# stolen wholesale from capistrano, thanks Jamis! require 'base64' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'engineyard-serverside/rails_asset_support' module EY module Serverside class DeployBase < Task include ::EY::Serverside::RailsAssetSupport # default task def deploy shell.status "Starting deploy at #{shell.start_time.asctime}" update_repository_cache cached_deploy end def cached_deploy shell.status "Deploying app from cached copy at #{Time.now.asctime}" require_custom_tasks load_ey_yml push_code shell.status "Starting full deploy" copy_repository_cache check_repository with_failed_release_cleanup do create_revision_file run_with_callbacks(:bundle) setup_services check_for_ey_config symlink_configs setup_sqlite3_if_necessary conditionally_enable_maintenance_page run_with_callbacks(:migrate) run_with_callbacks(:compile_assets) # defined in RailsAssetSupport callback(:before_symlink) # We don't use run_with_callbacks for symlink because we need # to clean up manually if it fails. symlink end callback(:after_symlink) run_with_callbacks(:restart) disable_maintenance_page cleanup_old_releases shell.status "Finished deploy at #{Time.now.asctime}" rescue Exception shell.status "Finished failing to deploy at #{Time.now.asctime}" puts_deploy_failure raise end def update_repository_cache strategy.update_repository_cache end def create_revision_file_command strategy.create_revision_file_command(config.release_path) end def short_log_message(revision) strategy.short_log_message(revision) end def parse_configured_services result = YAML.load_file "#{c.shared_path}/config/ey_services_config_deploy.yml" return {} unless result.is_a?(Hash) result rescue {} end def check_for_ey_config if gemfile? && lockfile configured_services = parse_configured_services if !configured_services.empty? && !lockfile.has_ey_config? shell.warning "Gemfile.lock does not contain ey_config. Add it to get EY::Config access to: #{configured_services.keys.join(', ')}." end end end def check_repository if gemfile? shell.status "Gemfile found." if lockfile shell.status "Gemfile.lock found." if !config.ignore_database_adapter_warning? && !lockfile.any_database_adapter? shell.warning <<-WARN Gemfile.lock does not contain a recognized database adapter. A database-adapter gem such as mysql2, mysql, or do_mysql was expected. This can prevent applications that use MySQL or PostreSQL from booting. To fix, add any needed adapter to your Gemfile, bundle, commit, and redeploy. Applications that don't use MySQL or PostgreSQL can safely ignore this warning. WARN end else shell.warning <<-WARN Gemfile.lock is missing! You can get different versions of gems in production than what you tested with. You can get different versions of gems on every deployment even if your Gemfile hasn't changed. Deploying will take longer. To fix this problem, commit your Gemfile.lock to your repository and redeploy. WARN end else shell.status "No Gemfile. Deploying without bundler support." end end def restart_with_maintenance_page require_custom_tasks with_maintenance_page { restart } end def enable_maintenance_page maintenance_page_candidates = [ "public/maintenance.html.custom", "public/maintenance.html.tmp", "public/maintenance.html", "public/system/maintenance.html.default", ].map do |file| File.join(c.latest_release, file) end # this one is guaranteed to exist maintenance_page_candidates << File.expand_path("default_maintenance_page.html", File.dirname(__FILE__)) # put in the maintenance page maintenance_file = maintenance_page_candidates.detect do |file| File.exists?(file) end @maintenance_up = true roles :app_master, :app, :solo do run Escape.shell_command(['mkdir', '-p', File.dirname(c.maintenance_page_enabled_path)]) run Escape.shell_command(['cp', maintenance_file, c.maintenance_page_enabled_path]) end end def conditionally_enable_maintenance_page if c.enable_maintenance_page? enable_maintenance_page end end def disable_maintenance_page @maintenance_up = false roles :app_master, :app, :solo do run "rm -f #{c.maintenance_page_enabled_path}" end end def run_with_callbacks(task) callback("before_#{task}") send(task) callback("after_#{task}") end # task def push_code shell.status "Pushing code to all servers" commands = EY::Serverside::Server.all.reject { |server| server.local? }.map do |server| cmd = server.sync_directory_command(config.repository_cache) proc { shell.logged_system(cmd) } end futures = EY::Serverside::Future.call(commands) EY::Serverside::Future.success?(futures) end # task def restart @restart_failed = true shell.status "Restarting app servers" roles :app_master, :app, :solo do run(restart_command) end @restart_failed = false end def restart_command %{LANG="en_US.UTF-8" /engineyard/bin/app_#{c.app} deploy} end # GIT_SSH needs to be defined in the environment for customers with private bundler repos in their Gemfile. def clean_environment %Q[export GIT_SSH="#{ssh_executable}" && export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" && unset RUBYOPT BUNDLE_PATH BUNDLE_FROZEN BUNDLE_WITHOUT BUNDLE_BIN BUNDLE_GEMFILE] end # create ssh wrapper on all servers def ssh_executable @ssh_executable ||= begin roles :app_master, :app, :solo, :util do run(generate_ssh_wrapper) end ssh_wrapper_path end end # We specify 'IdentitiesOnly' to avoid failures on systems with > 5 private keys available. # We set UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null because StrickHostKeyChecking no doesn't # ignore existing entries in known_hosts; we want to actively ignore all such. # Learned this at http://lists.mindrot.org/pipermail/openssh-unix-dev/2009-February/027271.html # (Thanks Jim L.) def generate_ssh_wrapper path = ssh_wrapper_path <<-SCRIPT mkdir -p #{File.dirname(path)} [[ -x #{path} ]] || cat > #{path} <<'SSH' #!/bin/sh unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o LogLevel=INFO -o IdentityFile=#{c.ssh_identity_file} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes $* SSH chmod 0700 #{path} SCRIPT end def ssh_wrapper_path "#{c.shared_path}/config/#{c.app}-ssh-wrapper" end # task def bundle roles :app_master, :app, :solo, :util do check_ruby_bundler check_node_npm end end # task def cleanup_old_releases clean_release_directory(c.release_dir) clean_release_directory(c.failed_release_dir) end # Remove all but the most-recent +count+ releases from the specified # release directory. # IMPORTANT: This expects the release directory naming convention to be # something with a sensible lexical order. Violate that at your peril. def clean_release_directory(dir, count = 3) @cleanup_failed = true ordinal = count.succ.to_s shell.status "Cleaning release directory: #{dir}" sudo "ls -r #{dir} | tail -n +#{ordinal} | xargs -I@ rm -rf #{dir}/@" @cleanup_failed = false end # task def rollback if c.all_releases.size > 1 rolled_back_release = c.latest_release c.release_path = c.previous_release(rolled_back_release) revision = File.read(File.join(c.release_path, 'REVISION')).strip shell.status "Rolling back to previous release: #{short_log_message(revision)}" run_with_callbacks(:symlink) sudo "rm -rf #{rolled_back_release}" bundle shell.status "Restarting with previous release." with_maintenance_page { run_with_callbacks(:restart) } else shell.status "Already at oldest release, nothing to roll back to." exit(1) end end # task def migrate return unless c.migrate? @migrations_reached = true roles :app_master, :solo do cmd = "cd #{c.release_path} && PATH=#{c.binstubs_path}:$PATH #{c.framework_envs} #{c.migration_command}" shell.status "Migrating: #{cmd}" run(cmd) end end # task def copy_repository_cache shell.status "Copying to #{c.release_path}" run("mkdir -p #{c.release_path} #{c.failed_release_dir} && rsync -aq #{c.exclusions} #{c.repository_cache}/ #{c.release_path}") shell.status "Ensuring proper ownership." sudo("chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.deploy_to}") end def create_revision_file run create_revision_file_command end def services_command_check "which /usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/ey-services-setup" end def services_setup_command "/usr/local/ey_resin/ruby/bin/ey-services-setup #{config.app}" end def setup_services shell.status "Setting up external services." previously_configured_services = parse_configured_services begin sudo(services_command_check) rescue StandardError => e shell.info "Could not setup services. Upgrade your environment to get services configuration." return end sudo(services_setup_command) rescue StandardError => e unless previously_configured_services.empty? shell.warning <<-WARNING External services configuration not updated. Using previous version. Deploy again if your services configuration appears incomplete or out of date. #{e} WARNING end end def setup_sqlite3_if_necessary if gemfile? && lockfile && lockfile.uses_sqlite3? [ ["Create databases directory if needed", "mkdir -p #{c.shared_path}/databases"], ["Creating SQLite database if needed", "touch #{c.shared_path}/databases/#{c.framework_env}.sqlite3"], ["Create config directory if needed", "mkdir -p #{c.release_path}/config"], ["Generating SQLite config", <<-WRAP], cat > #{c.shared_path}/config/database.sqlite3.yml<<'YML' #{c.framework_env}: adapter: sqlite3 database: #{c.shared_path}/databases/#{c.framework_env}.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 YML WRAP ["Symlink database.yml", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/database.sqlite3.yml #{c.release_path}/config/database.yml"], ].each do |what, cmd| shell.status "#{what}" run(cmd) end owner = [c.user, c.group].join(':') shell.status "Setting ownership to #{owner}" sudo "chown -R #{owner} #{c.release_path}" end end def symlink_configs(release_to_link=c.release_path) shell.status "Preparing shared resources for release." symlink_tasks(release_to_link).each do |what, cmd| shell.substatus what run(cmd) end owner = [c.user, c.group].join(':') shell.status "Setting ownership to #{owner}" sudo "chown -R #{owner} #{release_to_link}" end def symlink_tasks(release_to_link) [ ["Set group write permissions", "chmod -R g+w #{release_to_link}"], ["Remove revision-tracked shared directories from deployment", "rm -rf #{release_to_link}/log #{release_to_link}/public/system #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids"], ["Create tmp directory", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/tmp"], ["Symlink shared log directory", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/log #{release_to_link}/log"], ["Create public directory if needed", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/public"], ["Create config directory if needed", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/config"], ["Create system directory if needed", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/system #{release_to_link}/public/system"], ["Symlink shared pids directory", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/pids #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids"], ["Symlink other shared config files", "find #{c.shared_path}/config -type f -not -name 'database.yml' -exec ln -s {} #{release_to_link}/config \\;"], ["Symlink mongrel_cluster.yml", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml #{release_to_link}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ["Symlink database.yml", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_to_link}/config/database.yml"], ["Symlink newrelic.yml if needed", "if [ -f \"#{c.shared_path}/config/newrelic.yml\" ]; then ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/newrelic.yml #{release_to_link}/config/newrelic.yml; fi"], ] end # task def symlink(release_to_link=c.release_path) shell.status "Symlinking code." run "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{release_to_link} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" @symlink_changed = true rescue Exception sudo "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{c.previous_release(release_to_link)} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" @symlink_changed = false raise end def callback(what) @callbacks_reached ||= true if File.exist?("#{c.release_path}/deploy/#{what}.rb") shell.status "Running deploy hook: deploy/#{what}.rb" run Escape.shell_command(base_callback_command_for(what)) do |server, cmd| per_instance_args = [] per_instance_args << '--current-roles' << server.roles.join(' ') per_instance_args << '--current-name' << server.name.to_s if server.name per_instance_args << '--config' << c.to_json cmd << " " << Escape.shell_command(per_instance_args) end end end protected # Use [] to access attributes instead of calling methods so # that we get nils instead of NoMethodError. # # Rollback doesn't know about the repository location (nor # should it need to), but it would like to use #short_log_message. def strategy ENV['GIT_SSH'] = ssh_executable @strategy ||= config.strategy_class.new( shell, :repository_cache => config[:repository_cache], :app => config[:app], :repo => config[:repo], :ref => config[:branch] ) end def gemfile? File.exist?("#{c.release_path}/Gemfile") end def base_callback_command_for(what) cmd = [serverside_bin, 'hook', what.to_s] cmd << '--app' << config.app cmd << '--environment-name' << config.environment_name cmd << '--account-name' << config.account_name cmd << '--release-path' << config.release_path.to_s cmd << '--framework-env' << config.environment.to_s cmd << '--verbose' if config.verbose cmd end def serverside_bin basedir = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__) File.join(basedir, 'bin', 'engineyard-serverside') end def puts_deploy_failure if @cleanup_failed shell.notice "[Relax] Your site is running new code, but clean up of old deploys failed." elsif @maintenance_up message = "[Attention] Maintenance page still up, consider the following before removing:\n" message << " * Deploy hooks ran. This might cause problems for reverting to old code.\n" if @callbacks_reached message << " * Migrations ran. This might cause problems for reverting to old code.\n" if @migrations_reached if @symlink_changed message << " * Your new code is symlinked as current.\n" else message << " * Your old code is still symlinked as current.\n" end message << " * Application servers failed to restart.\n" if @restart_failed message << "\n" message << "Need help? File a ticket for support.\n" shell.notice message else shell.notice "[Relax] Your site is still running old code and nothing destructive has occurred." end end def with_maintenance_page conditionally_enable_maintenance_page yield if block_given? disable_maintenance_page end def with_failed_release_cleanup yield rescue Exception shell.status "Release #{c.release_path} failed, saving release to #{c.failed_release_dir}." sudo "mv #{c.release_path} #{c.failed_release_dir}" raise end def bundler_config version = LockfileParser.default_version options = [ "--gemfile #{c.gemfile_path}", "--path #{c.bundled_gems_path}", "--binstubs #{c.binstubs_path}", "--without #{c.bundle_without}" ] if lockfile version = lockfile.bundler_version options.unshift('--deployment') # deployment mode is not supported without a Gemfile.lock end return [version, options.join(' ')] end def lockfile lockfile_path = File.join(c.release_path, "Gemfile.lock") if File.exist?(lockfile_path) @lockfile_parser ||= LockfileParser.new(File.read(lockfile_path)) else nil end end def check_ruby_bundler if gemfile? shell.status "Bundling gems..." clean_bundle_on_system_version_change bundler_version, install_switches = bundler_config sudo "#{clean_environment} && #{serverside_bin} install_bundler #{bundler_version}" run "#{clean_environment} && cd #{c.release_path} && ruby -S bundle _#{bundler_version}_ install #{install_switches}" write_system_version end end def clean_bundle_on_system_version_change # diff exits with 0 for same and 1/2 for different/file not found. check_ruby = "#{c.ruby_version_command} | diff - #{c.ruby_version_file} >/dev/null 2>&1" check_system = "#{c.system_version_command} | diff - #{c.system_version_file} >/dev/null 2>&1" say_cleaning = "echo 'New deploy or system version change detected, cleaning bundled gems.'" clean_bundle = "rm -Rf #{c.bundled_gems_path}" run "#{check_ruby} && #{check_system} || (#{say_cleaning} && #{clean_bundle})" end def write_system_version store_ruby_version = "#{c.ruby_version_command} > #{c.ruby_version_file}" store_system_version = "#{c.system_version_command} > #{c.system_version_file}" run "mkdir -p #{c.bundled_gems_path} && #{store_ruby_version} && #{store_system_version}" end def check_node_npm if File.exist?("#{c.release_path}/package.json") shell.info "~> package.json detected, installing npm packages" run "cd #{c.release_path} && npm install" end end end # DeployBase class Deploy < DeployBase end end end