# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'forwardable' module NewRelic module Agent module Configuration # Helper since default Procs are evaluated in the context of this module def self.value_of(key) Proc.new do NewRelic::Agent.config[key] end end class Boolean def self.===(o) TrueClass === o or FalseClass === o end end class DefaultSource attr_reader :defaults extend Forwardable def_delegators :@defaults, :has_key?, :each, :merge, :delete, :keys, :[], :to_hash def initialize @defaults = default_values end def default_values result = {} ::NewRelic::Agent::Configuration::DEFAULTS.each do |key, value| result[key] = value[:default] end result end def self.transform_for(key) default_settings = ::NewRelic::Agent::Configuration::DEFAULTS[key] default_settings[:transform] if default_settings end def self.config_search_paths Proc.new { paths = [ File.join("config","newrelic.yml"), File.join("newrelic.yml") ] if NewRelic::Control.instance.root paths << File.join(NewRelic::Control.instance.root, "config", "newrelic.yml") paths << File.join(NewRelic::Control.instance.root, "newrelic.yml") end if ENV["HOME"] paths << File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".newrelic", "newrelic.yml") paths << File.join(ENV["HOME"], "newrelic.yml") end # If we're packaged for warbler, we can tell from GEM_HOME if ENV["GEM_HOME"] && ENV["GEM_HOME"].end_with?(".jar!") app_name = File.basename(ENV["GEM_HOME"], ".jar!") paths << File.join(ENV["GEM_HOME"], app_name, "config", "newrelic.yml") end paths } end def self.config_path Proc.new { found_path = NewRelic::Agent.config[:config_search_paths].detect do |file| File.expand_path(file) if File.exist? file end found_path || "" } end def self.framework Proc.new { case when defined?(::NewRelic::TEST) then :test when defined?(::Merb) && defined?(::Merb::Plugins) then :merb when defined?(::Rails::VERSION) case Rails::VERSION::MAJOR when 0..2 :rails when 3 :rails3 when 4 :rails4 when 5 :rails5 else ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "Detected unsupported Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" end when defined?(::Sinatra) && defined?(::Sinatra::Base) then :sinatra when defined?(::NewRelic::IA) then :external else :ruby end } end def self.agent_enabled Proc.new { NewRelic::Agent.config[:enabled] && (NewRelic::Agent.config[:test_mode] || NewRelic::Agent.config[:monitor_mode]) && NewRelic::Agent::Autostart.agent_should_start? } end def self.audit_log_path Proc.new { File.join(NewRelic::Agent.config[:log_file_path], 'newrelic_audit.log') } end def self.app_name Proc.new { NewRelic::Control.instance.env } end def self.dispatcher Proc.new { NewRelic::Control.instance.local_env.discovered_dispatcher } end def self.thread_profiler_enabled Proc.new { NewRelic::Agent::Threading::BacktraceService.is_supported? } end # This check supports the js_errors_beta key we've asked clients to # set. Once JS errors are GA, browser_monitoring.loader can stop # being dynamic. def self.browser_monitoring_loader Proc.new { NewRelic::Agent.config[:js_errors_beta] ? "full" : "rum"} end def self.transaction_tracer_transaction_threshold Proc.new { NewRelic::Agent.config[:apdex_t] * 4 } end def self.port Proc.new { NewRelic::Agent.config[:ssl] ? 443 : 80 } end def self.profiling_available Proc.new { begin require 'ruby-prof' true rescue LoadError false end } end def self.convert_to_regexp_list(raw_value) value_list = convert_to_list(raw_value) value_list.map do |value| /#{value}/ end end def self.convert_to_list(value) case value when String value.split(/\s*,\s*/) when Array value else raise ArgumentError.new("Config value '#{value}' couldn't be turned into a list.") end end def self.convert_to_constant_list(raw_value) const_names = convert_to_list(raw_value) const_names.map! do |class_name| const = ::NewRelic::LanguageSupport.constantize(class_name) unless const NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Ignoring unrecognized constant '#{class_name}' in #{raw_value}") end const end const_names.compact end end AUTOSTART_BLACKLISTED_RAKE_TASKS = [ 'about', 'assets:clean', 'assets:clobber', 'assets:environment', 'assets:precompile', 'assets:precompile:all', 'db:create', 'db:drop', 'db:fixtures:load', 'db:migrate', 'db:migrate:status', 'db:rollback', 'db:schema:cache:clear', 'db:schema:cache:dump', 'db:schema:dump', 'db:schema:load', 'db:seed', 'db:setup', 'db:structure:dump', 'db:version', 'doc:app', 'log:clear', 'middleware', 'notes', 'notes:custom', 'rails:template', 'rails:update', 'routes', 'secret', 'spec', 'spec:features', 'spec:requests', 'spec:controllers', 'spec:helpers', 'spec:models', 'spec:views', 'spec:routing', 'spec:rcov', 'stats', 'test', 'test:all', 'test:all:db', 'test:recent', 'test:single', 'test:uncommitted', 'time:zones:all', 'tmp:clear', 'tmp:create' ].join(',').freeze DEFAULTS = { :license_key => { :default => '', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Your New Relic license key.' }, :agent_enabled => { :default => DefaultSource.agent_enabled, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, allows the Ruby agent to run.' }, :enabled => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :aliases => [:enable], :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable the agent.' }, :app_name => { :default => DefaultSource.app_name, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Specify the application name used to aggregate data in the New Relic UI. To report data to multiple apps at the same time, specify a list of names separated by a semicolon ;. For example, MyApp or MyStagingApp;Instance1.' }, :monitor_mode => { :default => value_of(:enabled), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'When true, the agent transmits data about your app to the New Relic collector.' }, :test_mode => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Used in tests for agent to start up but not connect to collector. Formerly used developer_mode in test config for this purpose.' }, :log_level => { :default => 'info', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Sets the level of detail of log messages. Possible log levels, in increasing verbosity, are: error, warn, info or debug.' }, :high_security => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, enables high security mode. Ensure you understand the implications of high security mode before enabling this setting.' }, :ssl => { :default => true, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, enables SSL for transmissions to the New Relic collector.' }, :proxy_host => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a host for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy server.' }, :proxy_port => { :default => 8080, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a port for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy server.' }, :proxy_user => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :exclude_from_reported_settings => true, :description => 'Defines a user for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy server.' }, :proxy_pass => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :exclude_from_reported_settings => true, :description => 'Defines a password for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy server.' }, :capture_params => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'When true, the agent captures HTTP request parameters and attaches them to transaction traces, traced errors, and TransactionError events.' }, :config_path => { :default => DefaultSource.config_path, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Path to newrelic.yml. If undefined, the agent checks the following directories (in order): config/newrelic.yml, newrelic.yml, $HOME/.newrelic/newrelic.yml and $HOME/newrelic.yml.' }, :config_search_paths => { :default => DefaultSource.config_search_paths, :public => false, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => "An array of candidate locations for the agent\'s configuration file." }, :dispatcher => { :default => DefaultSource.dispatcher, :public => false, :type => Symbol, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Autodetected application component that reports metrics to New Relic.' }, :framework => { :default => DefaultSource.framework, :public => false, :type => Symbol, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Autodetected application framework used to enable framework-specific functionality.' }, :'autostart.blacklisted_constants' => { :default => 'Rails::Console', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Specify a list of constants that should prevent the agent from starting automatically. Separate individual constants with a comma ,. For example, Rails::Console,UninstrumentedBackgroundJob.' }, :'autostart.blacklisted_executables' => { :default => 'irb,rspec', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a comma-delimited list of executables that the agent should not instrument. For example, rake,my_ruby_script.rb.' }, :'autostart.blacklisted_rake_tasks' => { :default => AUTOSTART_BLACKLISTED_RAKE_TASKS, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a comma-delimited list of Rake tasks that the agent should not instrument. For example, assets:precompile,db:migrate.' }, :disable_rake => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Rake instrumentation.' }, :disable_rake_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable Rake instrumentation. Preferred key is `disable_rake`' }, :'rake.tasks' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_regexp_list), :description => 'Specify an array of Rake tasks to automatically instrument.' }, :'rake.connect_timeout' => { :default => 10, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Timeout for waiting on connect to complete before a rake task' }, :apdex_t => { :default => 0.5, :public => true, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :deprecated => true, :description => 'Deprecated. For agent versions 3.5.0 or higher, set your Apdex T via the New Relic UI.' }, :'strip_exception_messages.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:high_security), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent strips messages from all exceptions except those in the whitelist. Enabled automatically in high security mode.' }, :'strip_exception_messages.whitelist' => { :default => '', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_constant_list), :description => 'Specify a whitelist of exceptions you do not want the agent to strip when strip_exception_messages is true. Separate exceptions with a comma. For example, "ImportantException,PreserveMessageException".' }, :host => { :default => 'collector.newrelic.com', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => "URI for the New Relic data collection service." }, :api_host => { :default => 'rpm.newrelic.com', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'API host for New Relic.' }, :port => { :default => DefaultSource.port, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Port for the New Relic data collection service.' }, :api_port => { :default => value_of(:port), :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Port for the New Relic API host.' }, :sync_startup => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'When set to true, forces a synchronous connection to the New Relic collector during application startup. For very short-lived processes, this helps ensure the New Relic agent has time to report.' }, :send_data_on_exit => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, enables the exit handler that sends data to the New Relic collector before shutting down.' }, :post_size_limit => { :default => 2 * 1024 * 1024, # 2MB :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum number of bytes to send to the New Relic data collection service.' }, :put_for_data_send => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Use HTTP PUT requests instead of POST.' }, :compressed_content_encoding => { :default => 'deflate', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Encoding to use if data needs to be compressed. The options are deflate and gzip.' }, :simple_compression => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'When enabled the agent will compress payloads destined for the collector, but will not pre-compress parts of the payload.' }, :timeout => { :default => 2 * 60, # 2 minutes :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines the maximum number of seconds the agent should spend attempting to connect to the collector.' }, :send_environment_info => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable transmission of application environment information to the New Relic data collection service.' }, :data_report_period => { :default => 60, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Number of seconds betwixt connections to the New Relic data collection service. Note that transaction events have a separate report period, specified by data_report_periods.analytic_event_data.' }, :'data_report_periods.analytic_event_data' => { :default => 60, :public => false, :type => Integer, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Number of seconds between connections to the New Relic data collection service for sending transaction event data.' }, :keep_retrying => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :deprecated => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable retrying failed connections to the New Relic data collection service.' }, :force_reconnect => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Force a new connection to the server before running the worker loop. Creates a separate agent run and is recorded as a separate instance by the New Relic data collection service.' }, :report_instance_busy => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable transmission of metrics recording the percentage of time application instances spend servicing requests (duty cycle metrics).' }, :log_file_name => { :default => 'newrelic_agent.log', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a name for the log file.' }, :log_file_path => { :default => 'log/', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Defines a path to the agent log file, excluding the filename.' }, :'audit_log.enabled' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, enables an audit log which logs communications with the New Relic collector.' }, :'audit_log.path' => { :default => DefaultSource.audit_log_path, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Specifies a path to the audit log file (including the filename).' }, :'audit_log.endpoints' => { :default => [".*"], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_regexp_list), :description => 'List of allowed endpoints to include in audit log' }, :disable_samplers => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables the collection of sampler metrics. Sampler metrics are metrics that are not event-based (such as CPU time or memory usage).' }, :disable_resque => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Resque instrumentation.' }, :disable_sidekiq => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Sidekiq instrumentation.' }, :disable_dj => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Delayed::Job instrumentation.' }, :disable_sinatra => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true , disables Sinatra instrumentation.' }, :disable_sinatra_auto_middleware => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables agent middleware for Sinatra. This middleware is responsible for advanced feature support such as cross application tracing, page load timing, and error collection.' }, :disable_view_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables view instrumentation.' }, :disable_harvest_thread => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable the harvest thread.' }, :skip_ar_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Enable or disable active record instrumentation.' }, :disable_activerecord_instrumentation => { :default => value_of(:skip_ar_instrumentation), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables active record instrumentation.' }, :disable_data_mapper => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables DataMapper instrumentation.' }, :disable_activejob => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables ActiveJob instrumentation.' }, :disable_action_cable_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Action Cable instrumentation.' }, :disable_memcached => { :default => value_of(:disable_memcache_instrumentation), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the memcached gem.' }, :disable_memcache_client => { :default => value_of(:disable_memcache_instrumentation), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the memcache-client gem.' }, :disable_dalli => { :default => value_of(:disable_memcache_instrumentation), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the dalli gem.' }, :disable_dalli_cas_client => { :default => value_of(:disable_memcache_instrumentation), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => "If true, disables instrumentation for the dalli gem\'s additional CAS client support." }, :disable_memcache_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables memcache instrumentation.' }, :disable_gc_profiler => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables the use of GC::Profiler to measure time spent in garbage collection' }, :'sidekiq.capture_params' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :dynamic_name => true, :deprecated => true, :description => 'If true, enables the capture of job arguments for transaction traces and traced errors in Sidekiq.' }, :'resque.capture_params' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :dynamic_name => true, :deprecated => true, :description => 'If true, enables the capture of job arguments for transaction traces and traced errors in Resque.' }, :'resque.use_ruby_dns' => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Replace the libc DNS resolver with the all Ruby resolver Resolv' }, :capture_memcache_keys => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable the capture of memcache keys from transaction traces.' }, :'transaction_tracer.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables collection of transaction traces.' }, :'transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold' => { :default => DefaultSource.transaction_tracer_transaction_threshold, :public => true, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Specify a threshold in seconds. Transactions with a duration longer than this threshold are eligible for transaction traces. Specify a float value or the string apdex_f.' }, :'transaction_tracer.record_sql' => { :default => 'obfuscated', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Obfuscation level for SQL queries reported in transaction trace nodes. Valid options are obfuscated, raw, or none.' }, :'transaction_tracer.record_redis_arguments' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent records Redis command arguments in transaction traces.' }, :'transaction_tracer.capture_attributes' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :deprecated => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Deprecated; use transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled instead.' }, :'transaction_tracer.explain_threshold' => { :default => 0.5, :public => true, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Threshold (in seconds) above which the agent will collect explain plans. Relevant only when explain_enabled is true.' }, :'transaction_tracer.explain_enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables the collection of explain plans in transaction traces. This setting will also apply to explain plans in slow SQL traces if slow_sql.explain_enabled is not set separately.' }, :'transaction_tracer.stack_trace_threshold' => { :default => 0.5, :public => true, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Specify a threshold in seconds. The agent includes stack traces in transaction trace nodes when the stack trace duration exceeds this threshold.' }, :'transaction_tracer.limit_segments' => { :default => 4000, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum number of transaction trace nodes to record in a single transaction trace.' }, :disable_sequel_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables Sequel instrumentation.' }, :disable_database_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :deprecated => true, :description => 'Deprecated; use disable_sequel_instrumentation instead.' }, :disable_mongo => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :dynamic_name => true, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install instrumentation for the Mongo gem.' }, :disable_redis => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install instrumentation for Redis.' }, :disable_redis_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Disables installation of Redis instrumentation. Standard key to use is disable_redis.' }, :'slow_sql.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'transaction_tracer.enabled'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent collects slow SQL queries.' }, :'slow_sql.explain_threshold' => { :default => value_of(:'transaction_tracer.explain_threshold'), :public => true, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Specify a threshold in seconds. The agent collects slow SQL queries and explain plans that exceed this threshold.' }, :'slow_sql.explain_enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'transaction_tracer.explain_enabled'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent collects explain plans in slow SQL queries. If this setting is omitted, the transaction_tracer.explain_enabled setting will be applied as the default setting for explain plans in slow SQL as well.' }, :'slow_sql.record_sql' => { :default => value_of(:'transaction_tracer.record_sql'), :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Defines an obfuscation level for slow SQL queries. Valid options are obfuscated, raw, or none).' }, :'slow_sql.use_longer_sql_id' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Generate a longer sql_id for slow SQL traces. sql_id is used for aggregation of similar queries.' }, :'mongo.capture_queries' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent captures Mongo queries in transaction traces.' }, :'mongo.obfuscate_queries' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent obfuscates Mongo queries in transaction traces.' }, :'error_collector.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent captures traced errors and error count metrics.' }, :'error_collector.capture_attributes' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :deprecated => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Deprecated; use error_collector.attributes.enabled instead.' }, :'error_collector.ignore_errors' => { :default => 'ActionController::RoutingError,Sinatra::NotFound', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Specify a comma-delimited list of error classes that the agent should ignore.' }, :'error_collector.capture_events' => { :default => value_of(:'error_collector.enabled'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent collects TransactionError events.' }, :'error_collector.max_event_samples_stored' => { :default => 100, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Defines the maximum number of TransactionError events sent to Insights per harvest cycle.' }, :'rum.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable page load timing (sometimes referred to as real user monitoring or RUM).' }, :browser_key => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Real user monitoring license key for the browser timing header.' }, :beacon => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Beacon for real user monitoring.' }, :error_beacon => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Error beacon for real user monitoring.' }, :application_id => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Application ID for real user monitoring.' }, :js_agent_file => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Javascript agent file for real user monitoring.' }, :'browser_monitoring.auto_instrument' => { :default => value_of(:'rum.enabled'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables auto-injection of the JavaScript header for page load timing (sometimes referred to as real user monitoring or RUM).' }, :'browser_monitoring.capture_attributes' => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :deprecated => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Deprecated; use browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled instead.' }, :'browser_monitoring.loader' => { :default => DefaultSource.browser_monitoring_loader, :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Type of JavaScript agent loader to use for browser monitoring instrumentation.' }, :'browser_monitoring.loader_version' => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Version of JavaScript agent loader (returned from the New Relic collector.)' }, :'browser_monitoring.debug' => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable debugging version of JavaScript agent loader for browser monitoring instrumentation.' }, :'browser_monitoring.ssl_for_http' => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable HTTPS instrumentation by JavaScript agent on HTTP pages.' }, :js_agent_loader => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'JavaScript agent loader content.' }, :js_errors_beta => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :deprecated => true, :description => 'Enable or disable beta JavaScript error reporting.' }, :trusted_account_ids => { :default => [], :public => false, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'List of trusted New Relic account IDs for the purposes of cross-application tracing. Inbound requests from applications including cross-application headers that do not come from an account in this list will be ignored.' }, :"cross_application_tracer.enabled" => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables cross-application tracing.' }, :cross_application_tracing => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :deprecated => true, :description => 'Deprecated in favor of cross_application_tracer.enabled' }, :encoding_key => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Encoding key for cross-application tracing.' }, :cross_process_id => { :default => '', :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Cross process ID for cross-application tracing.' }, :'thread_profiler.enabled' => { :default => DefaultSource.thread_profiler_enabled, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables use of the thread profiler.' }, :'xray_session.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables X-Ray sessions.' }, :'xray_session.allow_traces' => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable X-Ray sessions recording transaction traces.' }, :'xray_session.allow_profiles' => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Enable or disable X-Ray sessions taking thread profiles.' }, :'xray_session.max_samples' => { :default => 10, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum number of transaction traces to buffer for active X-Ray sessions' }, :'xray_session.max_profile_overhead' => { :default => 0.05, :public => false, :type => Float, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum overhead percentage for thread profiling before agent reduces polling frequency' }, :marshaller => { :default => 'json', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Specifies a marshaller for transmitting data to the New Relic collector. Currently json is the only valid value for this setting.' }, :'analytics_events.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, enables analytics event sampling.' }, :'analytics_events.max_samples_stored' => { :default => 1200, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Defines the maximum number of request events reported from a single harvest.' }, :'analytics_events.capture_attributes' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :deprecated => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Deprecated; use transaction_events.attributes.enabled instead.' }, :restart_thread_in_children => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Controls whether to check on running a transaction whether to respawn the harvest thread.' }, :normalize_json_string_encodings => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Controls whether to normalize string encodings prior to serializing data for the collector to JSON.' }, :disable_vm_sampler => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t sample performance measurements from the Ruby VM.' }, :disable_memory_sampler => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t sample the memory usage of the host process.' }, :disable_cpu_sampler => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t sample the CPU usage of the host process.' }, :disable_delayed_job_sampler => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t measure the depth of Delayed Job queues.' }, :disable_active_record_4 => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for ActiveRecord 4.' }, :disable_active_record_5 => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for ActiveRecord 5.' }, :disable_curb => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the curb gem.' }, :disable_excon => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the excon gem.' }, :disable_httpclient => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for the httpclient gem.' }, :disable_net_http => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, disables instrumentation for Net::HTTP.' }, :disable_rack => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, prevents the agent from hooking into the to_app method in Rack::Builder to find gems to instrument during application startup.' }, :disable_rack_urlmap => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, prevents the agent from hooking into Rack::URLMap to install middleware tracing.' }, :disable_puma_rack => { :default => value_of(:disable_rack), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, prevents the agent from hooking into the to_app method in Puma::Rack::Builder to find gems to instrument during application startup.' }, :disable_puma_rack_urlmap => { :default => value_of(:disable_rack_urlmap), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, prevents the agent from hooking into Puma::Rack::URLMap to install middleware tracing.' }, :disable_typhoeus => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install instrumentation for the typhoeus gem.' }, :disable_httprb => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :dynamic_name => true, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install instrumentation for the http.rb gem.' }, :disable_middleware_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t wrap third-party middlewares in instrumentation (regardless of whether they are installed via Rack::Builder or Rails).' }, :disable_rails_middleware => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Internal name for controlling Rails 3+ middleware instrumentation' }, :'heroku.use_dyno_names' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent uses Heroku dyno names as the hostname.' }, :'heroku.dyno_name_prefixes_to_shorten' => { :default => ['scheduler', 'run'], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Ordinarily the agent reports dyno names with a trailing dot and process ID (for example, worker.3). You can remove this trailing data by specifying the prefixes you want to report without trailing data (for example, worker).' }, :'process_host.display_name' => { :default => Proc.new{ NewRelic::Agent::Hostname.get }, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'Specify a custom host name for display in the New Relic UI.' }, :labels => { :default => '', :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'A dictionary of label names and values that will be applied to the data sent from this agent. May also be expressed as a semicolon-delimited ; string of colon-separated : pairs. For example, Server:One;Data Center:Primary.' }, :aggressive_keepalive => { :default => true, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, attempt to keep the TCP connection to the collector alive between harvests.' }, :keep_alive_timeout => { :default => 60, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Timeout for keep alive on TCP connection to collector if supported by Ruby version. Only used in conjunction when aggressive_keepalive is enabled.' }, :ca_bundle_path => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => true, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => "Manual override for the path to your local CA bundle. This CA bundle will be used to validate the SSL certificate presented by New Relic\'s data collection service." }, :'rules.ignore_url_regexes' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => true, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_regexp_list), :description => 'Define transactions you want the agent to ignore, by specifying a list of patterns matching the URI you want to ignore.' }, :'synthetics.traces_limit' => { :default => 20, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum number of synthetics transaction traces to hold for a given harvest' }, :'synthetics.events_limit' => { :default => 200, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Maximum number of synthetics transaction events to hold for a given harvest' }, :'custom_insights_events.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'If true, the agent captures New Relic Insights custom events.' }, :'custom_insights_events.max_samples_stored' => { :default => 1000, :public => true, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => true, :description => 'Specify a maximum number of custom Insights events to buffer in memory at a time.', :dynamic_name => true }, :disable_grape_instrumentation => { :default => false, :public => false, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install Grape instrumentation.' }, :disable_grape => { :default => false, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent won\'t install Grape instrumentation.' }, :'attributes.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, enables capture of attributes for all destinations.' }, :'transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'transaction_tracer.capture_attributes'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent captures attributes from transaction traces.' }, :'transaction_events.attributes.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'analytics_events.capture_attributes'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent captures attributes from transaction events.' }, :'error_collector.attributes.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'error_collector.capture_attributes'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent captures attributes from error collection.' }, :'browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled' => { :default => value_of(:'browser_monitoring.capture_attributes'), :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent captures attributes from browser monitoring.' }, :'attributes.exclude' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to exclude from all destinations. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to exclude from transaction traces. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'transaction_events.attributes.exclude' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to exclude from transaction events. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'error_collector.attributes.exclude' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to exclude from error collection. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'browser_monitoring.attributes.exclude' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to exclude from browser monitoring. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'attributes.include' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to include in all destinations. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'transaction_tracer.attributes.include' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to include in transaction traces. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'transaction_events.attributes.include' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to include in transaction events. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'error_collector.attributes.include' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to include in error collection. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'browser_monitoring.attributes.include' => { :default => [], :public => true, :type => Array, :allowed_from_server => false, :transform => DefaultSource.method(:convert_to_list), :description => 'Prefix of attributes to include in browser monitoring. Allows * as wildcard at end.' }, :'utilization.detect_aws' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in an AWS environment.' }, :'utilization.detect_docker' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in Docker.' }, :'utilization.billing_hostname' => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => false, :type => String, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'The configured server name by a customer.' }, :'utilization.logical_processors' => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'The total number of hyper-threaded execution contexts available.' }, :'utilization.total_ram_mib' => { :default => nil, :allow_nil => true, :public => false, :type => Integer, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'This value represents the total amount of memory available to the host (not the process), in mebibytes (1024 squared or 1,048,576 bytes).' }, :'datastore_tracer.instance_reporting.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If false, the agent will not report datastore instance metrics, nor add host or port_path_or_id parameters to transaction or slow sql traces.' }, :'datastore_tracer.database_name_reporting.enabled' => { :default => true, :public => true, :type => Boolean, :allowed_from_server => false, :description => 'If false, the agent will not add database_name parameter to transaction or slow sql traces.' } }.freeze end end end