# This template generate a file suitable to use as an /etc/hosts file
# by populating it with all the service address of nodes
# This template can be configure the following way with environment variables
# Environment variables to filter services/instances
#   SERVICES_MATCH_FILTER: regexp to filter services (default: .*)
#   SERVICES_TAG_FILTER: basic tag filter for service (default: all services)
#   INSTANCE_MUST_TAG: Second level of filtering (optional, default to SERVICES_TAG_FILTER)
#   INSTANCE_EXCLUDE_TAG: Exclude instances having the given tag (default: canary)
#   EXCLUDE_SERVICES: comma-separated services regexps to exclude (default: lbl7.*,netsvc-probe.*,consul-probed.*)

  services_match_filter = Regexp.new(ENV['SERVICES_MATCH_FILTER'] || '.*')
  service_tag_filter = ENV['SERVICES_TAG_FILTER'] || nil
  instance_must_tag = ENV['INSTANCE_MUST_TAG'] || service_tag_filter
  instance_exclude_tag = ENV['INSTANCE_EXCLUDE_TAG']

  # Services to hide
  services_blacklist_raw = (ENV['EXCLUDE_SERVICES'] || 'lbl7.*,netsvc-probe.*,consul-probed.*').split(',')
  services_blacklist = services_blacklist_raw.map { |v| Regexp.new(v) }
# This file is auto-generated and generates a suitable /etc/hosts       localhost localhost.localdomain

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

  all_nodes = {}
  services(tag: service_tag_filter).each do |service_name, tags|
    if services_match_filter.match(service_name) && !services_blacklist.any? {|r| r.match(service_name)} && (instance_must_tag.nil? || tags.include?(instance_must_tag))
      service(service_name).each do |snode|
        tags_of_instance = snode['Service']['Tags']
        if (instance_must_tag.nil? || tags_of_instance.include?(instance_must_tag)) && !tags_of_instance.include?(instance_exclude_tag)
          # This is gonna exclude sync tools such as consul-k8s setting external-source
          all_nodes[snode['Node']['Node']] = snode['Node']['Address'] unless snode.service_or_node_meta_value('external-source')
  all_nodes.keys.sort.each do |node_name|
%><%= node_name %>  <%= all_nodes[node_name] %>
<% end %>