# frozen_string_literal: true require 'tty-prompt' require_relative '../generators/invoke_generators' # :reek:FeatureEnvy { enabled: false } # :reek:UtilityFunction { enabled: false } class MenuGenerator attr_reader :prompt, :name include InvokeGenerators def initialize(project_name) @prompt = TTY::Prompt.new @name = project_name end def generate_choice_menu prompt.select('Please select your automation framework') do |menu| select_automation_framework(menu) end end def choose_visual_automation prompt.select('Do you want to add visual automation with Applitools?', yes_no_menu_choices) end def choose_axe_support prompt.select('Do you want to add Axe accessibility testing tool?', yes_no_menu_choices) end def choose_test_framework(automation) return choose_mobile_platform if automation == 'appium' return choose_sparkling_platform if automation == 'sparkling' select_test_framework(automation) end def set_up_framework(options) structure = { automation: options[:automation], framework: options[:framework], name: @name, visual: options[:visual_automation], axe_support: options[:axe_support] } generate_framework(structure) system "cd #{name} && gem install bundler && bundle install" end def choose_sparkling_platform prompt.select('Please select your mobile platform') do |menu| menu.choice :iOS, -> { choose_test_framework 'sparkling_ios' } menu.choice :Quit, -> { exit } end end def choose_mobile_platform prompt.select('Please select your mobile platform') do |menu| menu.choice :iOS, -> { choose_test_framework 'ios' } menu.choice :Android, -> { choose_test_framework 'android' } menu.choice :Cross_Platform, -> { choose_test_framework 'cross_platform' } menu.choice :Quit, -> { exit } end end private def select_test_framework(automation) prompt.select('Please select your test framework') do |menu| menu.choice :Cucumber, -> { create_framework('Cucumber', automation) } menu.choice :Rspec, -> { create_framework('Rspec', automation) } menu.choice :Quit, -> { exit } end end FrameworkOptions = Struct.new(:automation, :framework, :visual_automation, :axe_support) def create_framework_options(params) FrameworkOptions.new(params[:automation], params[:framework], params[:visual_automation], params[:axe_support]) end def create_framework(framework, automation_type) visual_automation = choose_visual_automation if %w[selenium].include?(automation_type) axe = choose_axe_support if automation_type == 'selenium' && framework == 'Rspec' && visual_automation == false options = create_framework_options(automation: automation_type, framework: framework.downcase, visual_automation:, axe_support: axe) # Print the chosen options puts 'Chosen Options:' puts " Automation Type: #{options[:automation]}" puts " Framework: #{options[:framework]}" puts " Visual Automation: #{options[:visual_automation]}" puts " Axe Support: #{options[:axe_support]}" set_up_framework(options) prompt.say("You have chosen to use #{framework} with #{automation_type}") end def yes_no_menu_choices { Yes: -> { true }, No: -> { false }, Quit: -> { exit } } end def select_automation_framework(menu) menu.choice :Appium, -> { choose_test_framework('appium') } menu.choice :Selenium, -> { choose_test_framework('selenium') } menu.choice 'Sparkling Watir', -> { choose_test_framework('sparkling') } menu.choice :Watir, -> { choose_test_framework('watir') } menu.choice :Quit, -> { exit } end end