require 'spec_helper' describe ReservesController do fixtures :all describe "GET index", :solr => true do before do Reserve.reindex end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns all reserves as @reserves" do get :index assigns(:reserves).should eq(Reserve.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end it "should get other user's reservation" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns all reserves as @reserves" do get :index assigns(:reserves).should eq(Reserve.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end it "should get index feed without user_id" do get :index, :format => 'rss' response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).collect(&:id).should eq Reserve.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1).collect(&:id) end it "should get index txt without user_id" do get :index, :format => 'txt' response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(Reserve.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation)) end it "should get index feed with user_id" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :format => 'rss' response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end it "should get index txt with user_id" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :format => 'txt' response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation)) end it "should get other user's index" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end it "should get other user's index feed" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :format => :rss response.should be_success assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns my reserves as @reserves" do get :index assigns(:reserves).should eq(users(:user1).reserves.order(' DESC').includes(:manifestation).page(1)) end it "should be redirected to my index" do get :index response.should be_success end it "should get my index feed" do get :index, :format => :rss response.should be_success response.should render_template("index") end it "should get my index txt" do get :index, :format => :txt response.should be_success response.should render_template("index") end describe "When my user_id is specified" do it "should redirect to my reservation" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username response.should redirect_to reserves_url end it "should redirect to my reservation feed" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :format => 'rss' response.should redirect_to reserves_url(:format => :rss) end it "should redirect to my reservation txt" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :format => 'txt' response.should redirect_to reserves_url(:format => :txt) end end describe "When other user_id is specified" do before(:each) do @user = users(:user3) end it "should not get any reserve as @reserves" do get :index, :user_id => @user.username response.should be_forbidden end end it "should not get other user's index" do get :index, :user_id => users(:user2).username response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "assigns empty as @reserves" do get :index assigns(:reserves).should be_nil response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "GET show" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :show, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should show other user's reservation" do get :show, :id => 3 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :show, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should show other user's reservation" do get :show, :id => 3 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :show, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should show my reservation" do get :show, :id => 3 response.should be_success end it "should not show other user's reservation" do get :show, :id => 5 response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do before(:each) do @reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) end it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do get :show, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(@reserve) end it "should be redirected to new_user_session_url" do get :show, :id => response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end describe "GET new" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do get :new assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "should get other user's reservation" do get :new, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :manifestation_id => 3 assigns(:reserve).user.should eq users(:user1) response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "should not assign the requested reserve as @reserve" do get :new assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "should get new template without user_id" do get :new, :manifestation_id => 3 response.should be_success end it "should get other user's reservation" do get :new, :user_id => users(:user1).username, :manifestation_id => 3 assigns(:reserve).user.should eq users(:user1) response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "should not assign the requested reserve as @reserve" do get :new assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should be_success end it "should get my new reservation" do get :new, :manifestation_id => 3 response.should be_success end it "should not get other user's new reservation" do get :new, :user_id => users(:user2).username, :manifestation_id => 5 response.should be_forbidden end it "should not get new reservation when user_number is not set" do sign_in users(:user2) get :new, :user_id => users(:user2).username, :manifestation_id => 3 response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested reserve as @reserve" do get :new assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "GET edit" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :edit, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should edit other user's reservation" do get :edit, :id => 3 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :edit, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should edit reserve without user_id" do get :edit, :id => 3 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :edit, :id => assigns(:reserve).should eq(reserve) end it "should edit my reservation" do get :edit, :id => 3 response.should be_success end it "should not edit other user's reservation" do get :edit, :id => 5 response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested reserve as @reserve" do reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) get :edit, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "POST create" do before(:each) do @attrs = {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 5} @invalid_attrs = {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 'invalid'} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should be_valid end it "redirects to the created reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs response.should redirect_to(assigns(:reserve)) assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "redirects to the list" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should render_template("new") response.should be_success end end it "should not create reservation with past date" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 5, :expired_at => '1901-01-01'} assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should be_success end it "should create other user's reserve" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 5} assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should not create reserve without manifestation_id" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:admin).profile.user_number} response.should be_success end it "should not create reserve with missing user_number" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => 'missing', :manifestation_id => 5} response.should render_template("new") response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should be_valid end it "redirects to the created reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs response.should redirect_to(assigns(:reserve)) assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil end it "should send accepted messages" do old_count = Message.count post :create, :reserve => @attrs Message.count.should eq old_count + 2 end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'new' template" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should render_template("new") response.should be_success end end it "should create other user's reserve" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 5} assigns(:reserve).should be_valid assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should not create reserve over reserve_limit" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:admin).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 5} assigns(:reserve).errors[:base].include?(I18n.t('reserve.excessed_reservation_limit')).should be_truthy end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should be_valid end it "redirects to the created reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs response.should redirect_to(assigns(:reserve)) assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'new' template" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should render_template("new") response.should be_success end end it "should not create other user's reservation" do post :create, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user2).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => 6} assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "redirects to the login page" do post :create, :reserve => @attrs response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved reserve as @reserve" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "redirects to the login page" do post :create, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).expired_at.should be_nil response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end end describe "PUT update" do before(:each) do @reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) @attrs = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:reserve) @invalid_attrs = {:manifestation_id => 'invalid'} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs end it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should eq(@reserve) response.should redirect_to(assigns(:reserve)) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs end it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end end it "should not update reserve without manifestation_id" do put :update, :id => 1, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:admin).profile.user_number, :manifestation_id => nil} assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should be_success end it "should update other user's reservation without user_id" do put :update, :id => 3, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number} assigns(:reserve).should be_valid response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should not update retained reservations if item_identifier is invalid" do put :update, :id => 14, :reserve => {:item_identifier => 'invalid'} assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should be_success end it "should not update retained reservations if force_retaining is disabled" do put :update, :id => 15, :reserve => {:item_identifier => '00021'} assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid response.should be_success assigns(:reserve).current_state.should eq 'requested' reserves(:reserve_00014).current_state.should eq 'retained' end it "should update retained reservations if force_retaining is enabled" do put :update, :id => 15, :reserve => {:item_identifier => '00021', :force_retaining => '1'} assigns(:reserve).should be_valid assigns(:reserve).current_state.should eq 'retained' response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) reserves(:reserve_00014).current_state.should eq 'postponed' end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs end it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should eq(@reserve) response.should redirect_to(assigns(:reserve)) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs assigns(:reserve).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end end it "should cancel other user's reservation" do old_message_requests_count = MessageRequest.count put :update, :id => 3, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number}, :mode => 'cancel' flash[:notice].should eq I18n.t('reserve.reservation_was_canceled') assigns(:reserve).current_state.should eq 'canceled' MessageRequest.count.should eq old_message_requests_count + 2 response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should update reserve without user_id" do put :update, :id => 3, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number} assigns(:reserve).should be_valid response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should update other user's reservation" do put :update, :id => 3, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number} assigns(:reserve).should be_valid response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs end it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs assigns(:reserve).should eq(@reserve) response.should be_forbidden end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs response.should be_forbidden end end it "should cancal my reservation" do old_message_requests_count = MessageRequest.count put :update, :id => 3, :mode => 'cancel' flash[:notice].should eq I18n.t('reserve.reservation_was_canceled') assigns(:reserve).current_state.should eq 'canceled' MessageRequest.count.should eq old_message_requests_count + 2 response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should update my reservation" do put :update, :id => 3, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number} flash[:notice].should eq I18n.t('controller.successfully_updated', :model => I18n.t('activerecord.models.reserve')) response.should redirect_to reserve_url(assigns(:reserve)) end it "should not update other user's reservation" do put :update, :id => 5, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user2).profile.user_number} response.should be_forbidden end it "should not cancel other user's reservation" do put :update, :id => 5, :reserve => {:user_number => users(:user1).profile.user_number}, :mode => 'cancel' response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs end it "should be forbidden" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested reserve as @reserve" do put :update, :id =>, :reserve => @invalid_attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end describe "DELETE destroy" do before(:each) do @reserve = FactoryGirl.create(:reserve) end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "destroys the requested reserve" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "redirects to the reserves list" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(reserves_url) end it "should destroy other user's reservation" do delete :destroy, :id => 3 response.should redirect_to reserves_url end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "destroys the requested reserve" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "redirects to the reserves list" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(reserves_url) end it "should destroy other user's reservation" do delete :destroy, :id => 3 response.should redirect_to reserves_url end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "destroys the requested reserve" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should be_forbidden end it "should destroy my reservation" do delete :destroy, :id => 3 response.should redirect_to reserves_url end it "should not destroy other user's reservation" do delete :destroy, :id => 5 response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "destroys the requested reserve" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end