Chronic Renal Failure, Aetiology uncertain Glomerulonephritis, historically not examined Severe nephoritic syndrome with focal sclerosis (Paediatric) IgA nephropathy proven by immunofluoresence Dense deposite disease, membrano-prolif. GN Type II Membranous nephropathy Membrano-proliferative GN Type I Rapidly progressive GN without systemic disease (crescentic) Focal segmental glomeruloscerosis with nephrotic syndrome in adults Glomerulonephritis, historically examined Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - cause not specified Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - with neurogenic bladder Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - congen. obst. uropathy +/- reflux Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - acquired obst. uropathy Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - vesico-ureteric reflux no obstruction Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - due to urolithiasis Pyelo/Interstital nephritis - due to other cause (please specify) Tubulo interstital nephritis (not pyelonephritis) Nephropathy due to analgesic drugs Nephropathy due to cis-platinum Nephropathy due to Cyclosporin A Lead induced nephropathy (interstitial) Nephroapthy caused by other specific drug Cystic Kidney Disease - Type Unspecified Polycystic Kidneys - Adult Type (Dominant) Polycystic Kidneys = Infantile (Recessive) Medullary Cystic Disease - including Nephoronophthisis Cystic Kidney Disease - Other Specified Type Hereditary/Familial Nephropathy - Typoe Unspecified Hereditary Nephritis with Nerve Deafness (Alport's) Cystinosis Primary Oxalosis Fabry's disease Hereditary Nephropathy - Other congenital Renal Hypoplasia - Type Unspecified Oligomeganephronic Hypoplasia Congenital Renal Dysplasia +/- Urinary Tract Malformation Syndrome of Agenesis of Abdo. muscles - Prune Belly Syndrome Renal Vascular Disease - Type Unspecified Renal Vascular Disease due to MALIGNANT Hypertension Renal Vascular Disease due to Hypertension Renal Vascular Disease due to Polyarteritis Wegener's Granulomatosis Ischaemic Renal Disease/Cholesterol Embolism Glomerulonephritis related to liver cirrhosis Cryoglobulinaemic Glomerulonephritis Renal Vascular Disease - Classified (Please Specify) Diabetes Type 1 (Insulin Dependent) Diabetes Type 2 (Non-Insulin Dependent) Myelomatosis Amyloid Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Goodpastures Syndrome Scleroderma Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome Multu-System Diseased - Type Unspecified Cortical or Tubula Necrosis Tuberculosis Gout Nephrocalcinosis / Hypercalcaemic Nephropathy Balkan Nephropathy Kidney Tumour Traumatic or Surgical Loss of Kidney Other identified Renal Disorders - Please Specify