module Daikon module NamespaceTools def namespace_input(ns, command, *args) command = command.to_s.downcase case command when "multi", "exec", "discard" # No arguments. [ command ] when "exists", "del", "type", "keys", "ttl", "set", "get", "getset", "setnx", "incr", "incrby", "decr", "decrby", "rpush", "lpush", "llen", "lrange", "ltrim", "lindex", "lset", "lrem", "lpop", "rpop", "sadd", "srem", "spop", "scard", "sismember", "smembers", "srandmember", "zadd", "zrem", "zincrby", "zrange", "zrevrange", "zrangebyscore", "zcard", "zscore", "zremrangebyscore", "expire", "expireat", "hlen", "hkeys", "hvals", "hgetall", "hset", "hget", "hincrby", "hexists", "hdel", "hmset" # Only the first argument is a key. head = add_namespace(ns, args.first) tail = args[1, args.length - 1] || [] [ command, head, *tail ] when "smove" # The first two parmeters are keys. result = [ command ] args.each_with_index do |arg, i| result << ((i == 0 || i == 1) ? add_namespace(ns, arg) : arg) end result when "mget", "rpoplpush", "sinter", "sunion", "sdiff", "info", "sinterstore", "sunionstore", "sdiffstore" # All arguments are keys. keys = add_namespace(ns, args) [ command, *keys ] when "mset", "msetnx" # Every other argument is a key, starting with the first. hash1 = Hash[*args] hash2 = {} hash1.each do |k, v| hash2[add_namespace(ns, k)] = hash1.delete(k) end [ command, hash2 ] when "sort" return [] if args.count == 0 key = add_namespace(ns, args.shift) parms = {} while keyword = args.shift.andand.downcase case keyword when "by", "get", "store" k = keyword.intern v = add_namespace(ns, args.shift) parms[k] = v when "limit" parms[:limit] = [ args.shift.to_i, args.shift.to_i ] when "asc", "desc", "alpha" parms[:order].andand << " " parms[:order] ||= "" parms[:order] << keyword end end [ command, key, parms ] end end def denamespace_output(namespace, command, result) case command.to_s.downcase when "keys" remove_namespace namespace, result else result end end def add_namespace(namespace, key) return key unless namespace case key when String then "#{namespace}:#{key}" when Array then {|k| add_namespace(namespace, k)} end end def remove_namespace(namespace, key) return key unless namespace case key when String then key.gsub(/^#{namespace}:/, "") when Array then {|k| remove_namespace(namespace, k)} end end end end