# encoding: utf-8 # # Generates a ruler and also demonstrates prawn/measurement_extensions. # It's better to run this example and examine its output than to worry about # its particular implementation, though some might find that interesting as # well. # $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'lib')) require "prawn" require "prawn/measurement_extensions" # this makes the following units available (Millimeters, Centimeters, Decimeters, Meters, Inches, Foot, Yards, Points) # Methodname is the common abbravation for the unit (mm, cm, dm, m, in, ft, yd, pt) # Usage: '10.mm'. # This converts 10mm to PDF points, which Prawn uses internally. pdf = Prawn::Document.new( :page_size => "A4", :left_margin => 10.mm, # different :right_margin => 1.cm, # units :top_margin => 0.1.dm, # work :bottom_margin => 0.01.m) # well pdf.font_size = 6 pdf.line_width = 0.05 units_long = %w[Millimeters Centimeters Decimeters Inches Foot Points] units = %w[mm cm dm in ft pt] offset_multiplier = 2.cm temp = "Units\n" units.each_with_index do |unit, unit_index| #iterate through all units that make sense to display on a sheet of paper one_unit_in_pt = eval "1.#{unit}" # calc the width of one unit temp << "1#{unit} => #{one_unit_in_pt}pt\n" #puts converted unit in points offset = offset_multiplier * unit_index pdf.text units[unit_index], :at => [offset + 0.5.mm, pdf.bounds.top - 2.mm] pdf.stroke_line(offset, pdf.bounds.top, offset, pdf.bounds.bottom) 0.upto(((pdf.bounds.height - 5.mm) / one_unit_in_pt).to_i) do |i| # checks, how many strokes can be drawn pdf.stroke_line(offset, i * one_unit_in_pt, (i % 5 == 0 ? 6.mm : 3.mm) + offset, i * one_unit_in_pt) # every fifth stroke is twice as large like on a real ruler pdf.text "#{i}#{unit}", :at => [7.mm + offset, i * one_unit_in_pt] unless unit == "mm" && i % 5 != 0 || unit == "pt" && i % 10 != 0 # avoid text too close to each other end end pdf.text_box temp, :width => 5.cm, :height => pdf.font.height * units_long.length, :at => [offset_multiplier * units_long.length, pdf.bounds.top] pdf.render_file "measurement_units.pdf"