module Lookbook module TargetableConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do before_action :lookup_entities, only: [:show] before_action :set_title before_action :set_display_options before_action :set_params end def set_title @title = @target.present? ? [@target&.label, @preview&.label].compact.join(" :: ") : "Not found" end def lookup_entities @target = Lookbook.previews.find_example_by_path(params[:path]) if @target.present? @preview = @target.preview if params[:path] == @preview&.path redirect_to lookbook_inspect_path("#{params[:path]}/#{}", params.permit!) end else @preview = Lookbook.previews.find_by_path(params[:path]) if @preview.present? default_example = @preview.default_example redirect_to lookbook_inspect_path(default_example.path, params.permit!) if default_example else @preview = Lookbook.previews.find_by_path(path_segments.slice(0, path_segments.size - 1).join("/")) end end end def set_display_options @dynamic_display_options = [] @static_display_options = [] if @target.present? opts = @target.display_options @dynamic_display_options = { _2.is_a?(Array) || _2.is_a?(Hash) } @static_display_options = opts.except(*@dynamic_display_options.keys) if params[:_display] display_params =[:_display]) display_params.each do |name, value| if @dynamic_display_options.key?(name) cookies["lookbook-display-#{name}"] = value.is_a?(Array) ? value[1] : value end end end @dynamic_display_options.each do |name, opts| choices = opts.is_a?(Hash) ? opts[:choices].to_a : opts value = choices.first.is_a?(Array) ? choices.first[1] : choices.first @static_display_options[name] ||= cookies.fetch("lookbook-display-#{name}", value) end unless params[:_display] display_params = do |name, opts| [name, @static_display_options[name]] end.to_h request.query_parameters[:_display] = end end end def set_params @params = [] if @target @params = @target.tags("param").map do |param_tag| Param.from_tag( param_tag, value: preview_controller.params[] ) end # cast known param values to correct type @params.each do |param| if preview_controller.params.key?( preview_controller.params[] = param.cast_value end end # set display and data params for use in preview layouts preview_controller.params[:lookbook] = { display: @static_display_options, data: } end preview_controller.params.permit! end def inspector_data return @inspector_data if @inspector_data.present? rendered_examples = do |example| output = preview_controller.process(:render_example_to_string, @preview,, output, preview_controller.params) end @inspector_data ||={ context:{params: @params, path: params[:path]}), preview: @preview, examples: rendered_examples, target: @target, data:, app: Lookbook }) end def show_404(layout: nil) locals = if @preview { message: "Example not found", description: "The '#{@preview.label}' preview does not have an example named '#{path_segments.last}'." } else { message: "Not found", description: "Looked for '#{params[:path]}'.
The preview may have been renamed or deleted." } end render_in_layout "lookbook/404", layout: layout, **locals end def path_segments params[:path].split("/") end end end