require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end class StubController < ActionController::Base include Rakismet::Controller def one ; render :nothing => true; end def two ; render :nothing => true; end end describe StubController do it "should set Rakismet::Base.rakismet_binding" do Rakismet::Base.should_receive(:rakismet_binding=).twice get :one end it "should return Rakismet::Base.rakismet_binding to nil after request" do get :one Rakismet::Base.rakismet_binding.should be_nil end it "should add around_filter" do include(ActionController::Filters::AroundFilter) end end describe StubController.subclass('OnlyActions') { rakismet_filter(:only => :one) } do it "should add around filter to specified actions" do Rakismet::Base.should_receive(:rakismet_binding=).twice get :one end it "should not add around filter to unspecified actions" do Rakismet::Base.should_not_receive(:rakismet_binding=) get :two end end describe StubController.subclass('ExceptActions') { rakismet_filter(:except => :one) } do it "should not add around filter to specified actions" do Rakismet::Base.should_not_receive(:rakismet_binding=) get :one end it "should add around filter to other actions" do Rakismet::Base.should_receive(:rakismet_binding=).twice get :two end end