarshal_method: rpc_desc.unmarshal_method, } input = rpc_desc.input input = input.type if input.respond_to?(:type) output = rpc_desc.output if output.respond_to?(:type) rpc_opts[:stream] = true output = output.type end session = session.rpc(rpc_name, input, output, **rpc_opts) end service = service.service_name end session.with(origin: origin, grpc_service: service, grpc_compression: compression) end def execute(rpc_method, input, deadline: DEADLINE, metadata: nil, **opts) grpc_request = build_grpc_request(rpc_method, input, deadline: deadline, metadata: metadata, **opts) response = request(grpc_request, **opts) response.raise_for_status unless opts[:stream] GRPC::Call.new(response) end private def rpc_execute(rpc_name, input, **opts) rpc_name, input_enc, output_enc, rpc_opts = @options.grpc_rpcs[rpc_name] exec_opts = rpc_opts.merge(opts) marshal_method ||= exec_opts.delete(:marshal_method) || MARSHAL_METHOD unmarshal_method ||= exec_opts.delete(:unmarshal_method) || UNMARSHAL_METHOD messages = if input.respond_to?(:each) Enumerator.new do |y| input.each do |message| y << input_enc.__send__(marshal_method, message) end end else input_enc.__send__(marshal_method, input) end call = execute(rpc_name, messages, **exec_opts) call.decoder = output_enc.method(unmarshal_method) call end def build_grpc_request(rpc_method, input, deadline:, metadata: nil, **) uri = @options.origin.dup rpc_method = "/#{rpc_method}" unless rpc_method.start_with?("/") rpc_method = "/#{@options.grpc_service}#{rpc_method}" if @options.grpc_service uri.path = rpc_method headers = HEADERS.merge( "grpc-accept-encoding" => ["identity", *@options.supported_compression_formats] ) unless deadline == Float::INFINITY # convert to milliseconds deadline = (deadline * 1000.0).to_i headers["grpc-timeout"] = "#{deadline}m" end headers = headers.merge(metadata.transform_keys(&:to_s)) if metadata # prepare compressor compression = @options.grpc_compression == true ? "gzip" : @options.grpc_compression headers["grpc-encoding"] = compression if compression headers.merge!(@options.call_credentials.call.transform_keys(&:to_s)) if @options.call_credentials build_request("POST", uri, headers: headers, body: input) end end end register_plugin :grpc, GRPC end end