require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Feedzirra::Feed do describe "#parse" do # many of these tests are redundant with the specific feed type tests, but I put them here for completeness context "when there's an available parser" do it "should parse an rdf feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rdf_feed) feed.title.should == "HREF Considered Harmful" feed.entries.first.published.to_s.should == "Tue Sep 02 19:50:07 UTC 2008" feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an rss feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rss_feed) feed.title.should == "Tender Lovemaking" feed.entries.first.published.to_s.should == "Thu Dec 04 17:17:49 UTC 2008" feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an atom feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_atom_feed) feed.title.should == "Amazon Web Services Blog" feed.entries.first.published.to_s.should == "Fri Jan 16 18:21:00 UTC 2009" feed.entries.size.should == 10 end it "should parse an feedburner atom feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_feedburner_atom_feed) feed.title.should == "Paul Dix Explains Nothing" feed.entries.first.published.to_s.should == "Thu Jan 22 15:50:22 UTC 2009" feed.entries.size.should == 5 end end context "when there's no available parser" do it "raises Feedzirra::NoParserAvailable" do proc { Feedzirra::Feed.parse("I'm an invalid feed") }.should raise_error(Feedzirra::NoParserAvailable) end end it "should parse an feedburner rss feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.parse(sample_rss_feed_burner_feed) feed.title.should == "Sam Harris: Author, Philosopher, Essayist, Atheist" feed.entries.first.published.to_s.should == "Tue Jan 13 17:20:28 UTC 2009" feed.entries.size.should == 10 end end describe "#determine_feed_parser_for_xml" do it "should return the Feedzirra::Atom class for an atom feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_atom_feed).should == Feedzirra::Atom end it "should return the Feedzirra::AtomFeedBurner class for an atom feedburner feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_feedburner_atom_feed).should == Feedzirra::AtomFeedBurner end it "should return the Feedzirra::RSS class for an rdf/rss 1.0 feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rdf_feed).should == Feedzirra::RSS end it "should return the Feedzirra::RSS class for an rss feedburner feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rss_feed_burner_feed).should == Feedzirra::RSS end it "should return the Feedzirra::RSS object for an rss 2.0 feed" do Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(sample_rss_feed).should == Feedzirra::RSS end end describe "adding feed types" do it "should prioritize added feed types over the built in ones" do feed_text = "Atom asdf" Feedzirra::Atom.should be_able_to_parse(feed_text) new_feed_type = do def self.able_to_parse?(val) true end end new_feed_type.should be_able_to_parse(feed_text) Feedzirra::Feed.add_feed_class(new_feed_type) Feedzirra::Feed.determine_feed_parser_for_xml(feed_text).should == new_feed_type # this is a hack so that this doesn't break the rest of the tests Feedzirra::Feed.feed_classes.reject! {|o| o == new_feed_type } end end describe "header parsing" do before(:each) do @header = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 03:55:24 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nX-FB-Host: chi-write6\r\nLast-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT\r\nETag: ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE\r\nP3P: CP=\"ALL DSP COR NID CUR OUR NOR\"\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n" end it "should parse out an etag" do Feedzirra::Feed.etag_from_header(@header).should == "ziEyTl4q9GH04BR4jgkImd0GvSE" end it "should return nil if there is no etag in header" do Feedzirra::Feed.etag_from_header("foo").should be_nil end it "should parse out a last-modified date" do Feedzirra::Feed.last_modified_from_header(@header).should == Time.parse("Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:10:32 GMT") end it "should return nil if there is no last-modified in header" do Feedzirra::Feed.last_modified_from_header("foo").should be_nil end end describe "fetching feeds" do before(:each) do @paul_feed_url = "" @trotter_feed_url = "" end describe "handling many feeds" do it "should break a large number into more manageable blocks of 40" it "should add to the queue as feeds finish (instead of waiting for each block of 40 to finsih)" end describe "#fetch_raw" do it "should take :user_agent as an option" it "should take :if_modified_since as an option" it "should take :if_none_match as an option" it "should take an optional on_success lambda" it "should take an optional on_failure lambda" it "should return raw xml" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw(@paul_feed_url).should =~ /^#{Regexp.escape('')}/ end it "should take multiple feed urls and return a hash of urls and response xml" do results = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw([@paul_feed_url, @trotter_feed_url]) results.keys.should include(@paul_feed_url) results.keys.should include(@trotter_feed_url) results[@paul_feed_url].should =~ /Paul Dix/ results[@trotter_feed_url].should =~ /Trotter Cashion/ end it "should always return a hash when passed an array" do results = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_raw([@paul_feed_url]) results.class.should == Hash end end describe "#fetch_and_parse" do it "should return a feed object for a single url" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url) feed.title.should == "Paul Dix Explains Nothing" end it "should set the feed_url to the new url if redirected" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("") feed.feed_url.should == "" end it "should set the feed_url for an rdf feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("") feed.feed_url.should == "" end it "should set the feed_url for an rss feed" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("") feed.feed_url.should == "" end it "should return a hash of feed objects with the passed in feed_url for the key and parsed feed for the value for multiple feeds" do feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse([@paul_feed_url, @trotter_feed_url]) feeds.size.should == 2 feeds[@paul_feed_url].feed_url.should == @paul_feed_url feeds[@trotter_feed_url].feed_url.should == @trotter_feed_url end it "should always return a hash when passed an array" do feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse([@paul_feed_url]) feeds.class.should == Hash end it "should yeild the url and feed object to a :on_success lambda" do successful_call_mock = mock("successful_call_mock") successful_call_mock.should_receive(:call) Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url, :on_success => lambda { |feed_url, feed| feed_url.should == @paul_feed_url feed.class.should == Feedzirra::AtomFeedBurner}) end it "should yield the url, response_code, response_header, and response_body to a :on_failure lambda" do failure_call_mock = mock("failure_call_mock") failure_call_mock.should_receive(:call) fail_url = "http://localhost" Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(fail_url, :on_failure => lambda {|feed_url, response_code, response_header, response_body| feed_url.should == fail_url response_code.should == 0 response_header.should == "" response_body.should == ""}) end it "should return a not modified status for a feed with a :if_modified_since is past its last update" do Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url, :if_modified_since => == 304 end it "should set the etag from the header" # do # Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url).etag.should_not == "" # end it "should set the last_modified from the header" # do # Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url).last_modified.should.class == Time # end end describe "#update" do it "should update and return a single feed object" do feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(@paul_feed_url) feed.entries.delete_at(0) feed.last_modified = nil feed.etag = nil updated_feed = Feedzirra::Feed.update(feed) updated_feed.new_entries.size.should == 1 updated_feed.should have_new_entries end it "should update a collection of feed objects" do feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse([@paul_feed_url, @trotter_feed_url]) paul_entries_size = feeds[@paul_feed_url].entries.size trotter_entries_size = feeds[@trotter_feed_url].entries.size feeds.values.each do |feed| feed.last_modified = nil feed.etag = nil feed.entries.delete_at(0) end updated_feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.update(feeds.values) updated_feeds.detect {|f| f.feed_url == @paul_feed_url}.entries.size.should == paul_entries_size updated_feeds.detect {|f| f.feed_url == @trotter_feed_url}.entries.size.should == trotter_entries_size end it "should return the feed objects even when not updated" do feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse([@paul_feed_url, @trotter_feed_url]) updated_feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.update(feeds.values) updated_feeds.size.should == 2 updated_feeds.first.should_not be_updated updated_feeds.last.should_not be_updated end end end end