class Evil::Client # # Data structure with validators and memoizers # class Model extend Dry::Initializer @policy = Policy class << self # @!method options(key, type = nil, opts = {}) # Creates or updates the settings' initializer # # @see [] # # @param [#to_sym] key Symbolic name of the option # @param [#call] type (nil) Type coercer for the option # @option opts [#call] :type Another way to assign type coercer # @option opts [#call] :default Proc containing default value # @option opts [Boolean] :optional Whether it can be missed # @option opts [#to_sym] :as The name of settings variable # @option opts [false, :private, :protected] :reader Reader method type # @return [self] # def option(key, type = nil, as: key.to_sym, **opts) NameError.check!(as) super self end undef_method :param # model initializes with [#options] only # Creates or reloads memoized attribute # # @param [#to_sym] key The name of the attribute # @param [Proc] block The body of new attribute # @return [self] # def let(key, &block) NameError.check!(key) lets[key.to_sym] = block define_method(key) do instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}") || instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", instance_exec(&block)) end self end # Definitions for virtual attributes # # @return [Hash] # def lets @lets ||= {} end # Policy object for model instances # # @return [Evil::Client::Policy] # def policy @policy ||= superclass.policy.for(self) end # Add validation rule to the [#policy] # # @param [Proc] block The body of new attribute # @return [self] # def validate(&block) policy.validate(&block) self end # Merges [.option]-s, virtual attributes [.let] and [.validation]-s # from another model into the current one. # # @param [Evil::Client::Model] other # @return [self] # def extend(other) return super if other.instance_of? Module validate_model other extend_model other end # Model instance constructor # # @param [Hash] op Model options # @return [Evil::Client::Model] # def new(**op) op = Hash(op).transform_keys(&:to_sym) super(**op).tap { |item| in_english { policy[item].validate! } } end alias call new alias [] call private def in_english(&block) available_locales = Array I18n.available_locales I18n.available_locales = available_locales | %i[en] I18n.with_locale(:en, &block) ensure I18n.available_locales = available_locales end def validate_model(other) return if other.ancestors.include? Evil::Client::Model raise TypeError, "#{other} is not a subclass of Evil::Client::Model" end def extend_model(other) other.dry_initializer.options.each do |definition| option definition.source, **definition.options end other.lets.each { |key, block| let(key, &block) } other.policy.validators.each do |validator| policy.local_validators << validator end end end end end