require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper.rb' module Spec module Mocks describe "failing MockArgumentMatchers" do before(:each) do @mock = mock("test mock") @reporter ="reporter", :null_object => true) end after(:each) do @mock.rspec_reset end it "should reject non boolean" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(boolean()) lambda do @mock.random_call("false") end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should reject non numeric" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(an_instance_of(Numeric)) lambda do @mock.random_call("1") end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should reject non string" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(an_instance_of(String)) lambda do @mock.random_call(123) end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should reject goose when expecting a duck" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(duck_type(:abs, :div)) lambda { @mock.random_call("I don't respond to :abs or :div") }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should fail if regexp does not match submitted string" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) lambda { @mock.random_call("abc") }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should fail if regexp does not match submitted regexp" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(/bcd/) lambda { @mock.random_call(/bcde/) }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should fail for a hash w/ wrong values" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(:a => "b", :c => "d") lambda do @mock.random_call(:a => "b", :c => "e") end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, /Mock 'test mock' expected :random_call with \(\{(:a=>\"b\", :c=>\"d\"|:c=>\"d\", :a=>\"b\")\}\) but received it with \(\{(:a=>\"b\", :c=>\"e\"|:c=>\"e\", :a=>\"b\")\}\)/) end it "should fail for a hash w/ wrong keys" do @mock.should_receive(:random_call).with(:a => "b", :c => "d") lambda do @mock.random_call("a" => "b", "c" => "d") end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, /Mock 'test mock' expected :random_call with \(\{(:a=>\"b\", :c=>\"d\"|:c=>\"d\", :a=>\"b\")\}\) but received it with \(\{(\"a\"=>\"b\", \"c\"=>\"d\"|\"c\"=>\"d\", \"a\"=>\"b\")\}\)/) end it "should match against a Matcher" do lambda do @mock.should_receive(:msg).with(equal(3)) @mock.msg(37) end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :msg with (equal 3) but received it with (37)") end it "should fail no_args with one arg" do lambda do @mock.should_receive(:msg).with(no_args) @mock.msg(37) end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :msg with (no args) but received it with (37)") end it "should fail hash_including with missing key" do lambda do @mock.should_receive(:msg).with(hash_including(:a => 1)) @mock.msg({}) end.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :msg with (hash_including(:a=>1)) but received it with ({})") end it "should fail with block matchers" do lambda do @mock.should_receive(:msg).with {|arg| arg.should == :received } @mock.msg :no_msg_for_you end.should raise_error(Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, /expected: :received.*\s*.*got: :no_msg_for_you/) end end end end