require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model do it "should have class method aliased as model" do Sequel::Model.instance_methods.collect{|x| x.to_s}.should include("model") model_a = be(model_a) end it "should be associated with a dataset" do model_a = { set_dataset MODEL_DB[:as] } model_a.dataset.should be_a_kind_of(MockDataset) model_a.dataset.opts[:from].should == [:as] model_b = { set_dataset MODEL_DB[:bs] } model_b.dataset.should be_a_kind_of(MockDataset) model_b.dataset.opts[:from].should == [:bs] model_a.dataset.opts[:from].should == [:as] end end describe Sequel::Model, "dataset & schema" do before do @model = end it "creates dynamic model subclass with set table name" do @model.table_name.should == :items end it "defaults to primary key of id" do @model.primary_key.should == :id end it "allow primary key change" do @model.set_primary_key :ssn @model.primary_key.should == :ssn end it "allows dataset change" do @model.set_dataset(MODEL_DB[:foo]) @model.table_name.should == :foo end it "set_dataset should take a symbol" do @model.db = MODEL_DB @model.set_dataset(:foo) @model.table_name.should == :foo end it "set_dataset should raise an error unless given a Symbol or Dataset" do proc{@model.set_dataset(}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "set_dataset should add the destroy method to the dataset" do ds = MODEL_DB[:foo] ds.should_not respond_to(:destroy) @model.set_dataset(ds) ds.should respond_to(:destroy) end it "sets schema with implicit table name" do @model.set_schema do primary_key :ssn, :string end @model.primary_key.should == :ssn @model.table_name.should == :items end it "sets schema with explicit table name" do @model.set_schema :foo do primary_key :id end @model.primary_key.should == :id @model.table_name.should == :foo end it "doesn't raise an error on set_dataset if there is an error raised getting the schema" do @model.meta_def(:get_db_schema){raise Sequel::Error} proc{@model.set_dataset(MODEL_DB[:foo])}.should_not raise_error end it "doesn't raise an error on inherited if there is an error setting the dataset" do @model.meta_def(:set_dataset){raise Sequel::Error} proc{}.should_not raise_error end end describe Sequel::Model, "#sti_key" do before do class ::StiTest < Sequel::Model def kind=(x); self[:kind] = x; end def refresh; end set_sti_key :kind end class ::StiTestSub1 < StiTest end class ::StiTestSub2 < StiTest end @ds = StiTest.dataset MODEL_DB.reset end it "should return rows with the correct class based on the polymorphic_key value" do def @ds.fetch_rows(sql) yield({:kind=>'StiTest'}) yield({:kind=>'StiTestSub1'}) yield({:kind=>'StiTestSub2'}) end StiTest.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [StiTest, StiTestSub1, StiTestSub2] end it "should fallback to the main class if polymophic_key value is NULL" do def @ds.fetch_rows(sql) yield({:kind=>nil}) end StiTest.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [StiTest] end it "should fallback to the main class if the given class does not exist" do def @ds.fetch_rows(sql) yield({:kind=>'StiTestSub3'}) end StiTest.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [StiTest] end it "should add a before_create hook that sets the model class name for the key" do MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO sti_tests (kind) VALUES ('StiTest')", "INSERT INTO sti_tests (kind) VALUES ('StiTestSub1')", "INSERT INTO sti_tests (kind) VALUES ('StiTestSub2')"] end it "should add a filter to model datasets inside subclasses hook to only retreive objects with the matching key" do StiTest.dataset.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM sti_tests" StiTestSub1.dataset.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM sti_tests WHERE (kind = 'StiTestSub1')" StiTestSub2.dataset.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM sti_tests WHERE (kind = 'StiTestSub2')" end end describe Sequel::Model, "constructor" do before(:each) do @m = @m.columns :a, :b end it "should accept a hash" do m = => 1, :b => 2) m.values.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2} m.should be_new end it "should accept a block and yield itself to the block" do block_called = false m = {|i| block_called = true; i.should be_a_kind_of(@m); i.values[:a] = 1} block_called.should be_true m.values[:a].should == 1 end end describe Sequel::Model, "new" do before(:each) do @m = do set_dataset MODEL_DB[:items] columns :x, :id end end it "should be marked as new?" do o = o.should be_new end it "should not be marked as new? once it is saved" do o = => 1) o.should be_new o.should_not be_new end it "should use the last inserted id as primary key if not in values" do d = @m.dataset def d.insert(*args) super 1234 end def d.first {:x => 1, :id => 1234} end o = => 1) == 1234 o = @m.load(:x => 1, :id => 333) == 333 end end describe Sequel::Model, ".subset" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @c = end specify "should create a filter on the underlying dataset" do proc {@c.new_only}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) @c.subset(:new_only) {:age < 'new'} @c.new_only.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (age < 'new')" @c.dataset.new_only.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (age < 'new')" @c.subset(:pricey) {:price > 100} @c.pricey.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (price > 100)" @c.dataset.pricey.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (price > 100)" @c.pricey.new_only.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((price > 100) AND (age < 'new'))" @c.new_only.pricey.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((age < 'new') AND (price > 100))" end end describe Sequel::Model, ".find" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = $cache_dataset_row = {:name => 'sharon', :id => 1} @dataset = @c.dataset $sqls = [] @dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) $sqls << sql yield $cache_dataset_row end }) end it "should return the first record matching the given filter" do @c.find(:name => 'sharon').should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (name = 'sharon') LIMIT 1" @c.find('abc%')).should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (name LIKE 'abc%') LIMIT 1" end specify "should accept filter blocks" do @c.find{:id > 1}.should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id > 1) LIMIT 1" @c.find {(:x > 1) & (:y < 2)}.should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((x > 1) AND (y < 2)) LIMIT 1" end end describe Sequel::Model, ".fetch" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = end it "should return instances of Model" do @c.fetch("SELECT * FROM items").first.should be_a_kind_of(@c) end it "should return true for .empty? and not raise an error on empty selection" do rows = @c.fetch("SELECT * FROM items WHERE FALSE") @c.class_def(:fetch_rows) {|sql| yield({:count => 0})} proc {rows.empty?}.should_not raise_error end end describe Sequel::Model, ".find_or_create" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do no_primary_key columns :x end end it "should find the record" do @c.find_or_create(:x => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (x = 1) LIMIT 1"] MODEL_DB.reset end it "should create the record if not found" do @c.meta_def(:find) do |*args| dataset.filter(*args).first nil end @c.find_or_create(:x => 1) MODEL_DB.sqls.should == [ "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (x = 1) LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)" ] end end describe Sequel::Model, ".delete_all" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do no_primary_key end @c.dataset.meta_def(:delete) {MODEL_DB << delete_sql} end it "should delete all records in the dataset" do @c.delete_all MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["DELETE FROM items"] end end describe Sequel::Model, ".destroy_all" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do no_primary_key end @c.dataset.meta_def(:delete) {MODEL_DB << delete_sql} end it "should delete all records in the dataset" do @c.dataset.meta_def(:destroy) {MODEL_DB << "DESTROY this stuff"} @c.destroy_all MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ["DESTROY this stuff"] end it "should call dataset.destroy" do @c.dataset.should_receive(:destroy).and_return(true) @c.destroy_all end end describe Sequel::Model, ".all" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do no_primary_key end @c.dataset.meta_def(:all) {1234} end it "should return all records in the dataset" do @c.all.should == 1234 end end class DummyModelBased < Sequel::Model(:blog) end describe Sequel::Model, "(:tablename)" do it "should allow reopening of descendant classes" do proc do eval "class DummyModelBased < Sequel::Model(:blog); end" end.should_not raise_error end end describe Sequel::Model, "A model class without a primary key" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = do columns :x no_primary_key end end it "should be able to insert records without selecting them back" do i = nil proc {i = @c.create(:x => 1)}.should_not raise_error i.class.should be(@c) i.values.to_hash.should == {:x => 1} MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (1)'] end it "should raise when deleting" do o = proc {o.delete}.should raise_error end it "should insert a record when saving" do o = => 2) o.should be_new MODEL_DB.sqls.should == ['INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES (2)'] end end describe Sequel::Model, "attribute accessors" do before do MODEL_DB.reset @dataset = def @dataset.columns; [:x, :y]; end @c = do def self.db_schema set_columns(Array(@columns)) @db_schema = {:x=>{}, :y=>{}} end def self.set_dataset(ds, opts={}) @columns = ds.columns db_schema end end end it "should be created on set_dataset" do %w'x y x= y='.each do |x| @c.instance_methods.collect{|y| y.to_s}.should_not include(x) end @c.set_dataset(@dataset) %w'x y x= y='.each do |x| @c.instance_methods.collect{|y| y.to_s}.should include(x) end o = %w'x y x= y='.each do |x| o.methods.collect{|y| y.to_s}.should include(x) end o.x.should be_nil o.x = 34 o.x.should == 34 end it "should be only accept one argument for the write accessor" do @c.set_dataset(@dataset) o = o.x = 34 o.x.should == 34 proc{o.send(:x=)}.should raise_error proc{o.send(:x=, 3, 4)}.should raise_error end end describe Sequel::Model, ".[]" do before(:each) do MODEL_DB.reset @c = $cache_dataset_row = {:name => 'sharon', :id => 1} @dataset = @c.dataset $sqls = [] @dataset.extend( { def fetch_rows(sql) $sqls << sql yield $cache_dataset_row end }) end it "should return the first record for the given pk" do @c[1].should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 1) LIMIT 1" @c[9999].should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (id = 9999) LIMIT 1" end it "should work correctly for custom primary key" do @c.set_primary_key :name @c['sharon'].should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should == "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (name = 'sharon') LIMIT 1" end it "should work correctly for composite primary key" do @c.set_primary_key [:node_id, :kind] @c[3921, 201].should be_a_kind_of(@c) $sqls.last.should =~ \ /^SELECT \* FROM items WHERE \((\(node_id = 3921\) AND \(kind = 201\))|(\(kind = 201\) AND \(node_id = 3921\))\) LIMIT 1$/ end end context "Model#inspect" do setup do @o = Sequel::Model.load(:x => 333) end specify "should include the class name and the values" do @o.inspect.should == '#<Sequel::Model @values={:x=>333}>' end end context "Model.db_schema" do setup do @c = do def self.columns; orig_columns; end end @dataset = @dataset.meta_def(:db){@db ||=} def @dataset.set_model(blah); end def @dataset.naked; self; end def @dataset.columns; []; end def @dataset.def_mutation_method(*names); end end specify "should use the database's schema_for_table and set the columns and dataset columns" do d = @dataset.db def d.schema(table, opts = {}) [[:x, {:type=>:integer}], [:y, {:type=>:string}]] end @c.dataset = @dataset @c.db_schema.should == {:x=>{:type=>:integer}, :y=>{:type=>:string}} @c.columns.should == [:x, :y] @c.dataset.instance_variable_get(:@columns).should == [:x, :y] end specify "should restrict the schema and columns for datasets with a :select option" do ds =, :y___z) d = ds.db def d.schema(table, opts = {}) [[:x, {:type=>:integer}], [:y, {:type=>:string}]] end def @c.columns; [:x, :z]; end @c.dataset = ds @c.db_schema.should == {:x=>{:type=>:integer}, :z=>{}} end specify "should not use schema_for_table if the dataset uses multiple tables or custom sql" do ds = @dataset.join(:x, :id) d = ds.db e = false d.meta_def(:schema){|table| e = true} def @c.columns; [:x]; end @c.dataset = ds @c.db_schema.should == {:x=>{}} e.should == false end specify "should fallback to fetching records if schema_for_table raises an error" do ds = @dataset.join(:x, :id) d = ds.db def d.schema(table) raise StandardError end def @c.columns; [:x]; end @c.dataset = ds @c.db_schema.should == {:x=>{}} end end context "Model.str_columns" do specify "should return the columns as frozen strings" do c = c.meta_def(:columns){[:a, :b]} c.orig_str_columns.should == %w'a b' proc{c.orig_str_columns.first << 'a'}.should raise_error end end