require 'sim_launcher' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'CFPropertyList' module Calabash module Cucumber module SimulatorHelper DERIVED_DATA = File.expand_path("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData") DEFAULT_DERIVED_DATA_INFO = File.expand_path("#{DERIVED_DATA}/*/info.plist") DEFAULT_SIM_WAIT = 15 MAX_PING_ATTEMPTS = 5 def self.relaunch(path, sdk = nil, version = 'iphone') app_bundle_path = app_bundle_or_raise(path) ensure_connectivity(app_bundle_path, sdk, version) end def self.stop simulator = simulator.quit_simulator end def self.derived_data_dir_for_project dir = project_dir xcode_workspace_name = '' info_plist = Dir.glob(DEFAULT_DERIVED_DATA_INFO).find { |plist_file| begin plist = => plist_file) hash = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) ws_dir = File.dirname(hash['WorkspacePath']).downcase p_dir = dir.downcase if (p_dir.include? ws_dir) xcode_workspace_name = ws_dir.split('/').last end ws_dir == p_dir rescue false end } if not info_plist.nil? return File.dirname(info_plist) else res = Dir.glob("#{dir}/*.xcodeproj") if res.empty? raise "Unable to find *.xcodeproj in #{dir}" elsif res.count > 1 raise "Unable to found several *.xcodeproj in #{dir}: #{res}" end xcode_proj_name = res.first.split(".xcodeproj")[0] xcode_proj_name = File.basename(xcode_proj_name) build_dirs = Dir.glob("#{DERIVED_DATA}/*").find_all do |xc_proj| File.basename(xc_proj).start_with?(xcode_proj_name) end if (build_dirs.count == 0 && !xcode_workspace_name.empty?) # check for directory named "workspace-{deriveddirectoryrandomcharacters}" build_dirs = Dir.glob("#{DERIVED_DATA}/*").find_all do |xc_proj| File.basename(xc_proj).downcase.start_with?(xcode_workspace_name) end end if (build_dirs.count == 0) msg = ["Unable to find your built app."] msg << "This means that Calabash can't automatically launch iOS simulator." msg << "Searched in Xcode 4.x default: #{DEFAULT_DERIVED_DATA_INFO}" msg << "" msg << "To fix there are a couple of options:\n" msg << "Option 1) Make sure you are running this command from your project directory, " msg << "i.e., the directory containing your .xcodeproj file." msg << "In Xcode, build your calabash target for simulator." msg << "Check that your app can be found in\n #{File.expand_path("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData")}" msg << "\n\nOption 2). In features/support/launch.rb set APP_BUNDLE_PATH to" msg << "the path where Xcode has built your Calabash target." msg << "Alternatively you can use the environment variable APP_BUNDLE_PATH.\n" raise msg.join("\n") elsif (build_dirs.count > 1) msg = ["Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH."] msg << "You have several projects with the same name: #{xcode_proj_name} in #{DERIVED_DATA}:\n" msg << build_dirs.join("\n") msg << "\nThis means that Calabash can't automatically launch iOS simulator." msg << "Searched in Xcode 4.x default: #{DEFAULT_DERIVED_DATA_INFO}" msg << "\nIn features/support/launch.rb set APP_BUNDLE_PATH to" msg << "the path where Xcode has built your Calabash target." msg << "Alternatively you can use the environment variable APP_BUNDLE_PATH.\n" raise msg.join("\n") else puts "Found potential build dir: #{build_dirs.first}" puts "Checking..." return build_dirs.first end end end def self.project_dir File.expand_path(ENV['PROJECT_DIR'] || Dir.pwd) end def self.app_bundle_or_raise(path) bundle_path = nil path = File.expand_path(path) if path if path and not puts "Unable to find .app bundle at #{path}. It should be an .app directory." dd_dir = derived_data_dir_for_project app_bundles = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "*", "*.app")) msg = "Try setting APP_BUNDLE_PATH in features/support/launch.rb to one of:\n\n" msg << app_bundles.join("\n") raise msg elsif path bundle_path = path else dd_dir = derived_data_dir_for_project sim_dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "*-iphonesimulator", "*.app")) if sim_dirs.empty? msg = ["Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH."] msg << "Have you built your app for simulator?." msg << "Searched dir: #{dd_dir}/Build/Products" msg << "Please build your app from Xcode" msg << "You should build the -cal target." msg << "" msg << "Alternatively, specify APP_BUNDLE_PATH in features/support/launch.rb" msg << "This should point to the location of your built app linked with calabash.\n" raise msg.join("\n") end preferred_dir = find_preferred_dir(sim_dirs) if preferred_dir.nil? msg = ["Error... Unable to find APP_BUNDLE_PATH."] msg << "Cannot find a built app that is linked with calabash.framework" msg << "Please build your app from Xcode" msg << "You should build your calabash target." msg << "" msg << "Alternatively, specify APP_BUNDLE_PATH in features/support/launch.rb" msg << "This should point to the location of your built app linked with calabash.\n" raise msg.join("\n") end puts("-"*37) puts "Auto detected APP_BUNDLE_PATH:\n\n" puts "APP_BUNDLE_PATH=#{preferred_dir || sim_dirs[0]}\n\n" puts "Please verify!" puts "If this is wrong please set it as APP_BUNDLE_PATH in features/support/launch.rb\n" puts("-"*37) bundle_path = sim_dirs[0] end bundle_path end def self.find_preferred_dir(sim_dirs) sim_dirs.find do |d| out = `otool "#{File.expand_path(d)}"/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` /CalabashServer/.match(out) end end def self.ensure_connectivity(app_bundle_path, sdk, version) begin timeout = (ENV['CONNECT_TIMEOUT'] || DEFAULT_SIM_WAIT).to_i max_ping = (ENV['MAX_PING_ATTEMPTS'] || MAX_PING_ATTEMPTS).to_i Timeout::timeout(timeout) do connected = false until connected simulator = launch(app_bundle_path, sdk, version) num_pings = 0 until connected or (num_pings == max_ping) begin connected = (ping_app == '405') post_connect_sleep = (ENV['POST_START_BREAK'] || "2").to_f sleep(post_connect_sleep) unless post_connect_sleep <= 0 server_version = get_version if server_version unless version_check(server_version) msgs = ["You're running an older version of Calabash server with a newer client", "Client:#{Calabash::Cucumber::VERSION}", "Server:#{server_version}", "Minimum server version #{Calabash::Cucumber::FRAMEWORK_VERSION}", "Update recommended:", "" ] raise msgs.join("\n") end else connected = false end rescue Exception => e p e if num_pings > 2 ensure num_pings += 1 sleep 1 unless connected end end end end rescue msg = "Unable to make connection to Calabash Server at #{ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265/"}\n" msg << "Make sure you've' linked correctly with calabash.framework and set Other Linker Flags.\n" msg << "See:" raise msg end end def self.launch(app_bundle_path, sdk, version) simulator = simulator.quit_simulator simulator.launch_ios_app(app_bundle_path, sdk, version) simulator end def self.ping_app url = URI.parse(ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265/") puts "Ping #{url}..." http =, url.port) res = http.start do |sess| sess.request url.path end status = res.code begin http.finish if http and http.started? rescue end status end def self.get_version endpoint = ENV['DEVICE_ENDPOINT']|| "http://localhost:37265" endpoint += "/" unless endpoint.end_with?"/" url = URI.parse("#{endpoint}version") puts "Fetch version #{url}..." begin body = Net::HTTP.get_response(url).body return JSON.parse(body) rescue end nil end def self.version_check(version) server_version = version["version"] Calabash::Cucumber::FRAMEWORK_VERSION == server_version end end end end