Intro.configure do # switch intro status. all tours don't display if intro is disable. default: true # self.enable = true # class name of your User Modal, default: 'User' # self.user_class = 'User' # current_user method name in your controller, default: 'current_user' # self.current_user_method = 'current_user' # after user touches a tour more than max count, the tour doesn't display. default: 1 # self.max_touch_count = 1 # admin account for accessing backstage, default by SecureRandom#urlsafe_base64 self.admin_username = ENV['INTRO_APP_ADMIN_USERNAME'] || "<%= SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(5) %>" self.admin_password = ENV['INTRO_APP_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] || "<%= SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(20) %>" # admin_authenticate_account will override authenticate_acount process for backstage, it should return boolean # self.admin_authenticate_account = -> { current_user.try(:has_admin_role?) } # redirect to unauthenticated_admin_path if user is failed to authenticated, default: '/intro/admin/sessions/new' # self.unauthenticated_admin_path = '/login' # the path for sign out an admin, default: '/intro/admin/sessions/sign_out' # self.sign_out_admin_path = '/logout' # the storage of carrierwave, default: :file # self.carrierwave_storage = :file # cache tours status to reduce requests, default: false # use `Rails.cache` to store tours status, change `config.cache_store` for different strategies in environment # self.cache = true # display tour without signing in, default: false # self.visible_without_signing_in = true end