require "numru/gphys/gphys_netcdf_io" require "numru/gphys/gphys_grads_io" require "numru/gphys/gphys_grib_io" require "numru/gphys/gphys_nusdas_io" require "numru/gphys/gphys_gtool3_io" begin require "numru/gphys/gphys_hdfeos5_io" rescue LoadError end =begin =module NumRu::GPhys::IO A module to handle file IO regarding GPhys. Many of the functionality of this module is implemented in the modules for specific file types such as NumRu::GPhys::NetCDF_IO, to which this module directs operations. For example, ((', name)')) simply calls (('GPhys::*, name)')), where '(('*'))' is (('NetCDF')), (('GrADS')), or (('grib')). ==Module functions ---open(files, varname) ---write(file, gphys, name=nil) ---write_grid(file, grid_or_gphys) ---each_along_dims_write(gphyses, files, *loopdims){...} # a block is expected ---var_names(file) ---var_names_except_coordinates(file) See the manual of (('NumRu::GPhys::NetCDF_IO')) for the methods listed above. ---file2type(file) Figures out the file type supported in this module. ARGUMENTS * file (String, Regexp, NetCDF, Grib, or GrADS_Gridded) : What to return is of course obvious if it is NetCDF, Grib, or GrADS_Gridded. If it is a String, it is assumed to be a path of a file, and the file type is determined by its suffix when 'nc', 'ctl', or 'grib'; In other cases, the type is figured out by reading in a few bytes from the beginning. If Regexp, currently, a NetCDF is assumed, since only supports Regexp. RETURN VALUE * GPhys::IO::NETCDF, GPhys::IO::GRIB, or GPhys::IO::GRADS, which are string constants. ---file2specific_module(file) Same as (()), but returns GPhys::NetCDF_IO, GPhys::GrADS_IO, or GPhys::Grib_IO. ---file2file_class(file) Same as (()), but returns NetCDF, GrADS_Gridded, or Grib. ---parse_gturl(gturl) Parses GTOOL4-type URLs to specify path, variable name, and optionally subsets, whose format is (('path@varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]]')) ARGUMENTS * gturl (String) GTOOL4 URL, whose format is (('path@varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]]')) RETURN VALUES * An Array consisting of [file, var, slice, cut_slice, thinning], where * file (String) : path * var (String) : variable name * slice (Array) : subset specifier by the grid numbers to be used as (('GPhys#[slice]')). * cut_slice (Array) : subset specifier in physical coordinate to be used as (('GPhys#cut[cut_slice]')). * thinning (Array) : additional subset specifier for thinning with uniform intervals if needed to be used (('GPhys#[thinning]')) after appling (('GPhys#cut')). ---open_gturl(gturl) a GPhys constructor from a Gtool4-type URL. See (()) for its format. RETURN VALUE * a GPhys ---str2gphys(str) Open a GPhys from a slash("/")-separated String such as "" and "". * Aimed to help quick jobs with interactive sessions -- This method do not handle a GPhys across multiple files. * if the variable path is ommited such as "", try to find the variable in it -- read the file and if only one variable is found, assume that is the variable specified; otherwise, an exception is raised. * URL is accepted, but it's only thru NetCDF assuming OPeNDAP. ARGUMENTS * a String (file_path[/variable_path]) e.g. "", "", "http://.../" RETURN VALUE * a GPhys ==Module constants ---GTURLfmt The format of Gtool4URL. =end module NumRu class GPhys module IO module_function ## // module functions to be defined in specific IO modules --> def open(file, varname) file2specific_module(file)::open(file, varname) end def write(file, gphys, name=nil) file2specific_module(file)::write(file, gphys, name) end def write_grid(file, grid_or_gphys) # usually not needed (internally called by write) file2specific_module(file)::write_grid(file, grid_or_gphys) end def each_along_dims_write(gphyses, files, *loopdims, &block) files = [files] if !files.is_a?(Array) files.each do |fl| if fl.is_a?(NetCDF) NetCDF_Conventions.add_history(fl, "#{File.basename($0)}") end end IO_Common::each_along_dims_write(gphyses, files, loopdims, file2specific_module(files), &block) end ## <-- module functions to be defined in specific IO modules // ## // file type selctor --> NETCDF = "NETCDF" GRADS = "GRADS" GRIB = "GRIB" NUSDAS = "NUSDAS" He5 = "He5" GTOOL3 = "GTOOL3" @@iomdl = {NETCDF => GPhys::NetCDF_IO, GRADS => GPhys::GrADS_IO, GRIB => GPhys::Grib_IO, NUSDAS => GPhys::NuSDaS_IO, GTOOL3 => GPhys::Gtool3_IO} @@file_class = {NETCDF => NetCDF, GRADS => GrADS_Gridded, GRIB => Grib, NUSDAS => NuSDaS, GTOOL3 => Gtool3} @@nc_pattern = [/\.nc$/] @@grad_pattern = [/\.ctl$/] @@grib_pattern = [/\.grib$/, /\.grb$/] @@nus_pattern = [/\.nus$/] @@has_he5 = defined?(HE5) if @@has_he5 @@iomdl[He5] = GPhys::HE5_IO @@file_class [He5] = HE5 @@he5_pattern = [/\.he5$/] end def file2type(file) case file when Array, NArray return file2type(file[0]) # inspect the first element (ignoring the rest) when NetCDF return NETCDF when GrADS_Gridded return GRADS when Grib return GRIB when NuSDaS return NUSDAS when Gtool3 return GTOOL3 when Regexp return NETCDF # So far, only NetCDF_IO supports Regexp. when *@@nc_pattern return NETCDF when *@@grad_pattern return GRADS when *@@grib_pattern return GRIB when *@@nus_pattern return NUSDAS when String return NETCDF if /^http:\/\// =~ file # assume a DODS URL return nil unless File.exist?(file) return NETCDF if NetCDF_IO.is_a_NetCDF?(file) return GRADS if GrADS_IO.is_a_GrADS?(file) return GRIB if Grib_IO.is_a_Grib?(file) return NUSDAS if NuSDaS_IO.is_a_NuSDaS?(file) return GTOOL3 if Gtool3_IO.is_a_Gtool3?(file) end if @@has_he5 case file when HE5, HE5Sw return He5 when *@@he5_pattern return He5 when String return He5 if HE5_IO.is_a_HE5?(file) end end return nil end def file2specific_module(file) @@iomdl[ file2type(file) ] end def file2file_class(file) @@file_class[ file2type(file) ] end types = ['nc','grad','grib','nus','he5'] types.each{|c| eval <<-EOS def add_#{c}_pattern(*regexps) regexps.each{ |regexp| raise TypeError,"Regexp expected" unless Regexp===regexp @@#{c}_pattern.push(regexp) } nil end EOS } types.each{|c| eval <<-EOS def set_#{c}_pattern(*regexps) regexps.each{ |regexp| raise TypeError,"Regexp expected" unless Regexp===regexp } @@#{c}_pattern = regexps nil end EOS } ## <-- file type selctor // def var_names(file) file2specific_module(file).var_names(file) end def var_names_except_coordinates(file) file2specific_module(file).var_names_except_coordinates(file) end GTURLfmt = "path@varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]]" def parse_gturl(gturl) if /(.*)@(.*)/ =~ gturl file = $1 var = $2 else raise "invalid URL: '@' between path & variable is not found\n\n" + "URL format: " + GTURLfmt end if /,/ =~ var slice = cut_slice = thinning = var_descr = var.split(/,/) var = var_descr.shift var_descr.each do |s| if /(.*)=(.*)/ =~ s dimname = $1 subset = $2 case subset when /\^(.*):(.*):(.*)/ slice[dimname] = ($1.to_i)..($2.to_i) thinning[dimname] = {(0..-1) => $3.to_i} when /\^(.*):(.*)/ slice[dimname] = ($1.to_i)..($2.to_i) when /\^(.*)/ slice[dimname] = $1.to_i when /(.*):(.*):(.*)/ cut_slice[dimname] = ($1.to_f)..($2.to_f) thinning[dimname] = {(0..-1) => $3.to_i} when /(.*):(.*)/ cut_slice[dimname] = ($1.to_f)..($2.to_f) else cut_slice[dimname] = subset.to_f end else raise "invalid URL: variable subset specification error\n\n" + "URL format: " + GTURLfmt end end slice = nil if slice.length == 0 cut_slice = nil if cut_slice.length == 0 thinning = nil if thinning.length == 0 else slice = nil cut_slice = nil thinning = nil end [file, var, slice, cut_slice, thinning] end # def parse_gturl def open_gturl(gturl) file, var, slice, cut_slice, thinning = GPhys::IO.parse_gturl(gturl) gp =,var) gp = gp[slice] if slice gp = gp.cut(cut_slice) if cut_slice gp = gp[thinning] if thinning gp end # def open_gturl def str2gphys(str) case str when /^https?:\/\// file_tester ={|fname| rescue false} when file_tester ={|fname| File.exists?(fname)} end fname = str; vname = nil # initial value while fname if break else if /(.*)\/([^\/]+)/ =~ fname fname = $1 if vname.nil? vname = $2 else vname = $2 + "/" + vname end else raise "Not found: #{str}" end end end if vname.nil? vns = var_names_except_coordinates(fname) if vns.length==1 vname=vns.first else raise "#{str} has multiple variables #{vns.inspect}. Specify one." end end open(fname,vname) end end # module IO end # class GPhys end # module NumRu ###################################################### if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu puts "\n** test str2gphys **\n" p GPhys::IO.str2gphys("../../../testdata/") p GPhys::IO.str2gphys("../../../testdata/") exit puts "\n** test NETCDF **\n" file = "../../../testdata/" temp =,"T") p, temp.shape_current p temp.val.class temp2 = temp[true,true,2] p, temp2.shape_current temp_xmean = temp.average(0) p temp.val temp_edy = ( temp - temp_xmean ) p '###',,temp_edy.val[0,true,true] p 'deleted attributes:', - p '@@@',temp p '///',temp.copy p '+++',temp2 puts "\n** test write ( **" file2 = NetCDF.create('') p v = temp_edy.axis(0).pos[0..-2].copy.rename('lonlon') temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test',v) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon2')) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon3')[0..-2]) GPhys::IO.write(file2,temp_edy) file2.close file3 = NetCDF.create('') GPhys::IO.write(file2,temp_xmean) file3.close p '** test each_along_dims* **' f=NetCDF.create('') GPhys::IO.each_along_dims_write( temp, f, 1, 2 ){|sub| [sub.mean(0)] } f.close f=NetCDF.create('') GPhys::IO.each_along_dims_write([temp,temp_edy], f, "level"){|s1,s2| [s1.mean(0),s2.mean(1).rename('T_edy')] } f.close f=NetCDF.create('') GPhys::IO.write( f, temp.mean(0) ) f.close print `ncdump > tmpE0; ncdump > tmpE1 ; diff -u tmpE[01]` puts "\n** test GRADS (and write into NETCDF) **\n" file = "../../../testdata/T.jan.ctl" temp =,"T") p, temp.shape_current temp2 = temp[true,true,2,0] p, temp2.shape_current temp_xmean = temp.average(0) p temp.val temp_edy = ( temp - temp_xmean ) p '$$$',,temp_edy.val[0,true,true,0] p '@@@',temp p '///',temp.copy p '+++',temp2 puts "\n** test write ( **" require "numru/gphys/gphys_netcdf_io" file2 = NetCDF.create('') p v = temp_edy.axis(0).pos[0..-2].copy.rename('lonlon') temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test',v) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon2')) temp_edy.axis(0).set_aux('test2',(v/2).rename('lonlon3')[0..-2]) GPhys::IO.write(file2,temp_edy) file2.close file3 = NetCDF.create('') GPhys::IO.write(file2,temp_xmean) file3.close end