require 'thor' require 'orats/commands/project/exec' require 'orats/commands/inventory' require 'orats/commands/playbook' require 'orats/commands/nuke' require 'orats/commands/diff/exec' module Orats class CLI < Thor option :pg_location, default: 'localhost', aliases: '-l' option :pg_username, default: 'postgres', aliases: '-u' option :pg_password, required: true, aliases: '-p' option :redis_location, default: 'localhost', aliases: '-n' option :redis_password, default: '', aliases: '-d' option :template, default: '', aliases: '-m' option :custom, default: '', aliases: '-c' option :skip_ansible, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-A' option :skip_server_start, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-F' option :sudo_password, default: '', aliases: '-s' option :skip_galaxy, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-G' desc 'project TARGET_PATH [options]', '' long_desc <<-D `orats project target_path --pg-password supersecret` will create a new rails project and it will also create an ansible inventory to go with it by default. You must supply at least this flag: `--pg-password` to supply your development postgres password so the rails application can run database migrations Configuration: `--pg-location` to supply a custom postgres location [localhost] `--pg-username` to supply a custom postgres username [postgres] `--redis-location` to supply a custom redis location [localhost] `--redis-password` to supply your development redis password [] Template features: `--template` accepts a template name which will get added in addition to the base template [] `--custom` will let you supply a custom template, a url or file is ok but urls must start with http or https [] Project features: `--skip-ansible` skip creating the ansible related directories [false] `--skip-server-start` skip automatically running puma and sidekiq [false] Ansible features: `--sudo-password` to install ansible roles from the galaxy to a path outside of your user privileges [] `--skip-galaxy` skip automatically installing roles from the galaxy [false] D def project(target_path), options).init end option :sudo_password, default: '', aliases: '-s' option :skip_galaxy, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-G' desc 'inventory TARGET_PATH [options]', '' long_desc <<-D `orats inventory target_path` will create an ansible inventory. Configuration: `--sudo-password` to install ansible roles from the galaxy to a path outside of your user privileges [] `--skip-galaxy` skip automatically installing roles from the galaxy [false] D def inventory(target_path), options).init end option :custom, default: '', aliases: '-c' desc 'playbook TARGET_PATH [options]', '' long_desc <<-D `orats playbook target_path` will create an ansible playbook. Template features: `--custom` will let you supply a custom template, a url or file is ok but urls must start with http or https [] D def playbook(target_path), options).init end option :skip_data, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-D' option :redis_password, default: '', aliases: '-d' desc 'nuke TARGET_PATH [options]', '' long_desc <<-D `orats nuke target_path` will delete the directory and optionally all data associated to it. Options: `--skip-data` will skip deleting app specific postgres databases and redis namespaces [false] `--redis-password` to supply your development redis password [] D def nuke(target_path), options).init end option :hosts, default: '', aliases: '-h' option :inventory, default: '', aliases: '-i' option :playbook, default: '', aliases: '-b' desc 'diff [options]', '' long_desc <<-D `orats diff` will run various comparisons on orats and your ansible files. Help: `The green/yellow labels` denote a remote check to compare the files contained in your version of orats to the latest files on github. `The blue/cyan labels` denote a local check between the files contained in your version of orats to the files you have generated such as your own playbook or inventories. Options: `--hosts` to supply a hosts file for comparison [] `--inventory` to supply an inventory directory/file for comparison [] `--playbook` to supply a playbook directory/file for comparison [] Quality of life features: `--inventory` also accepts a path to your project's inventory folder, if you kept the default file names it will automatically compare both your hosts and group_vars/all.yml files. `--playbook` also accepts a path to a playbook folder, if you kept the playbook name as `site.yml` it will automatically choose it. D def diff, options).init end desc 'templates', '' long_desc <<-D `orats templates` will return a list of available orats templates. D def templates end desc 'version', '' long_desc <<-D `orats version` will print the current version. D def version puts "Orats version #{VERSION}" end map %w(-v --version) => :version private def invoked? caller_locations(0).any? { |backtrace| backtrace.label == 'invoke' } end end end