dor_fetcher: service_url: skip_heartbeat: true # ----------- SOLR index (that we're writing INTO) parameters ------------ solr: url: # url: http://localhost:8080/solr/mods_profiler # timeouts are in seconds; read_timeout -> open/read, open_timeout -> connection open read_timeout: 60 open_timeout: 60 max_retries: 10 # ---------- White and Black list parameters ----- # name of file containing druids that WILL be processed (all others will be ignored) # either give absolute path or path relative to where the command will be executed #whitelist: config/ap_whitelist.txt harvestdor: # You will want to copy this file and change the following settings: # 1. log_dir, log_name # 2. default_set # 3. blacklist or whitelist if you are using them # 4. Solr baseurl # log_dir: directory for log file (default logs, relative to harvestdor gem path) log_dir: spec/test_logs # log_name: name of log file (default: harvestdor.log) log_name: ap-test.log # purl: url for the DOR purl server (used to get ContentMetadata, etc.) purl: # Additional options to pass to Faraday http client ( http_options: ssl: verify: false # timeouts are in seconds; timeout -> open/read, open_timeout -> connection open request: timeout: 180 open_timeout: 180