require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'win/gui/window' module WinWindowTest include WinTestApp include Win::GUI::Window def commands_should_show_window *cmds, tests cmds.each do |cmd| test_app do |app| show_window(app.handle, cmd) tests.each{|test, result| send(test.to_sym, app.handle).should == result} hide_window(app.handle) # hiding window first show_window(app.handle, cmd) tests.each{|test, result| send(test.to_sym, app.handle).should == result} show_window(app.handle, SW_MAXIMIZE) # now maximizing window show_window(app.handle, cmd) tests.each{|test, result| send(test.to_sym, app.handle).should == result} show_window(app.handle, SW_MINIMIZE) # now minimizing window show_window(app.handle, cmd) tests.each{|test, result| send(test.to_sym, app.handle).should == result} end end end describe Win::GUI::Window, ' defines a set user32 API functions related to Window manipulation' do describe '#window?' do spec{ use{ IsWindow(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ is_window(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ window?(any_handle) }} it 'returns true if window exists' do window?(any_handle).should == true end it 'returns false for invalid window handle' do window?(not_a_handle).should == false end it 'changes from true to false when existing window is closed' do test_app do |app| @app_handle = app.handle @ta_handle = app.textarea.handle window?(@app_handle).should == true window?(@ta_handle).should == true end window?(@app_handle).should == false window?(@ta_handle).should == false end end describe '#window_visible?' do spec{ use{ IsWindowVisible(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ is_window_visible(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ window_visible?(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ visible?(any_handle) }} it 'returns true when window is visible, false when window is hidden' do test_app do |app| visible?(app.handle).should == true window_visible?(app.handle).should == true window_visible?(app.textarea.handle).should == true hide_window(app.handle) visible?(app.handle).should == false window_visible?(app.handle).should == false window_visible?(app.textarea.handle).should == false end end end describe '#maximized?' do spec{ use{ IsZoomed(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ is_zoomed(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ zoomed?(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ maximized?(any_handle) }} it 'returns true if the window is maximized, false otherwise' do test_app do |app| zoomed?(app.handle).should == false maximized?(app.handle).should == false show_window(app.handle, SW_MAXIMIZE) maximized?(app.handle).should == true zoomed?(app.handle).should == true end end end describe '#minimized?' do spec{ use{ IsIconic(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ is_iconic(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ iconic?(any_handle) }} spec{ use{ minimized?(any_handle) }} it 'returns true if the window is minimized, false otherwise' do test_app do |app| iconic?(app.handle).should == false minimized?(app.handle).should == false show_window(app.handle, SW_MINIMIZE) iconic?(app.handle).should == true # ! minimized?(app.handle).should == true end end end describe '#child?' do spec{ use{ IsChild(parent_handle = any_handle, handle = any_handle) }} spec{ use{ is_child(parent_handle = any_handle, handle = any_handle) }} spec{ use{ child?(parent_handle = any_handle, handle = any_handle) }} it 'returns true if the window is a child of given parent, false otherwise' do test_app do |app| child?(app.handle, app.textarea.handle).should == true child?(app.handle, any_handle).should == false end end end describe '#find_window(w)' do spec{ use{ FindWindow(class_name = nil, win_name = nil) }} spec{ use{ find_window(class_name = nil, win_name = nil) }} # Widebyte (unicode) version spec{ use{ FindWindowW(class_name = nil, win_name = nil) }} spec{ use{ find_window_w(class_name = nil, win_name = nil) }} it 'returns either Integer Window handle or nil' do find_window(nil, nil).should be_a_kind_of Integer find_window(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == nil end it 'returns nil if Window is not found' do find_window(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == nil find_window(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil find_window(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil find_window_w(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == nil find_window_w(nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil find_window_w(TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil end it 'finds at least one window if both args are nils' do find_window(nil, nil).should_not == nil find_window_w(nil, nil).should_not == nil end it 'finds top-level window by window class or title' do test_app do |app| find_window(TEST_WIN_CLASS, nil).should == app.handle find_window(nil, TEST_WIN_TITLE).should == app.handle find_window_w(TEST_WIN_CLASS.to_w, nil).should == app.handle find_window_w(nil, TEST_WIN_TITLE.to_w).should == app.handle end end end describe '#find_window_ex' do spec{ use{ FindWindowEx(parent = any_handle, after_child = 0, win_class = nil, win_title = nil) }} spec{ use{ find_window_ex(parent = any_handle, after_child = 0, win_class = nil, win_title = nil) }} it 'returns nil if wrong control is given' do parent_handle = any_handle find_window_ex(parent_handle, 0, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE, nil).should == nil find_window_ex(parent_handle, 0, nil, TEST_IMPOSSIBLE).should == nil end it 'finds child window/control by class' do test_app do |app| ta_handle = find_window_ex(app.handle, 0, TEST_TEXTAREA_CLASS, nil) ta_handle.should_not == nil ta_handle.should == app.textarea.handle end end it 'finds child window/control by text/title' do pending 'Identify appropriate (short name) control' test_app do |app| keystroke(VK_CONTROL, 'A'.ord) keystroke('1'.ord, '2'.ord) ta_handle = find_window_ex(app.handle, 0, nil, '12') ta_handle.should_not == 0 ta_handle.should == app.textarea.handle end end end describe '#get_foreground_window' do # ! Different from GetActiveWindow ! spec{ use{ handle = GetForegroundWindow() }} spec{ use{ handle = get_foreground_window }} spec{ use{ handle = foreground_window }} it 'returns handle to window that is currently in foreground' do test_app do |app| @app_handle = app.handle fg1 = foreground_window @app_handle.should == fg1 end fg2 = foreground_window @app_handle.should_not == fg2 end it 'defines #foreground? test function ' do test_app do |app| @app_handle = app.handle foreground?(@app_handle).should == true end foreground?(@app_handle).should == false end end describe '#get_active_window' do # ! Different from GetForegroundWindow ! spec{ use{ handle = GetActiveWindow() }} spec{ use{ handle = get_active_window }} spec{ use{ handle = active_window }} it 'returns handle to the active window attached to the calling thread`s message queue' do pending 'No idea how to test it' test_app do |app| @app_handle = app.handle fg1 = active_window @app_handle.should == fg1 end fg2 = active_window @app_handle.should_not == fg2 end end describe '#get_window_text(w)' do spec{ use{ GetWindowText(any_handle, buffer = "\00"* 1024, buffer.size)}} # Improved with block to accept window handle as a single arg and return (rstripped) text string spec{ use{ text = get_window_text(handle = 0)}} spec{ use{ text = window_text(handle = 0)}} # Unicode version of get_window_text (strings returned encoded as utf-8) spec{ use{ GetWindowTextW(any_handle, buffer = "\00"* 1024, buffer.size)}} spec{ use{ text = get_window_text_w(any_handle)}} # result encoded as utf-8 spec{ use{ text = window_text_w(handle = 0)}} it 'returns nil if incorrect window handle given' do get_window_text(not_a_handle).should == nil get_window_text_w(not_a_handle).should == nil end it 'returns correct window text' do test_app do |app| get_window_text(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_TITLE get_window_text_w(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_TITLE window_text(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_TITLE window_text_w(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_TITLE end end end describe '#get_class_name(w)' do spec{ use{ GetClassName(any_handle, buffer = "\00"* 1024, buffer.size)}} # Improved with block to accept window handle as a single arg and return class name string spec{ use{ class_name = get_class_name(any_handle)}} spec{ use{ class_name = class_name(any_handle)}} # Unicode version of get_class_name (strings returned encoded as utf-8) spec{ use{ GetClassNameW(any_handle, buffer = "\00"* 1024, buffer.size)}} spec{ use{ class_name = get_class_name_w(handle = 0)}} # result encoded as utf-8 spec{ use{ class_name = class_name_w(any_handle)}} it 'returns correct window class name' do test_app do |app| get_class_name(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_CLASS class_name(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_CLASS class_name_w(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_CLASS #!!!!!!!!! nil? get_class_name_w(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_CLASS #!!!!!! nil? end end end describe '#get_window_thread_process_id' do spec{ use{ thread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(any_handle, process_buffer = [1].pack('L')) }} spec{ use{ thread, process = get_window_thread_process_id(any_handle) }} # Improved with block to accept window handle as a single arg and return a pair of [thread, process] it 'returns a pair of nonzero Integer ids (thread and process) for valid window' do thread, process = get_window_thread_process_id(any_handle) thread.should be_a_kind_of Integer thread.should be > 0 process.should be_a_kind_of Integer process.should be > 0 end it 'returns a pair of nils (thread and process) for invalid window' do thread, process = get_window_thread_process_id(not_a_handle) thread.should == nil process.should == nil end end describe '#get_window_rect' do spec{ use{ success = GetWindowRect(any_handle, rectangle = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('L*'))}} spec{ use{ left, top, right, bottom = get_window_rect(any_handle)}} it 'returns array of nils for invalid window' do get_window_rect(not_a_handle).should == [nil, nil, nil, nil] end it 'returns window`s border rectangle' do test_app do |app| get_window_rect(app.handle).should == TEST_WIN_RECT end end end describe '#show_window ', 'LI', 'I' do spec{ use{ was_visible = show_window(handle = any_handle, cmd = SW_SHOWNA) }} it 'defaults to SW_SHOW if no command given' do test_app do |app| hide_window(app.handle) use{show_window(app.handle)} visible?(app.handle).should == true end end it 'returns true if the window was PREVIOUSLY visible, false otherwise' do test_app do |app| show_window(app.handle, SW_HIDE).should == true show_window(app.handle, SW_HIDE).should == false end end it 'hides window with SW_HIDE command ' do test_app do |app| show_window(app.handle, SW_HIDE) visible?(app.handle).should == false end end it 'shows hidden window with SW_SHOW command' do test_app do |app| hide_window(app.handle) show_window(app.handle, SW_SHOW) visible?(app.handle).should == true end end it 'SW_MAXIMIZE, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED maximize window and activate it' do commands_should_show_window SW_MAXIMIZE, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, :minimized? => false, :maximized? => true, :visible? => true, :foreground? => true end it 'SW_MINIMIZE minimizes window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order' do commands_should_show_window SW_MINIMIZE, :minimized? => true, :maximized? => false, :visible? => true, :foreground? => false end it 'SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED displays the window as a minimized foreground window' do commands_should_show_window SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, #! :minimized? => true, :maximized? => false, :visible? => true, :foreground? => true end it 'SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_RESTORE, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE activate/display a window(if min/maximized it is restored' do commands_should_show_window SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_RESTORE, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, :minimized? => false, :maximized? => false, :visible? => true, :foreground? => true end it 'SW_SHOWNA displays the window in its current size and position (similar to SW_SHOW, but window is not activated)' it 'SW_SHOWDEFAULT sets the show state based on the SW_ value specified in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the program that started the application' it 'SW_FORCEMINIMIZE minimizes a window, even if the thread that owns the window is not responding - only Win2000/XP' end describe '#enum_windows' do before(:all){@app = launch_test_app} after(:all){close_test_app} spec{ use{ handles = enum_windows(value = 13) }} spec{ use{ enum_windows do |handle, message| end }} it 'iterates through all the top-level windows, passing each top level window handle and value to a given block' do enum_windows(13) do |handle, message| handle.should be_an Integer handle.should be > 0 message.should == 13 end end it 'returns an array of top-level window handles if block is not given' do enum = enum_windows(13) enum.should be_a_kind_of Array enum.should_not be_empty enum.should have_at_least(50).elements # typical number of top windows in WinXP system? enum.each do |handle| handle.should be_an Integer handle.should be > 0 end enum.any?{|handle| handle == @app.handle}.should == true end it 'returned array that contains handle of launched test app' do enum = enum_windows(13) enum.any?{|handle| handle == @app.handle}.should == true end it 'defaults message to 0 if it is omitted from method call' do enum_windows do |handle, message| message.should == 0 end end end describe '#enum_desktop_windows' do before(:all){@app = launch_test_app} after(:all){close_test_app} spec{ use{ handles = enum_desktop_windows(0, value = 13) }} spec{ use{ enum_desktop_windows(0) do |handle, message| end }} it 'iterates through all the top-level windows for a given desktop' end describe '#enum_child_windows' do before(:all){@app = launch_test_app} after(:all){close_test_app} spec{ use{ enum_child_windows(parent = any_handle, value = 13) }} it 'return an array of child window handles if block is not given' do enum = enum_child_windows(@app.handle, 13) enum.should be_a_kind_of Array enum.should have(2).elements class_name(enum.first).should == TEST_STATUSBAR_CLASS class_name(enum.last).should == TEST_TEXTAREA_CLASS end it 'loops through all children of given window, passing each found window handle and a message to a given block' do enum = [] enum_child_windows(@app.handle, 13) do |handle, message| enum << handle message.should == 13 end enum.should have(2).elements class_name(enum.first).should == TEST_STATUSBAR_CLASS class_name(enum.last).should == TEST_TEXTAREA_CLASS end it 'breaks loop if given block returns false' do enum = [] enum_child_windows(@app.handle) do |handle, message| enum << handle false end enum.should have(1).element class_name(enum.first).should == TEST_STATUSBAR_CLASS end it 'defaults message to 0 if it is omitted from method call' do enum_child_windows(@app.handle) do |handle, message| message.should == 0 end end end describe Win::GUI::Window, ' defines convenience/service methods on top of Windows API' do describe '#foreground' do spec{ use{ foreground?( any_handle) }} end describe '#hide_window' do spec{ use{ was_visible = hide_window(any_handle) }} it 'hides window: same as show_window(handle, SW_HIDE)' do test_app do |app| was_visible = hide_window(app.handle) was_visible.should == true visible?(app.handle).should == false hide_window(app.handle).should == false visible?(app.handle).should == false end end end end end end