require 'spec_helper' %w[docomo au softbank].each do |carrier| shared_examples_for "non-#{carrier} devices" do it("should not be #{carrier}?") do @request.should_not send("be_#{carrier}") end end shared_examples_for "#{carrier} devices" do it("should be #{carrier}?") do @request.should send("be_#{carrier}") end it("should be galakei") { @request.should be_galakei } end end describe Galakei::Request do describe "from Firefox" do before { @request ="Firefox")) } it_should_behave_like "non-au devices" it_should_behave_like "non-docomo devices" it_should_behave_like "non-softbank devices" it("should not be galakei") { @request.should_not be_galakei } end describe "from Docomo SH-06A" do before { @request ="Docomo SH-06A")) } it_should_behave_like "docomo devices" it_should_behave_like "non-au devices" it_should_behave_like "non-softbank devices" end describe "from AU W51SH" do before { @request ="AU W51SH")) } it_should_behave_like "non-docomo devices" it_should_behave_like "non-softbank devices" end describe "from Vodafone 802N" do before { @request ="Vodafone 802N")) } it_should_behave_like "non-au devices" it_should_behave_like "non-docomo devices" it_should_behave_like "softbank devices" end describe "from Softbank 709SC" do before { @request ="Softbank 709SC")) } it_should_behave_like "non-au devices" it_should_behave_like "non-docomo devices" it_should_behave_like "softbank devices" end end