# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Briard::Metadata, vcr: true do context "write metadata as ris" do it "journal article" do input = "10.7554/eLife.01567" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "crossref") expect(subject.valid?).to be true ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - JOUR") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - eLife") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Sankar, Martial") expect(ris[8]).to eq("DO - 10.7554/elife.01567") expect(ris[9]).to eq("UR - https://elifesciences.org/articles/01567") expect(ris[10]).to start_with("AB - Among various advantages") expect(ris[11]).to eq("PY - 2014") expect(ris[12]).to eq("PB - eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd") expect(ris[13]).to eq("VL - 3") expect(ris[14]).to eq("SP - e01567") expect(ris[15]).to eq("SN - 2050-084X") expect(ris[16]).to eq("ER - ") end it "with pages" do input = "https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291294" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "crossref") # expect(subject.valid?).to be true ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - JOUR") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Delineating a Retesting Zone Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis on Serial QuantiFERON Tuberculosis Test Results in US Healthcare Workers") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - Pulmonary Medicine") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Thanassi, Wendy") expect(ris[10]).to eq("DO - 10.1155/2012/291294") expect(ris[11]).to eq("UR - http://www.hindawi.com/journals/pm/2012/291294/") expect(ris[12]).to start_with("AB - . To find a statistically significant separation point for the QuantiFERON") expect(ris[13]).to eq("PY - 2012") expect(ris[14]).to eq("PB - Hindawi Limited") expect(ris[15]).to eq("VL - 2012") expect(ris[16]).to eq("SP - 1") expect(ris[17]).to eq("EP - 7") expect(ris[18]).to eq("SN - 2090-1844") expect(ris[19]).to eq("ER - ") end it "alternate name" do input = "https://doi.org/10.3205/ZMA001102" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite") expect(subject.valid?).to be true ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - RPRT") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Visions and reality: the idea of competence-oriented assessment for German medical students is not yet realised in licensing examinations") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - GMS Journal for Medical Education; 34(2):Doc25") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Huber-Lang, Markus") expect(ris[9]).to eq("DO - 10.3205/zma001102") expect(ris[10]).to eq("UR - http://www.egms.de/en/journals/zma/2017-34/zma001102.shtml") expect(ris[11]).to start_with("AB - Objective: Competence orientation") expect(ris[12]).to eq("KW - medical competence") expect(ris[22]).to eq("PY - 2017") expect(ris[23]).to eq("PB - German Medical Science GMS Publishing House") expect(ris[24]).to eq("LA - en") expect(ris[25]).to eq("SN - 2366-5017") expect(ris[26]).to eq("ER - ") end it "Crossref DOI" do input = fixture_path + "crossref.bib" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "bibtex") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - JOUR") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Automated quantitative histology reveals vascular morphodynamics during Arabidopsis hypocotyl secondary growth") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - eLife") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Sankar, Martial") expect(ris[8]).to eq("DO - 10.7554/elife.01567") expect(ris[9]).to eq("UR - http://elifesciences.org/lookup/doi/10.7554/eLife.01567") expect(ris[10]).to eq("AB - Among various advantages, their small size makes model organisms preferred subjects of investigation. Yet, even in model systems detailed analysis of numerous developmental processes at cellular level is severely hampered by their scale.") expect(ris[11]).to eq("PY - 2014") expect(ris[12]).to eq("PB - {eLife} Sciences Organisation, Ltd.") expect(ris[13]).to eq("VL - 3") expect(ris[14]).to eq("SN - 2050-084X") expect(ris[15]).to eq("ER - ") end it "BlogPosting" do input = "https://doi.org/10.5438/4K3M-NYVG" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite") expect(subject.valid?).to be true ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - RPRT") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Eating your own Dog Food") expect(ris[2]).to eq("AU - Fenner, Martin") expect(ris[3]).to eq("DO - 10.5438/4k3m-nyvg") expect(ris[4]).to eq("UR - https://blog.datacite.org/eating-your-own-dog-food/") expect(ris[5]).to eq("AB - Eating your own dog food is a slang term to describe that an organization should itself use the products and services it provides. For DataCite this means that we should use DOIs with appropriate metadata and strategies for long-term preservation for...") expect(ris[6]).to eq("KW - datacite") expect(ris[9]).to eq("KW - FOS: Computer and information sciences") expect(ris[10]).to eq("KW - FOS: Computer and information sciences") expect(ris[11]).to eq("PY - 2016") expect(ris[12]).to eq("PB - DataCite") expect(ris[13]).to eq("LA - en") expect(ris[14]).to eq("SN - 10.5438/0000-00ss") expect(ris[15]).to eq("ER - ") end it "BlogPosting Citeproc JSON" do input = fixture_path + "citeproc.json" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "citeproc") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - GEN") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Eating your own Dog Food") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - DataCite Blog") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Fenner, Martin") expect(ris[4]).to eq("DO - 10.5438/4k3m-nyvg") expect(ris[5]).to eq("UR - https://blog.datacite.org/eating-your-own-dog-food") expect(ris[6]).to eq("AB - Eating your own dog food is a slang term to describe that an organization should itself use the products and services it provides. For DataCite this means that we should use DOIs with appropriate metadata and strategies for long-term preservation for...") expect(ris[7]).to eq("KW - Phylogeny") expect(ris[14]).to eq("PY - 2016") expect(ris[15]).to eq("PB - DataCite") expect(ris[16]).to eq("ER - ") end it "BlogPosting DataCite JSON" do input = fixture_path + "datacite.json" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite_json") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - RPRT") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Eating your own Dog Food") expect(ris[2]).to eq("AU - Fenner, Martin") expect(ris[3]).to eq("DO - 10.5438/4k3m-nyvg") expect(ris[4]).to eq("AB - Eating your own dog food is a slang term to describe that an organization should itself use the products and services it provides. For DataCite this means that we should use DOIs with appropriate metadata and strategies for long-term preservation for...") expect(ris[5]).to eq("KW - datacite") expect(ris[8]).to eq("PY - 2016") expect(ris[9]).to eq("PB - DataCite") expect(ris[10]).to eq("SN - 10.5438/0000-00ss") expect(ris[11]).to eq("ER - ") end it "BlogPosting schema.org" do input = "https://blog.datacite.org/eating-your-own-dog-food/" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "schema_org") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - GEN") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Eating your own Dog Food") expect(ris[2]).to eq("T2 - DataCite Blog") expect(ris[3]).to eq("AU - Fenner, Martin") expect(ris[4]).to eq("DO - 10.5438/4k3m-nyvg") expect(ris[5]).to eq("UR - https://blog.datacite.org/eating-your-own-dog-food") expect(ris[6]).to eq("AB - Eating your own dog food is a slang term to describe that an organization should itself use the products and services it provides. For DataCite this means that we should use DOIs with appropriate metadata and strategies for long-term preservation for...") expect(ris[7]).to eq("KW - datacite") expect(ris[11]).to eq("PY - 2016") expect(ris[12]).to eq("PB - DataCite") expect(ris[13]).to eq("SN - 10.5438/0000-00ss") expect(ris[14]).to eq("ER - ") end it "Dataset" do input = "10.5061/DRYAD.8515" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite") expect(subject.valid?).to be true ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - DATA") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Data from: A new malaria agent in African hominids.") expect(ris[2]).to eq("AU - Ollomo, Benjamin") expect(ris[10]).to eq("DO - 10.5061/dryad.8515") expect(ris[11]).to eq("UR - http://datadryad.org/stash/dataset/doi:10.5061/dryad.8515") expect(ris[13]).to eq("KW - Plasmodium") expect(ris[18]).to eq("PB - Dryad") expect(ris[19]).to eq("LA - en") expect(ris[20]).to eq("ER - ") end it "maremma" do input = "https://github.com/datacite/maremma" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "codemeta") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris[0]).to eq("TY - COMP") expect(ris[1]).to eq("T1 - Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls") expect(ris[2]).to eq("AU - Fenner, Martin") expect(ris[3]).to eq("DO - 10.5438/qeg0-3gm3") expect(ris[4]).to eq("UR - https://github.com/datacite/maremma") expect(ris[5]).to eq("AB - Ruby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapper for XML/JSON parsing and error handling. All successful responses are returned as hash with key data, all errors in a JSONAPI-friendly hash with key errors.") expect(ris[6]).to eq("KW - faraday") expect(ris[9]).to eq("PY - 2017") expect(ris[10]).to eq("PB - DataCite") expect(ris[11]).to eq("ER - ") end it "keywords with subject scheme" do input = "https://doi.org/10.1594/pangaea.721193" subject = Briard::Metadata.new(input: input, from: "datacite") ris = subject.ris.split("\r\n") expect(ris.first).to eq("TY - DATA") expect(ris).to include("T1 - Seawater carbonate chemistry and processes during experiments with Crassostrea gigas, 2007, supplement to: Kurihara, Haruko; Kato, Shoji; Ishimatsu, Atsushi (2007): Effects of increased seawater pCO2 on early development of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Biology, 1(1), 91-98") expect(ris).to include("AU - Kurihara, Haruko") expect(ris).to include("DO - 10.1594/pangaea.721193") expect(ris).to include("UR - https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.721193") expect(ris).to include("KW - Animalia") expect(ris).to include("KW - Bottles or small containers/Aquaria (<20 L)") expect(ris).to include("PY - 2007") expect(ris).to include("PB - PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science") expect(ris).to include("LA - en") expect(ris.last).to eq("ER - ") end end end