h1. contactlist-client The contactlist-client gem is a ruby client to "contactlist":http://github.com/flyerhzm/contactlist service which retrieves contact list of email(hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah and 189) and im(msn) ********************************************************** h2. install

gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org
gem install contactlist-client
********************************************************** h2. Usage

require 'contactlist-client'
contacts = ContactList::Client.fetch(account, password, type)

contacts.each do |contact|
  puts "username: #{contact.username}, email: #{contact.email}"
* account, string of your email or im account * password, string of your password * type, string of your email type of im, now support gmail, hotmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, tom, yeah, 163, 126, 189, 139 and msn ********************************************************** Copyright (c) 2009 Richard Huang (flyerhzm@gmail.com). See LICENSE for details.