/* # Copyright (c) 2012+ Damjan Rems # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /******************************************************************* * Find and extract parameters value from url *******************************************************************/ $.getUrlParam = function(name) { var results = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); return results[1] || 0; }; /******************************************************************* * Dump all attributes to console *******************************************************************/ dumpAttributes = function(obj) { console.log('Dumping attributes:'); $.each(obj.attributes, function() { console.log(this.name,this.value); }); }; /******************************************************************* * Trying to remove background from iframe element. It is not yet working. *******************************************************************/ remove_background_from_iframe = function(obj) { var head = obj.head; var css = ''; $(head).append(css); }; /******************************************************************* * Activate jquery UI tooltip. This needs jquery.ui >= 1.9 *******************************************************************/ /* $(function() { $( document ).tooltip(); }); */ /******************************************************************* * Process json result from ajax call and update parts of document. * I invented my own protocol which is arguably good or wrong. * * Protocol consists of operation and value which are returned as json by * called controller. Controller will return an ajax call usually like this: * render json: {operation: value}.to_json * * Operation is further divided into source and determinator which are divided by underline char. * render json: {#div_status: 'OK!'}.to_json * will replace html in div="status" with value 'OK!'. Source is '#div' determinator is 'status'. * * Possible operators are: * record_name: will replace value of record[name] field on a form with supplied value * * msg_error: will display error message. * msg_warn: will display warning message. * msg_info: will display informational message. * * #div_divname : will replace divname with value * #div+_divname : will append value to divname * #+div_divname : will prepend value to divname * .div_classname : will replace all accurencess of classname with value * .+div_classname : will prepend value to all accurencess of classname * .div+_classname : will append value to all accurencess of classname * * url_: Will force loading of url supplied in value into same window * window_: Will force loading of url supplied in value into new window * reload_: Will reload current window * * Operations can be chained and are executed sequentialy. * render json: {'window_' => "/dokument.pdf", 'reload_' => 1}.to_json * will open /dokument.pdf in new window and reload current window. * * render json: {'record_name' => "Damjan", 'record_surname' => 'Rems'}.to_json * will replace values of two fields on the form. *******************************************************************/ process_json_result = function(json) { var i,operation,what, selector; $.each(json, function(key, val) { i = key.search('_'); if (i > 1) { operation = key.substring(0,i); what = key.substring(i+1,100); } else { operation = key; what = ''; } // switch (operation) { // update field case 'record': $('#'+key).val(val); break; // display message case 'msg': selector = 'dc-form-' + what; if ( $('.'+selector).length == 0 ) { val = '
' + val + '
'; $('.dc-title').after(val); } else { $('.'+selector).html(val); } break; // update div case '#div+': $('#'+what).append(val); break; case '#+div': $('#'+what).prepend(val); break; case '#div': $('#'+what).html(val); break; case '.div+': $('.'+what).append(val); break; case '.+div': $('.'+what).prepend(val); break; case '.div': $('.'+what).html(val); break; // goto url case 'url': window.location.href = val; break; case 'alert': alert(val); break; case 'window': w = window.open(val, what); w.focus(); break; case 'reload': location.reload(); break; default: console.log("DRGCMS: Invalid ajax result operation: " + operation); } }); }; /******************************************************************* * Will reload window *******************************************************************/ function dc_reload_window() { location.reload(); } /******************************************************************* * Will scroll to position on the screen. This is replacement for * location.hash, which doesn't work in Chrome. * * Thanks goes to: http://web-design-weekly.com/snippets/scroll-to-position-with-jquery/ *******************************************************************/ $.fn.dc_scroll_view = function () { return this.each(function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(this).offset().top - 100 }, 500); }); }; /******************************************************************* * *******************************************************************/ $(document).ready( function() { /******************************************************************* * Register ad clicks *******************************************************************/ $('a.link_to_track').click(function() { $.post('/dc_common/ad_click', { id: this.id }); return true; }); /******************************************************************* * Popup or close CMS edit menu on icon click *******************************************************************/ $('.drgcms_popmenu').on('click',function(e) { $(e.target).parents('dl:first').find('ul').toggleClass('div-hidden'); }); /******************************************************************* * Popup CMS edit menu option clicked *******************************************************************/ $('.drgcms_popmenu_item').on('click',function(e) { url = e.target.getAttribute("data-url"); $('#iframe_cms').attr('src', url); // $('#iframe_cms').width(1000).height(1000); // scroll to top of page and hide menu window.scrollTo(0,0); $(e.target).parents('dl:first').find('ul').toggleClass('div-hidden'); }); /******************************************************************* * Sort action clicked on cmsedit *******************************************************************/ $('.drgcms_sort').change( function(e) { table = e.target.getAttribute("data-table"); sort = e.target.value; e.target.value = null; window.location.href = "/cmsedit?sort=" + sort + "&table=" + table; }); /******************************************************************* * Tab clicked on form. Hide old and show selected div. *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-form-li').on('click', function(e) { // find li with dc-form-li-selected class. This is our old tab var old_tab_id = null; $(e.target).parents('ul').find('li').each( function() { if ($(this).hasClass('dc-form-li-selected')) { // when not already selected toggle dc-form-li-selected class and save old tab if ($(this) !== $(e.target)) { $(this).toggleClass('dc-form-li-selected'); $(e.target).toggleClass('dc-form-li-selected'); old_tab_id = this.getAttribute("data-div"); } return false; } }); // show selected data div if (old_tab_id !== null) { $('#data_' + old_tab_id).toggleClass('div-hidden'); $('#data_' + e.target.getAttribute("data-div")).toggleClass('div-hidden'); // resize parent iframe if its size is less then selected div size var div_height = document.getElementById('data_' + e.target.getAttribute("data-div")).clientHeight + 120; // if (window.frameElement.clientHeight < div_height) { window.frameElement.style.height = div_height.toString() + 'px'; // } } }); /******************************************************************* * Resize iframe_cms to the size of its contents. Make at least 500 px hight * unless on initial display. *******************************************************************/ $('#iframe_cms').load( function() { // alert('bla 1'); new_height = this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 50; if (new_height < 500 & new_height > 60) new_height = 500; this.style.height = new_height + 'px'; // remove_background_from_iframe(this.contentWindow.document); $('#iframe_cms').dc_scroll_view(); }); /******************************************************************* * Same goes for editiframe. Resize it + 30px * unless on initial display with no data *******************************************************************/ $('#iframe_edit').load( function() { // console.log(this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight); if (this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight > 10) { this.style.height = (this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 30) + 'px'; // scroll to it $('#iframe_edit').dc_scroll_view(); } // remove_background_from_iframe(this.contentWindow.document); }); /******************************************************************* * Process Ajax call on cmsedit form actions *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-link-ajax').on('click', function(e) { var target = e.target; // if (e.target.src !== undefined) { // target = e.target.parent(); // picture // }; // dumpAttributes(target); req = target.getAttribute("data-request"); /* Get some values from elements on the page: */ if (req == "script") { eval (target.getAttribute("data-script")); return false; } else if (req == "post") { data = $('form').serialize(); // alert(data); } else { data = {}; req = 'get'; // by default } $('#dc-spinner').toggleClass('div-hidden'); $.ajax({ url: target.getAttribute("data-url"), type: req, dataType: "json", data: data, // success: function(files,data,xhr) { // document.getElementById('if_priponkas').contentDocument.location.reload(true); // } success: function(data) { process_json_result(data); $('#dc-spinner').toggleClass('div-hidden'); } }); }); /******************************************************************* * Animate button on click ****************************************************************** $('.xdc-action-menu li').mousedown( function() { $(this).toggleClass('dc-animate-button'); }); ****************************************************************** * Animate button on click ****************************************************************** $('.xdc-action-menu li').mouseup( function() { $(this).toggleClass('dc-animate-button'); }); */ /******************************************************************* * Animate button on click *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-animate').mousedown( function() { $(this).toggleClass('dc-animate-button'); }); /******************************************************************* * Animate button on click *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-animate').mouseup( function() { $(this).toggleClass('dc-animate-button'); }); /******************************************************************* * App menu option clicked *******************************************************************/ $('.app-menu-item a').on('click', function(e) { /* parent of a is li */ $(e.target).parents('li').each( function() { /* for all li's in ul, deselect */ $(this).parents('ul').find('li').each( function() { if ($(this).hasClass('app-menu-item-selected')) { $(this).toggleClass('app-menu-item-selected'); } }); /* select clicked li */ $(this).toggleClass('app-menu-item-selected'); }); }); /******************************************************************* * Display spinner on link with spinner, submit link *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-link-spinner').on('click', function(e) { $('#dc-spinner').toggleClass('div-hidden'); }); $('.dc-link-submit').on('click', function(e) { $('#dc-spinner').toggleClass('div-hidden'); }); /******************************************************************* * Add button clicked while in edit. Create window dialog for adding new record * into required table. This is helper scenario, when user is selecting * data from with text_autocomplete and data doesn't exist in belongs_to table. *******************************************************************/ $('.in-edit-add').on('click', function(e) { url = '/cmsedit/new?table=' + this.getAttribute("data-table"); /* I know. It doesn't work as expected. But it will do for now. */ w = window.open(url, '', 'chrome=yes,width=800,height=600,resizable,scrollbars=yes,status=1,centerscreen=yes,modal=yes'); w.focus(); }); /********************************************************************** * When filter_field (field name) is selected on filter subform this routine finds * and displays apropriate span with input field. **********************************************************************/ $('#filter_field').on('change', function() { if (this.value.length > 0) { name = 'filter_' + this.value; $(this).parents('form').find('span').each( function() { /* element = $(this).find(':first').attr('id'); sometimes it is the second element if (element == nil) { element = $(this).find(':first').next().attr('id');} */ if ($(this).attr('id') == name) { if ( $(this).hasClass('div-hidden') ) { $(this).toggleClass('div-hidden'); } } else { if ( !$(this).hasClass('div-hidden') ) { $(this).toggleClass('div-hidden'); } } }); } }); /******************************************************************* * It is not possible to attach any data to submit button except the text * that is written on a button and it is therefore very hard to distinguish * which button was pressed when more than one button is present on a form. * * The purpose of this trigger is to append data hidden in html5 data attributes * to the form. We can now attach any kind of data to submit button and data * will be passed as data[] parameters to controller. *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-submit').on('click', function() { $.each(this.attributes, function() { if (this.name.substring(0,5) == 'data-') { $('').attr({ type: 'hidden', name: 'data[' + this.name.substring(5) + ']', value: this.value }).appendTo('form'); } }); }); /* DOCUMENT INFO */ /******************************************************************* * Popup or hide document information *******************************************************************/ $('#dc-document-info').on('click',function(e) { popup = $('#dc-document-info-popup'); popup.toggleClass('div-hidden'); if (!popup.hasClass('div-hidden')) { var o = { left: e.pageX - popup.width() - 10, top: e.pageY - popup.height() - 20 }; popup.offset(o); }; }); /******************************************************************* * Just hide document information on click. *******************************************************************/ $('#dc-document-info-popup').on('click',function(e) { $('#dc-document-info-popup').toggleClass('div-hidden'); }); /******************************************************************* * Experimental. Force reload of parent page if this div appears. *******************************************************************/ $('#div-reload-parent').load( function() { // alert('div-reload-parent 1'); parent.location.href = parent.location.href; }); /******************************************************************* * Force reload of parent page if this div appears. * * Just an Idea. Not needed yet. *******************************************************************/ $('#div-reload').load( function() { alert('div-reload 1'); // location.href = location.href; }); $('#div-reload-parent').on('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved', function() { alert('div-reload-parent 2'); }); $('#div-reload').on('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved', function() { alert('div-reload 2'); }); /******************************************************************* * Fire action (by default show document) when doubleclicked on result row *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-result tr').on('dblclick', function(e) { url = String( this.getAttribute("data-dblclick") ); // prevent when data-dblclick not set if (url.length > 5) { e.preventDefault(); location.href = url; } }); /******************************************************************* * Fire action clicked on result row. * TODO: Find out how to prevent event when clicked on action icon. *******************************************************************/ $('.dc-result tr').on('click', function(e) { url = String( this.getAttribute("data-click") ); // prevent when data-click not set if (url.length > 5) { e.preventDefault(); location.href = url; } }); $('#1menu-filter').on('click', function(e) { var target = e.target; // if (e.target.src !== undefined) { // target = e.target.parent(); // picture // }; // dumpAttributes(target); req = target.getAttribute("data-request"); $('.menu-filter').toggle(300); }); /******************************************************************* * This will fire cmsedit index action and pass value enterred into * filter field and thus refresh browsed result set. *******************************************************************/ $('#_record__filter_field').keydown( function(e) { if (e.which == '13' || e.which == '9') { url = $(this).parents('span').attr("data-url"); url = url + "&filter_value=" + this.value; location.href = url; return false; } }); /******************************************************************* * Same as above, but when clicked on filter icon. enter and tab don't * work on all field types. *******************************************************************/ $('.record_filter_field_icon').on('click', function(e) { field = $('#_record__filter_field'); url = $(this).parents('span').attr("data-url"); url = url + "&filter_value=" + field.val(); location.href = url; }); /******************************************************************* * Click on show filter form *******************************************************************/ $('#open_drgcms_filter').on('click', function(e) { $('#drgcms_filter').bPopup({ speed: 650, transition: 'slideDown' }); }); /******************************************************************* * *******************************************************************/ $('.drgcms_popup_submit').on('click', function(e) { //e.preventDefault(); url = $(this).attr( 'data-url' ); field = $('select#filter_field1').val(); oper = $('select#filter_oper').val(); location.href = url + '&filter_field=' + field + '&filter_oper=' + oper // Still opening in new window // iframe = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].getAttribute("id"); // loc = url + '&filter_field=' + field + '&filter_oper=' + oper // $('#'+iframe).attr('src', loc); // parent.document.getElementById(iframe).src = loc }); /******************************************************************* * Toggle one cmsedit menu level *******************************************************************/ $('.cmsedit-top-level-menu').on('click', function(e) { $(e.target).find('ul').toggle('fast'); }); }); /******************************************************************* * Catch ctrl+s key pressed and fire save form event. I press ctrl+s * almost every minute. That was a lesson learned years ago when I lost * few hours of work on computer lockup ;-( *******************************************************************/ $(document).keydown( function(e) { if ((e.which == '115' || e.which == '83' ) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); document.forms[0].submit(); return false; } return true; });